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The majority of the current population in the UK are decedents of all the following tribes respectively EXCEPT _____.

the Anglos


the Celts


the Jutes


the Saxons


现在的英国人主要是the Anglos和the Saxons的后代,部分是the Celts的后代。The Jutes在后来的同化过程中逐渐消亡了。
更多 “单选题The majority of the current population in the UK are decedents of all the following tribes respectively EXCEPT _____.A the AnglosB the CeltsC the JutesD the Saxons” 相关考题
考题 The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S. ________.[A] are resistant to homogenization[B] exert a great influence on American culture[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture[D] constitute the majority of the population

考题 If you are staying in the UK for more than 6 months, it may be useful to open a UK bank account. There are a lot of advantages of having a UK current (checking) account:Paying billsMany landlords prefer to collect rent directly from a bank account.You may be able to obtain cheaper services if you pay bills directly from a bank account,e. g. telephone, gas/water/electricity.If you are given a chequebook, you can also write cheques as a safe way of paying for things.CashYou can easily obtain money from cash machines,or pay directly from your account using a debit card(借记卡).Saving moneyIt is generally cheaper to use a UK account than it is to pay by credit card(信用卡)or withdraw (提取) cash from a foreign bank.EmploymentIf you work in the UK,some employers require you to have a bank account so that you can get your pay.Advantages of UK Current AccountPaying bills: 1) to pay rent directly from ①2) to obtain ② services3) to pay for things with cheques safelyCash:1)to obtain money from ③ easily21 to pay directly from your accountSaving money:cheaper to use a ④ accountEmployment:to get your ⑤ through a bank account

考题 线路发生两相短路时,短路点处正序电压与负序电压的关系为()。 A.UK1>UK2B.UK1=UK2C.UK1<UK2

考题 About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in the UK attend _____. A.independent schoolsB.junior schoolsC.independent schoolsD.primary schools

考题 The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S.A.are resistant to homogenization. B.exert a great influence on American culture. C.are hardly a threat to the common culture. D.constitute the majority of the population.

考题 By the middle of the 21st century,the vast majority of the world‘s population will be living in cities _______ in the country. A. other than B. more than C. better than D. rather than

考题 请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。 Passage 1 Jatenderpal Singh Bhullar, 25, is a guardsman in Britain. On Dec 11, 2012, he became the first Indian soldier to parade outside Buckingham Palace. He said wearing a turban instead of the famous bearskin was "the best moment of his life". The historical day came as the UK's 2011 census was published. It shows nearly one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign-born. The increase in the number of immigrants in the country is especially obvious in London. For the first time in history fewer than half the population of London described themselves as "White British". The top source of new immigrants to the country is India. Many other immigrants are from Poland, Pakistan, Ireland and Germany. One major reason for the explosion in the foreign-born population is the accession of 12 countries in the central and eastern Europe to the EU, giving them the right to live and work in the UK, said the office for National statistics, which was responsible for the census. For many immigrants the UK tends to be a good place for life and work. Kissy Meyer, 25,moved to Nottingham from Germany in 2007. "The UK is a great place to live because everyone is so sociable. Apart from the heavy drinking, I love the outgoing lifestyle." She told The Sun. The census results also suggested the English language could be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society. In 91 percent of households, English is the main language spoken. However, in four percent of British families, no one is brought up speaking English. "Britain needs to do more to help integrate its immigrant population," the Labor leader Ed Miliband said in a speech in London on Dec 14, 2012. The future labor government would make proficiency in the English language a key priority,seeking to achieve what he calls a "connected nation" rather than a "segregated one". "We can only converse if we can speak the same language, so if we are going to build one nation, we need to start with everyone in Britain knowing how to speak English," he said. It can be inferred that the guardsmen who parade outside Buckingham Palace__________. 查看材料 A.are mostly foreign-born B.are all "White British" C.should not wear a turban D.usually should wear bearskins

