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In order to get the first reward, passengers must fly at least _____.

for 6 months


20,000 Miles


3,000 bonus Miles


once in three weeks


细节题。由题干first reward定位至文章第二部分的末句,该句提到“First rewards start as low as 20,000 Miles”,享受初次奖励要至少飞行20000英里。B项直接引用,是正确选项。A项张冠李戴,文章最后一段提到的6个月,指的是加入法航会员6个月以内的首次飞行可以获得3000英里额外奖励里程。C项提到的数字与本题无关。D项无中生有,文中没有提及。
更多 “单选题In order to get the first reward, passengers must fly at least _____.A for 6 monthsB 20,000 MilesC 3,000 bonus MilesD once in three weeks” 相关考题
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考题 We must improve the farming method( )we may get high yields.A.in case B.in order that C.now that D.even if

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考题 Which three statements are true regarding subqueries?()A、Subqueries can contain GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses B、Main query and subquery can get data from different tables C、Main query and subquery must get data from the same tables D、Subqueries can contain ORDER BY but not the GROUP BY clause E、Only one column or expression can be compared between the main query and subqueryF、 Multiple columns or expressions can be compared between the main query and subquery

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考题 Which two statements are true regarding the ORDER BY clause? ()A、The sort is in ascending by order by default.B、The sort is in descending order by default.C、The ORDER BY clause must precede the WHERE clause.D、The ORDER BY clause is executed on the client side.E、The ORDER BY clause comes last in the SELECT statement.F、The ORDER BY clause is executed first in the query execution.

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考题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding the ORDER BY clause? ()AThe sort is in ascending by order by default.BThe sort is in descending order by default.CThe ORDER BY clause must precede the WHERE clause.DThe ORDER BY clause is executed on the client side.EThe ORDER BY clause comes last in the SELECT statement.FThe ORDER BY clause is executed first in the query execution.

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考题 单选题Which of the following files should be used to alter the order of which DNS servers get queried first?()A /etc/hostsB /etc/inetd.confC /etc/netsvc.confD /etc/resolv.conf

考题 单选题We learn from the text that ______.A the passengers will have a morning flightB they will have meals during the flightC the plane is going to fly across a mountain

考题 单选题The very first air passengers in the balloon were _____.A the King and the QueenB two FrenchmenC two animalsD the Montgolfiers

考题 单选题In order to get the first reward, passengers must fly at least _____.A for 6 monthsB 20,000 milesC 3,000 bonus MilesD once in three weeks

考题 单选题We must improve the farming method_______we may get high yields.A in caseB in order thatC now thatD even if

考题 多选题Which three statements are true regarding subqueries?()ASubqueries can contain GROUP BY and ORDER BY clausesBMain query and subquery can get data from different tablesCMain query and subquery must get data from the same tablesDSubqueries can contain ORDER BY but not the GROUP BY clauseEOnly one column or expression can be compared between the main query and subqueryFMultiple columns or expressions can be compared between the main query and subquery

考题 单选题In the sentence: “society owed it to the criminal to put into operation a punishment equal to the crime he had committed” the underlined part can be interpreted as: society .A was in debt to the criminal and must put him into operation as a punishmentB should consider punishment as something it must do so that the criminal can get paid backfor his crimeC owed the criminal equality and must first show it in actionD owed an operation of equal crime to the criminal

考题 单选题In order to discharge a C02 portable fire extinguisher , the operator must first().A invert the CO extinguisherB squeeze the two trigger handles togetherC remove the locking pinD open the discharge valve