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Which of the precautions listed should be observed when taking on diesel fuel?()

Secure all lighting to the main deck


Provide a portable fan to blow away fumes


Prohibit smoking in the area


Display a black triangle during daylight hours


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更多 “单选题Which of the precautions listed should be observed when taking on diesel fuel?()A Secure all lighting to the main deckB Provide a portable fan to blow away fumesC Prohibit smoking in the areaD Display a black triangle during daylight hours” 相关考题
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考题 To safeguard the operator and other personnel working on or near a hoisting operation, which of the following precautions should be observed?A.Keep a load on the hoist until all personnel are finished workingB.Set the load on a movable dolly when transportation may be neededC.Have one man keep a hand on the load to steady itD.Insure that the lifting gear capacity is not exceeded

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考题 When using slings,cargo handlers should take all the following precautions except ______.A.Ensure that slings are securely fastened around the loadB.Avoid careless winch operations,especially when handling fragile cargoC.Exercise care when using hooks,crowbars,and similar toolsD.Keep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possible

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考题 单选题When you are transferring fuel oil to the setting tanks, precautions to be observed should include ()A plugging gooseneck tank vents to prevent accident overflowB maintaining a high transfer rate until a slight trickle of oil is observed flowing from the overflow lineC sounding the tanks frequently and reducing the transfer rate as the level approaches maximum fillD maintaining a supply of chemical dispersant to cleanup minor oil spills adjacent to the ship

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考题 单选题In order to accurately measure very low pressures, which of the instruments listed should be used?()A Compound gageB Bonrdon tubeC ManometerD Deadweight gage

考题 单选题What additional precautions should be taken when making temporary repairs to a ship that is operating when hydrogen sulfide is present?()A Seal off all tank and compartment ventilationB Remove all bulk materials from the P-tanksC Provide respiratory protection and monitoringD All of the above

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考题 单选题When placed in a magnetic field, which of the materials listed will maintain the highest permeability?()A GlassB BakeliteC Soft ironD Aluminum

考题 单选题While _____ an efficiency test on an engine, certain precautions should be observed.A makingB to makeC being madeD made

考题 单选题An alternator switchboard has a synchroscope and synchronizing lamps, if the synchroscope is broken, which of the steps listed is the most essential before an alternator can be paralleled with the bus ()A The breaker should be closed when one synchronizing lamp is dark and the other is brightB The breaker should be closed when both synchronizing lamps are brightC The frequency meter should be used to determine that the incoming alternator frequency is slightly higher than the busD A portable phase sequence indicator must be used to verify the information from the lamps

考题 单选题During fueling operations, which of the listed precautions should be taken when topping off fuel tanks?()A Reduce the pumping rate by closing the deck filling valveB Close all overflow valvesC Place 5 gallon containers under all flange connections in the fuel lineD Reduce the pumping rate and sound tanks frequently as the level rises

考题 单选题To safeguard the operator and other personnel working on or near a hoisting operation which of the following precautions should be observed?()A Keep a load on the hoist until all personnel are finished workingB Set the load on a movable dolly when transportation may be neededC Have one man keep a hand on the load to steady itD Insure that the lifting gear capacity is not exceeded

考题 单选题Which of the listed precautions should be taken when cleaning the internals of a motor with compressed air?()A Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to escapeB Be certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder panelC Be certain that the air is clean and as dry as possibleD All of the above

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考题 单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken by the engineer on watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously for 10 seconds?()A Engine room ventilation should be startedB Main engines should be securedC The fire pump should be startedD The fixed CO2 system should be activated

考题 单选题When discharging bilge water, which criteria must be observed?()A The requirement for the oil content of bilge water discharged is 15 ppmB No discharge in sensitive watersC Any discharge in sensitive watersD International, national or local requirements have to be observed

考题 单选题Which of the precautions listed should be observed when taking on diesel fuel?()A Secure all lighting to the main deckB Provide a portable fan to blow away fumesC Prohibit smoking in the areaD Display a black triangle during daylight hours

考题 单选题Prior to starting most medium-speed propulsion diesel engines, which of the procedures listed should be observed?()A The expansion tank should be topped offB The thermostatic water regulating valves should be manually openedC The fuel filters should be changedD The engine should be turned over slowly with the indicator cocks open

考题 单选题Which statement is FALSE concerning precautions during fueling operations?()A All engines,motors,fans,etc. should be shut down when fuelingB All windows,doors,hatches,etc. should be closedC A fire extinguisher should be kept nearbyD Fuel tanks should be topped off with no room for expansion

考题 单选题Which of the following precautions should always be carried out in dry dock?()A Liquids should never be transferred between tanks without consulting the dock masterB If sea valves have been disassembled, all bonnets must be checked for leakage when the ship is re-floatedC Before re-floating, all sea chest strainers should be verified as having been replacedD All of the above

考题 单选题When running a large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine on heavy fuel, which of the following precautions should be observed when switching back over to diesel oil?()A The diesel oil must never be allowed to mix with the heavy fuelB The temperature of the fuel from the pre–heater should be gradually reduced after switching over the three–way valveC The heating steam to the pre-heater should be secured as soon as the diesel fuel passes through the three-way valveD The heating steam must be secured before the diesel oil passes through the three-way valve

考题 单选题When using slings,cargo handlers should take all the following precautions except().A Ensure that slings are securely fastened around the loadB Avoid careless winch operations,especially when handling fragile cargoC Exercise care when using hooks,crowbars,and similar toolsD Keep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possible