考题 请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。 Passage 1 Jatenderpal Singh Bhullar, 25, is a guardsman in Britain. On Dec 11, 2012, he became the first Indian soldier to parade outside Buckingham Palace. He said wearing a turban instead of the famous bearskin was "the best moment of his life". The historical day came as the UK's 2011 census was published. It shows nearly one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign-born. The increase in the number of immigrants in the country is especially obvious in London. For the first time in history fewer than half the population of London described themselves as "White British". The top source of new immigrants to the country is India. Many other immigrants are from Poland, Pakistan, Ireland and Germany. One major reason for the explosion in the foreign-born population is the accession of 12 countries in the central and eastern Europe to the EU, giving them the right to live and work in the UK, said the office for National statistics, which was responsible for the census. For many immigrants the UK tends to be a good place for life and work. Kissy Meyer, 25,moved to Nottingham from Germany in 2007. "The UK is a great place to live because everyone is so sociable. Apart from the heavy drinking, I love the outgoing lifestyle." She told The Sun. The census results also suggested the English language could be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society. In 91 percent of households, English is the main language spoken. However, in four percent of British families, no one is brought up speaking English. "Britain needs to do more to help integrate its immigrant population," the Labor leader Ed Miliband said in a speech in London on Dec 14, 2012. The future labor government would make proficiency in the English language a key priority,seeking to achieve what he calls a "connected nation" rather than a "segregated one". "We can only converse if we can speak the same language, so if we are going to build one nation, we need to start with everyone in Britain knowing how to speak English," he said. The 2011 census results show that__________. 查看材料 A.more than one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign-born B.half the population of London described themselves as "White British" C.English can be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society D.only in four percent of British families, children are brought up speaking English

考题 请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。 Passage 1 Jatenderpal Singh Bhullar, 25, is a guardsman in Britain. On Dec 11, 2012, he became the first Indian soldier to parade outside Buckingham Palace. He said wearing a turban instead of the famous bearskin was "the best moment of his life". The historical day came as the UK's 2011 census was published. It shows nearly one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign-born. The increase in the number of immigrants in the country is especially obvious in London. For the first time in history fewer than half the population of London described themselves as "White British". The top source of new immigrants to the country is India. Many other immigrants are from Poland, Pakistan, Ireland and Germany. One major reason for the explosion in the foreign-born population is the accession of 12 countries in the central and eastern Europe to the EU, giving them the right to live and work in the UK, said the office for National statistics, which was responsible for the census. For many immigrants the UK tends to be a good place for life and work. Kissy Meyer, 25,moved to Nottingham from Germany in 2007. "The UK is a great place to live because everyone is so sociable. Apart from the heavy drinking, I love the outgoing lifestyle." She told The Sun. The census results also suggested the English language could be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society. In 91 percent of households, English is the main language spoken. However, in four percent of British families, no one is brought up speaking English. "Britain needs to do more to help integrate its immigrant population," the Labor leader Ed Miliband said in a speech in London on Dec 14, 2012. The future labor government would make proficiency in the English language a key priority,seeking to achieve what he calls a "connected nation" rather than a "segregated one". "We can only converse if we can speak the same language, so if we are going to build one nation, we need to start with everyone in Britain knowing how to speak English," he said. Which statement about Kissy Mayer is TRUE? 查看材料 A.She loved the lifestyle in the UK. B.She was a journalist of The Sun. C.She moved from Nottingham in 2007. D.She thought everyone in the UK is too sociable.

考题 根据下面资料,回答 Jatenderpal Singh Bhullar,25, is a guardsman in Britain. On Dec. I 1,2012, he became the first Indian soldier to parade outside Buckingham Palace. He said wearing a turban instead of the famous bearskin was "the best moment of his life". The historical day came as the UK′s 2011 census was published. It shows nearly one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign born. The increase in the number of immigrants in the country is especially obvious in London. For the first time in history fewer than half the population of London described themselves as "White British". The top source of new immigrants to the country is India. Many other immigrants are from Poland, Pakistan, Ireland and Germany. One major reason for the explosion in the foreign-born population is the accession of 12 countries in the central and eastern Europe to the EU, giving them the right to live and work in the UK, said the office for National statistics, which was responsible for the census. For many immigrants the UK tends to be a good place for life and work. Kissy Meyer,25, moved to Nottingham from Germany in 2007. "The UK is a great place to live because everyone is so sociable. Apart from the heavy drinking, I love the outgoing lifestyle." She told The Sun. The census results also suggested the English language could be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society. In 91 percent of households, English is the main language spoken. However, in four percent of British families, no one is brought up speaking English. "Britain needs to do more to help integrate its immigrant population," the Labor leader Ed Miliband said in a speech in London on Dec 14,2012. The future labor government would make proficiency in the English language a key priority, seeking to achieve what he calls a "connected nation" rather than a "segregated one". "We can only converse if we can speak the same language, so if we are going to build one nation, we need to start with everyone in Britain knowing how to speak English," he said. The writer′ s attitude towards the help to make immigrants speak English is ___________.A.negative B.neutral C.positive D.biased

