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In Saussure’s view, a sign is just like a coin. It has two sides. One is the signifier, the other is called the _____.









索绪尔认为语言是一种符号系统,符号由“能指”(signifiant, signifier)和“所指”(signifie, signified)两部分组成。“能指”指语言的声音形象,“所指”指语言所反映的事物的概念。
更多 “单选题In Saussure’s view, a sign is just like a coin. It has two sides. One is the signifier, the other is called the _____.A significantB signifiedC signD index” 相关考题
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考题 若给fun函数的形参s传送字符串:"]]6354abcc" (其中]表示空格字符),则函数的返回值是【19】。#include ctype.hlong fun(char s[]){long n;int sign;for(;isspace(*s);s++);sign=(*s==′-′)?-1:1;if(*s==′+′||*s==′-′)s++;for(n=0;isdigit(*s);s++)n=10*n+(*s-′0′);return sign*n;}

考题 Helen’s husband is Mark. Mark and Helen have got two children: a son and a daughter. The son’s name is Andrew and the daughter’s name is Joyce. Joyce has got two children, a son and a daughter. So Helen and Mark have got two grandchildren. Helen’s granddaughter’s name is Pam and her grandson’s name is Dan. Andrew isn’t married and he hasn’t got any children. Pam and Dan like playing on the computer with their uncle. Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law, Tom.1.Andrew is Dan’s uncle. ()A.RightB.Wrong2.Mark is Dan’s father. ()A.RightB.Wrong3.Tom is Dan’s grandfather. ()A.RightB.Wrong4.Joyce is Tom’s wife. ()A.RightB.Wrong5.Pam is Andrew’s niece. ()A.RightB.Wrong

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考题 Man: That's a beautiful hat you have on!Woman: _______.A、Actually,I don't like it very muchB、Yes,I think soC、Oh,thank you.I just got it yesterdayD、No,it's not that beautiful.Yours is better

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考题 若给fun函数的形参s传送字符串:"abc-6354abc",则函数的返回值是( )。(字符串中包括空格)long fun(char S[]){long n;int sign;for(;isspace(*s)||islower(*s);s++);sign=(*s=='-')?-1:1;if(*s=='+'||*s=='-')s++;for(n=0;isdigit(*s);s++)n=10*n+(*S-'0');return sign*n;}

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考题 tony would like to make it easier for users of the video application to enter new doc using the “video form”, he’d like users to be able to create new “video” doc form within the view. Which one of the following should tony so to build this interface?()A、create a view action that has the following formula:@command([create];”video”)B、create a form action that has the following formula:@command([compose];”video”)C、create a view action that has the following formula:@command([compose];”video”)D、create a database action that has the following formula:@command([compose];”video”)

考题 多选题class A {  A() { }  }  class B extends A {  }  Which two statements are true?()AClass B’s constructor is public.BClass B’s constructor has no arguments.CClass B’s constructor includes a call to this().DClass B’s constructor includes a call to super().

考题 单选题How does the writer like what he saw in Shanghai that day?A He thinks it’s OK.B He thinks it’s wrong.C He has no idea of it.D He doesn’t mention it

考题 单选题John: Hello! This is John speaking.  Susan: Good evening, John. This is Susan.  John: How nice to hear you! Are you ready yet, Susan?  Susan: Yes, I am. By the way, ______   John: Just now the weather report said it’s going to rain.A can you tell me the weather tomorrow?B what should the weather be like tomorrow?C do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow?D how’s the weather like tomorrow?

考题 单选题1 immediately______Luke's father from the crowd because they two looked like each other so much.A researchedB recognizedC reportedD reduced

考题 单选题A customer would like to implement an IBM System Storage DS8000 solution. A Capacity Magic study has determined that 500 drives of 450 GB are required to meet the customer’s capacity requirements. Limited space is available for additional systems in the data center.  Which solution  best meets the customer’s requirements()A DS8800 system with three framesB DS8800 system with one frameC DS8700 system with two framesD DS8800 system with two frames

考题 单选题Which of the following is correct according to the passage you have just heard?A Microsoft has been through a bruising battle with antitrust regulators.B Mr. Gates’s position as the industry’s figurehead has been challenged.C The computer industry is currently having a hard time.D Mr. Gates has earned 870 billion US dollars over the last two decades.

考题 单选题Saussure took a(n) ()view of language, while Chomsky looks at language from a ()point of view.A sociological…psychologicalB psychological…sociologicalC applied…pragmaticD semantic…linguistic

考题 单选题—Is that Kate’s car?—It ______ be hers. She has just gone for a meeting.A can’tB shouldC mustn’tD mayn’t