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This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of().









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更多 “单选题This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of().A urgencyB emergencyC immediacyD crisis” 相关考题
考题 What type of extinguisher should be used for an electric fire? ________A.CO2B.FormC.WaterD.Water and Form

考题 Recharging a previously used cartridgeoperated drychemical extinguisher is accomplished by______.A.authorized fire equipment servicing personnel onlyB.replacing the propellent cartridge and refilling with powderC.puncturing the cartridge seal after installationD.recharging the cartridge and refilling it with powder

考题 ______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.A.dry chemical or foamB.foam or soda acidC.carbon dioxide or foamD.carbon dioxide or dry chemical

考题 A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be recharged ______.A.at least annuallyB.whenever it is below its required weightC.only if the extinguisher has been usedD.before every safety inspection

考题 A high-velocity fog stream can be used in fire fighting situations to drive heat and smoke ahead of the fire fighters in a passageway. This technique should only be used when ______.A.using a 2-1/2 inch hoseB.there is an outlet for the smoke and heatC.the fire is totally contained by the ship’s structureD.at least two fog streams can be used

考题 This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of().AurgencyBemergencyCimmediacyDcrisis

考题 This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of()A、urgencyB、crisisC、immediacyD、emergency

考题 This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of().A、urgencyB、emergencyC、immediacyD、crisis

考题 A fire extinguisher is used for ()fires.A、stoppingB、putting outC、puttingD、finishing

考题 关闭所有防火门并使用干粉灭火器。()A、Close all fire doors and use the dry powder extinguisher.B、Close all fire doors and use the foam extinguisher.C、Close all fire doors and use the CO2 extinguisher.D、Close all fire rooms and use the dry powder extinguisher.

考题 单选题On a class B fire,which portable fire extinguisher would be the LEAST desirable?()A Carbon dioxideB Water (stored pressure)C Dry chemicalD Foam

考题 单选题关闭所有防火门并使用干粉灭火器。()A Close all fire doors and use the dry powder extinguisher.B Close all fire doors and use the foam extinguisher.C Close all fire doors and use the CO2 extinguisher.D Close all fire rooms and use the dry powder extinguisher.

考题 单选题A foam-type portable fire extinguisher is most useful in fighting a fire in().A generatorsB oil drumsC the bridge controlsD combustible metals

考题 单选题A high-velocity fog stream can be used in fire fighting situations to drive heat and smoke ahead of the fire fighters in a passageway. This technique should only be used when().A using a 2-1/2 inch hoseB there is an outlet for the smoke and heatC the fire is totally contained by the ship's structureD at least two fog streams can be used

考题 单选题A fire extinguisher is used for ()fires.A stoppingB putting outC puttingD finishing

考题 单选题Which portable fire extinguisher should be used on a class C fire on board a vessel?()A Carbon dioxideB Water (stored pressure)C FoamD Carbon tetrachloride

考题 单选题A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be recharged().A at least annuallyB whenever it is below its required weightC only if the extinguisher has been usedD before every safety inspection

考题 单选题The type of extinguisher which should be used for an electricity fire is().A foam or soda acidB dry chemical or foamC carbon dioxide or dry chemicalD carbon dioxide or foam

考题 单选题Recharging a previously used cartridge-operated dry-chemical extinguisher is accomplished by().A authorized fire equipment servicing personnel onlyB replacing the propellent cartridge and refilling with powderC puncturing the cartridge seal after installationD recharging the cartridge and refilling it with powder

考题 单选题A portable foam (stored-pressure type) fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in().A generatorsB oil drumsC the bridgeD combustible metals

考题 单选题Due to the hazards involved with Halon extinguishers on a ship,the size II extinguisher may only be used().A outsideB on class C firesC in an emergencyD on class B fires

考题 单选题Which one might be used most likely in case of a fire?()A lifejacketB SCBAC lifeboatD torch

考题 单选题When fighting a fire with a portable dry chemical fire extinguisher,the stream should be directed().A over the top of the flamesB off a bulkhead into the fireC in front of the fireD at the base of the fire

考题 单选题What is the best title for this passage?A The Dangers of a Fire.B The Cause of a Fire.C Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.D Be Ready for a Fire.

考题 单选题This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of()A urgencyB crisisC immediacyD emergency

考题 单选题(),as the chemical extinguisher agent,should be used for an electric fire.A dry chemical or foamB foam or soda acidC carbon dioxide or foamD carbon dioxide or dry chemical

考题 单选题If a CO2 fire extinguisher is not readily available, which of the listed fire extinguishers would be best suited to combat a small electrical fire in a switchboard?()A Dry chemicalB HalonC Low velocity fogD Steam

考题 单选题Fire in the cabins. Close all fire doors and use the ()powder extinguisher.A dryB wetC foamD portable