考题 根据下面资料,回答 Jatenderpal Singh Bhullar,25, is a guardsman in Britain. On Dec. I 1,2012, he became the first Indian soldier to parade outside Buckingham Palace. He said wearing a turban instead of the famous bearskin was "the best moment of his life". The historical day came as the UK′s 2011 census was published. It shows nearly one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign born. The increase in the number of immigrants in the country is especially obvious in London. For the first time in history fewer than half the population of London described themselves as "White British". The top source of new immigrants to the country is India. Many other immigrants are from Poland, Pakistan, Ireland and Germany. One major reason for the explosion in the foreign-born population is the accession of 12 countries in the central and eastern Europe to the EU, giving them the right to live and work in the UK, said the office for National statistics, which was responsible for the census. For many immigrants the UK tends to be a good place for life and work. Kissy Meyer,25, moved to Nottingham from Germany in 2007. "The UK is a great place to live because everyone is so sociable. Apart from the heavy drinking, I love the outgoing lifestyle." She told The Sun. The census results also suggested the English language could be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society. In 91 percent of households, English is the main language spoken. However, in four percent of British families, no one is brought up speaking English. "Britain needs to do more to help integrate its immigrant population," the Labor leader Ed Miliband said in a speech in London on Dec 14,2012. The future labor government would make proficiency in the English language a key priority, seeking to achieve what he calls a "connected nation" rather than a "segregated one". "We can only converse if we can speak the same language, so if we are going to build one nation, we need to start with everyone in Britain knowing how to speak English," he said. The 2011 census results show that___________.A.more than one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign-born B.half the population of London described themselves as "White British" C.English can be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society D.only in four percent of British families, children are brought up speaking English

考题 LA1A3330 两相故障时,故障点的正序电压UK1与负序电压UK2的关系为( )。(A)UK1 >UK2(B)UK1 =UK2(C)UK1 <UK2(D)UK1 =UK2=0

考题 The House Speaker and the temporary President of the Senate are usually()Aelected by the majority partyBchosen from the majority and minority partiesCmembers of the majority partyDchosen freely from the Congressmen and Senators

考题 Australia is a nation of immigrants because the overwhelming majority of the Australian population are().AwhiteBmiddle class peopleCtourists from other countriesDimmigrants or their descendants

