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Who wrote “Little Women”?

Charles Dodgson.


Edwards Lear.


Samuel Clemens.


Louisa May Alcott.


本题是细节题。文章第二段提到:Louisa May Alcott wrote “Little Women”,所以答案为D。
更多 “单选题Who wrote “Little Women”?A Charles Dodgson.B Edwards Lear.C Samuel Clemens.D Louisa May Alcott.” 相关考题
考题 单选题Diplomatic misunderstandings can often be traced back to blunders in translation.A mistakes B feats C evaluations D duplicates

考题 问答题The relationship between politicians and the press  In the seaside town of Brighton in southern England the ruling Labour Party’s annual conference is getting underway. It’s a time for both Mps and grassroots members to take stock of how the party is doing, to discuss policy and to hear, hopefully inspiring speeches. The party delegates will be hoping too for plenty of coverage from the media assembled there.  Newspapers in Britain have long had great influence over Governments, much to the resentment of the politicians. Almost seventy-five years ago, the then Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin accused the two big press barons, Lords Beaverbrook and Rothermere, of running their papers as “engines of propaganda” for the “personal wishes and personal dislikes of two men”. He famously accused them of seeking “power without responsibility—the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.” It’s hard to imagine the current Prime Minister Tony Blair attacking the tabloid press so publicly.  The former editor of the Daily Mirror Piers Morgan claimed earlier this year that he met the Labour leader no fewer than fifty-eight times for lunches, dinners or interviews, a statistic which astonished many in Government and the media, who thought a party leader and Prime Minister should have had better ways to spend his time. But Tony Blair has good reason to court the press. In Britain, Labour, left-of-centre governments, have always had problems with national newspapers, most of whose owners traditionally supported the right-of-centre Conservative Party. This came to a head on Election Day in 1992 when Labour seemed set to win power for the first time in eighteen years.  In those days, Britain’s biggest-selling daily paper, the sun, part of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, was no friend of Labour, indeed it had been Margaret Thatcher’s biggest cheerleader. That morning, on its front page, it depicted the bald head of the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock as a light bulb. Alongside ran the headline: “If Kinnock wins today, will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights?” Labour lost. By the next election, Tony Blair was the party’s leader and determined to win over, or at least neutralize, The Sun and its owner. He succeeded, moving the Labor Party towards the center ground, and gaining The Sun’s endorsement at the last three elections.  Once in Government, Labour played hardball with the media, relishing its power, and aware that if it did not take charge of the agenda, the media would. Its key figure was the former political editor of the Daily Mirror, Alasdair Campbell, who took charge not just of the Prime Minister’s press office but all government press officers, trying to ensure the Government spoke with one voice. Journalists who reported favorably were given privileged access; those who didn’t were frozen out.  Mr. Blair maintained his close links with R Murdoch and his newspapers; doing everything he could to maintain their support. Lance Price claims in his diaries that the Government assured the tycoon and his editors that it wouldn’t change its policy on Europe without asking them.

考题 单选题The mass production of goods from the Industrial Revolution in the 1800’s made person-to-person selling less efficient than mass distribution.A influential B effective C sensible D frequent

考题 问答题随着社会主义市场经济的逐步完善,中国大多数企业的社会责任意识也在不断增强。它们恪守诚信,合法经营,努力为国内外消费者提供高质量的商品,注重节约,保护环境,努力履行社会义务。一些企业还主动发布社会责任报告,公开履行社会责任状况,自觉接受社会监督。当然,受经济发展水平和发展阶段的制约,中国经济增长方式还比较粗放,能源资源消耗多,环境保护压力大,少数企业还存在一些片面追求经济效益、忽视社会责任的行为。  企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。

考题 单选题______A noiseB misfortuneC panicD fear