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更多 “问答题口试教师询问考生的出生地、职业、学业等情况” 相关考题
考题 单选题When the nurse talked to mum she thought mum was a ______.A nurseB visitorC patientD cleaner

考题 单选题When she took a mop from the small room what mum really wanted to do was ______.A to clean the floorB to please the nurseC to see a patientD to surprise the storyteller

考题 问答题Practice 2  阅读下面的对话,根据其内容写一篇有关the reception party的说明文。  要求:  1. 所写短文应与对话相关内容意义相符,涵盖其要点;  2. 用你自己的语言表达,可改写对话中的句子,但不可照抄原句。  注意:  1. 词数80词左右,开头已为你写好;  2. 请将短文直接写在答题卡上。  Peter: Excuse me, may I have some information about the reception party that you’re advertising outside?  Marry: What would you like to know about it?  Peter: Well, I’m not really sure what the purpose of the event is.  Marry: The party will provide students with a chance to get to know each other, and a chance for students who have successfully been through university to pass on some valuable advice.  Peter: Who’s organizing the event? It is the faculty or...  Marry: Actually, it is the students’ union that’s organizing this event.  Peter: I hope we don’t have to sit though a lot of boring speeches. What can they actually do to help a guy like me?  Marry: Grateful students hope that, by sharing their experiences with new students, they can help more students to successfully graduate.  Peter: But will we have any time for some fun at this party?  Marry: In most of the time students can eat, dance and sing, so do not worry. However, some valuable words from the former students should not be missed.  Peter: You’ve got a point. They are successful stories if they’ve managed to survive university life. I hear about only half of all students who start university actually finish it.  Marry: And besides that. There’s another reason to go.  Peter: What’s that?  Marry: The pie there is delicious. I know since I’m the one who will be making it.  Peter: That’s great! I am looking forward to the party. Thank you.  Marry: Not at all. May you have a good time!  The reception party is organized by the student’s union.

考题 单选题From the first paragraph we can infer that in the US schools ______.A students enjoy shootingB students are eager to be soldiersC safety is a problemD students can make guns

考题 单选题At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall?A 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00.B 8:30; 9:30; 10:30; 11:30.C 8:30; 9:00; 9:30; 10:00.D 8:00; 9:30; 11:00; 12:30.

考题 填空题1____

考题 单选题What is the text about?A Advertisements are the most important part in newspapers.B It introduces newspapers past and today and its contents.C There is a lot of useful information on newspapers.D People like newspapers very much.

考题 填空题3____

考题 单选题The main idea of Paragraph Three is that ______.A most people feel life is easyB the writer feels life is easyC the writer likes to complain about his problemsD most people complain about how hard their lives are

考题 问答题Passage 1  Many visitors (1)______ Britain are not fond of English food. They are often heard (2)______ ,"English food is not good, English cooking is (3)______" But they do not really know what they are talking about because they (4)______ get a chance to eat it. (5)______ of the restaurants in large towns have foreign (6)______ and serve foreign food. When visitors are (7)______ to eat in an English home, the hosts often feel they must offer them something (8)______. Those of us (9)______ do know English food understand that at its best it (10)______ be really very good. (11)______, it is true to say that it is (12)______ terrible. Part of the (13)______ is that we are not really interested in food — we eat to live, we do not live to eat. So usually we do not (14)______ the necessary time cooking truly good meals. We like food that is simple and (15)______ to cook, or already prepared food which only needs heating up (16)______ eating.  You can find the best English food in the country (17)______ the large towns, (18)______ life is slower and people are not in such a hurry. (19)______, of course, most visitors who come to London do not come because (20)______ food.1. A. in         B. at        C. to         D. of2. A. saying       B. asking      C. telling      D. talking3. A. wonderful     B. nice       C. terrible      D. special4. A. always       B. never       C. seldom       D. often5. A. Many        B. Most       C. All        D. None6. A. visitors      B. owners      C. waiters      D. guests7. A. invited      B. made       C. offered       D. asked8. A. different      B. usual       C. foreign      D. delicious9. A. whom        B. who        C. whose       D. which10. A. should       B. must       C. may        D. can11. A. At the same time B. On the other hand C. For example     D. In another word12. A. some time     B. sometime     C. sometimes     D. some times13. A. problem      B. question     C. answer       D. time14. A. take        B. waste       C. spend        D. have15. A. hard        B. hardly      C. easy        D. easily16. A. when        B. before      C. after       D. while17. A. near        B. inside      C. around       D. away from18. A. when        B. where       C. which       D. that19. A. But        B. And        C. So         D. If20. A. on        B. in         C. of         D. to

考题 填空题10____