考题 线路发生两相短路时,短路点处正序电压与负序电压的关系为()。A、UK1UK2B、UK1=UK2C、UK1UK2D、不确定

考题 两相故障时,故障点的正序电压UK1与负序电压UK2的关系为()。A、UK1>UK2;B、UK1=UK2;C、UK1<UK2;D、UK1=UK2=0。

考题 电子银行UK证书补发是指不更换客户的UK,只重置UK内的电子银行证书。

考题 当变压器负载的性质一定时,电压调整率△U%与阻抗电压UK*的关系是()。A、UK*越小△U%越小B、UK*越大△U%也越大C、△U%与UK*无关

考题 线路发生两相短路时,短路点处正序电压与负序电压的关系为()A、UK1UK2B、UK1=UK2C、UK1D、UK1≤UK2

考题 线路发生两相短路时,短路点处正序电压与负序电压的关系是()。A、UK1=UK2B、UK1>UK2C、UK1<UK2D、不确定

考题 问答题Directions:In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1 - 5 are based on the following passage.The United Kingdom  Britain (or Great Britain) is an island that lies off the north-west coast of Europe. The nearest country is France, which is 20 miles away and from which Britain is separated by the English Channel. The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the east. It comprises the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland, that is, three countries. Scotland is in the north, while Wales is in the west. Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Britain. It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Britain together with Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom (UK). Thus, the United Kingdom is composed of four countries, the largest of which is England. The capital city is London, which is situated in south-east England.  The UK has a total area of about 244,100 square kilometres (94,248 square miles). About 70% of the land area is devoted to agriculture, about 7% is wasteland, moorland and mountains, about 13% is devoted to urban development, and 10% is forest and woodland. The northern and western regions of Britain, that is Scotland and Wales, are mainly mountainous and hilly. Parts of the north-west and centre of England also consist of mountains and hills.  Britain has a generally mild and temperate climate. It is, however, subject to frequent changes. It has an average annual rainfall of about 120 centimetres (47 inches).  In 1998 the population of the United Kingdom was nearly 59 million. The density of population was approximately 240 people per square kilometre. However, in England, where 83% of the population live, the density was much higher, about 363 per square kilometre.  In the UK, English is the first language of the vast majority of people. However, in western Wales, Welsh is the first language for many of the people. In Scotland only a small number of people speak Gaelic.  In Britain about 66% of the population say that they are Christian, while fewer than 5% say that they belong to other religions.  Summary:  Britain is an island that  1 the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It comprises the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland. Ireland  2 the west coast of Britain. I  3 Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The United Kingdom consists of Britain together with Northern Ireland. The capital city is London which  4 outh-east England.In 1998 the population of the UK was nearly 59 million. The density of population was 240 people per square kilometre. In the UK English is the first language of most people. In western Wales, Welsh  5 many of the people, but few people in Scotland speak Gaelic.

考题 单选题Australia is a nation of immigrants because the overwhelming majority of the Australian population are().A whiteB middle class peopleC tourists from other countriesD immigrants or their descendants

考题 问答题Practice 1  Britain (or Great Britain) is an island that lies off the north-west coast of Europe. The nearest country is France, which is 20 miles away and from which Britain is separated by the English Channel. The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the east. 1______ Scotland is in the north, while Wales is in the west. Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Britain. It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Britain together with Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom (UK). Thus, the United Kingdom is composed of four countries, the largest of which is England. The capital city is London, which is situated in south-east England.  2______ About 70% of the land area is devoted to agriculture, about 7% is wasteland, moorland and mountains, about 13% is devoted to urban development, and 10% is forest and woodland. The northern and western regions of Britain, that is Scotland and Wales, are mainly mountainous and hilly. 3______  Britain has a generally mild and temperate climate. It is, however, subject to frequent changes. It has an average annual rainfall of about 120 centimetres (47 inches).  4______ The density of population was approximately 240 people per square kilometre. However, in England, where 83% of the population live, the density was much higher, about 363 per square kilometre.  5______ However, in western Wales, Welsh is the first language for many of the people. In Scotland only a small number of people speak Gaelic.  In Britain about 66% of the population say that they are Christian, while fewer than 5% say that they belong to other religions.[A] The UK has a total area of about 244,100 square kilometres (94,248 square miles).[B] In the UK, English is the first language of the vast majority of people.[C] It comprises the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland, that is, three countries.[D] The U. K. is a country that is both ancient and modern.[E] In 1998, the population of the United Kingdom was nearly 59 million.[F] UK transportation system is very convenient and fast.[G] Parts of the north-west and centre of England also consist of mountains and hills.

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following is true?A It is very difficult for the middle-aged to live in America.B America is Kids Country because the majority of the American population is children.C Kids Country was taking shape in America when immigrants poured into the country.D America is more of Kids Country than any other countries in the world.

考题 单选题The House Speaker and the temporary President of the Senate are usually()A elected by the majority partyB chosen from the majority and minority partiesC members of the majority partyD chosen freely from the Congressmen and Senators

考题 单选题The word “this” in “I have taken this for granted” (para. 1) refers to which of the following?A Sixty percent of all ethnic minorities in UK live in London.B Minorities only constitute a small part of UK’s population.C There are more minority people in Britain than it appears.D It is unwise for many more to come to London.

考题 单选题Which statement is true about Malta’s immigrant population?A It has a large immigrant population.B Its immigrant population is more than 3,000.C Its immigrant population totals 7,000.D Its immigrant population comes to less than 1% of the island’s 400, 000 population.