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The sweepings and broken dunnages in the holds have to be ()(移开).









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更多 “单选题The sweepings and broken dunnages in the holds have to be ()(移开).A removedB remainedC renewedD reopened” 相关考题
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考题 The author holds that______.A.mortality rates in developing countries have been brought down by a number of forcesB.medical innovations are the only way to reduce mortality rates in developing countriesC.the upgrading of hygiene and sanitation has played a crucial role in reducing mortality rates in developing countriesD.improved nutrition is the only one factor that reduces mortality rates in developing countries

考题 “if they hadn’t gone on vacation, their house _______________ broken into.“ A. haven’t had beenB. hadn’t beenC. won’t have beenD. wouldn’t have been

考题 Planning to stow ______ in the end lower holds will result in much broken stowage.A.large crates or casesB.small curved itemsC.drumsD.filler cargo

考题 The actual amount of cargo loaded depends upon______.A.the broken stowage listedB.the broken stowage calculatedC.the broken stowage givenD.the actual broken stowage

考题 When the transmissions of a radio station or a Decca chain, etc., have broken down, switch off or suspended, it is ______.A.UnfunctionalB.Break downC.Off powerD.Off air

考题 Are holds clean?

考题 How many holds do you have?

考题 Are holds free of smell?

考题 Social security tax is collected from( ).A.those who have broken the law.B.those who often make trouble.C.those whose lives and property are in danger.D.every citizen living in the area.

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考题 The ship ______ on a low rock was broken in two by the waves.A.That had been drivenB.Had been drivenC.Have been drivenD.Which to have been driven

考题 ______ refers to the stowage of cargo in a block of two or more adjoining cargo holds with the cargo holds adjacent to the block of loaded cargo holds empty.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Homogeneous hold loading condition

考题 Ed said that his boy fell off a tree.()AOh dear! I hope he wasn‘t hurtBOh, no. A lucky boy.CHe might have broken his arm.DNothing serious.

考题 The ()(地脚货) and broken dunnages in the holds have to be removed.A、sweepingsB、swellC、sleepingD、rubbish

考题 单选题Which is NOT the reason of reduction of the price at 5 percent?A The Japanese producer holds a large quantity of stores and can’t sell them out.B The Japanese have improved their production means.C They can turn out more products.D They expect to go on dealing with the Irish in the coming year.

考题 单选题Can you offset the shortage()the sweepings?A byB forC withD against

考题 单选题You have a large,broken-down vessel in tow with a wire rope and anchor cable towline. Both vessels have made provision for slipping the tow in an emergency; however,unless there are special circumstances().A the towing vessel should slip firstB the vessel towed should slip firstC they should slip simultaneouslyD either vessel may slip first

考题 单选题Ed said that his boy fell off a tree.()A Oh dear! I hope he wasn‘t hurtB Oh, no. A lucky boy.C He might have broken his arm.D Nothing serious.

考题 单选题Mother: Ben, what’s this broken cup doing here.  Ben: ______ You know those big dinner plates? Mother: ______ Ben: just a couple. They slipped out of my hands into the sink and the cup got broken as well.A I put it here after it was broken. ; Yes, I know. What have you done?B Oh mum, please don’t be angry with me. ; Of course, I myself bought them last year.C Sorry, mum, I had an accident when I was washing up. You haven’t broken them as well!D How could I know? It’s not me who did it. ; Oh, I see. You must have broken them as well.

考题 单选题Planning to stow()in the end lower holds will result in much broken stowage.A large crates or casesB small curved itemsC drumsD filler cargo

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考题 单选题The ship()on a low rock was broken in two by the waves.A that had been drivenB had been drivenC have been drivenD which to have been driven

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