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After mirroring rootvg, a system administrator wants to validate that the system will boot correctly. Which of the following tasks must be performed before changing the boot order?()

Run a bosboot -a command


Mirror the hd5 on the two disks


Set up another service mode bootlist


Check the disks using a lsvg -p rootvg command


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更多 “单选题After mirroring rootvg, a system administrator wants to validate that the system will boot correctly. Which of the following tasks must be performed before changing the boot order?()A Run a bosboot -a commandB Mirror the hd5 on the two disksC Set up another service mode bootlistD Check the disks using a lsvg -p rootvg command” 相关考题
考题 After mirroring rootvg, a system administrator wants to validate that the system will boot correctly.Which of the following tasks must be performed before changing the boot order?() A.Run a bosboot -a commandB.Mirror the hd5 on the two disksC.Set up another service mode bootlistD.Check the disks using a lsvg -p rootvg command

考题 A system administrator has just applied an update to an AIX system to correct a problem, The APAR number is IX49035 and was shipped as part of the PTF number U437542. After applying the APAR fix, the administrator wants to ensure that the fix is applied before informing the system users of the corrected problem. Which of the following commands should the system administrator run to verify that the APAR fix has been applied to the system?()A.lslpp -f IX49035B.lslpp -fB U437542C.instfix -f IX49035D.instfix -ik IX49035

考题 An administrator has added a new device to a system and wants to determine if it has been correctly added to the ODM database. Which command would the system administrator use?()A、odmgetB、odmaddC、odmshowD、odmcreate

考题 An administrator wants to create a new 100 GB virtual media repository in the rootvg storage pool on the Virtual IO server.  Which command will accomplish this?()A、 mklv -sp rootvg ize 100gbB、 crrep p rootvg ize 100gbC、 mkrep p rootvg ize 100gbD、 crfs jfs2 rootvg size=100gb

考题 An administrator wants to mirror an importantfilesystem between two disks without mirroring the entire volume group. Which command should be used?()A、cplvB、mirrorvgC、mklvcopyD、migratel

考题 An administrator wants to use a Windows system to monitor a server that is rebooting. Which of the following commands should the administrator use to know when the NIC is back online in the server?()A、 ping i 240B、 ping -tC、 ping -aD、 ping w 240

考题 A system administrator has been asked to install an APAR but wants to be able to easily remove it. Which install option should be used?()A、applyB、cleanupC、commitD、reject

考题 After mirroring rootvg, a system administrator wants to validate that the system will boot correctly. Which of the following tasks must be performed before changing the boot order?()A、Run a bosboot -a commandB、Mirror the hd5 on the two disksC、Set up another service mode bootlistD、Check the disks using a lsvg -p rootvg command

考题 An AIX 5L system has 2 active paging space devices - /dev/hd6 at 64MB in the rootvg and /dev/page01 at 256MB in the datavg. The system administrator has determined that only 192MB of active paging space is actually required and wants to reclaim some of the disk space for use by a new application. Which command should be used to reduce the size of /dev/page01?()A、chpsB、rmpsC、chdevD、swapoff

考题 After a system has rebooted from a system crash, which of the following commands should be run to find the location of the dump?()A、 lsvg -l rootvg B、 sysdumpdev -e C、 sysdumpdev -L D、 cd /var/adm/ras

考题 During system boot, the system hangs at LED 0C31. What is the first step the system administrator should take to correct the problem?()A、Check system console connectionsB、Check system network connectionsC、Boot in service mode and change the bootlistD、Boot from the AIX installation media and mount rootvg filesystems

考题 An administrator has mirrored rootvg onto hdisk1,after the physical volumes finished syncing the administrator wants to add the newdisk to the boot order.Currently the boot order looks like:hdisk0 blv=hd5. Which of the following commands will add hdisk1 to the current boot order?() A、bootset -a hdisk1B、bootlist -om normal hdisk1C、setbootlist -m hdisk0 hdisk1D、bootlist -om normal hdisk0 hdisk1

考题 A system administrator would like to set a system to reboot after a crash.  What is the best way to do this?()A、 smit chgsysB、 bosbootC、 smit dumpD、 bootlist -r

考题 After mirroring rootvg, a system administrator wantsto validate that the system will boot correctly. Which of the following tasks must be performed before changing the boot order?()A、Run a bosboot -a commandB、Mirror the hd5 on the two disksC、Set up another service mode bootlistD、Check the disks using a lsvg -p rootvg command

考题 A network administrator wants to analyze the historical performance of the servers in the organization and forecast the system performance needs into the future.  Which add-on component of IBM Director would be used to assist with this task?()A、Capacity ManagerB、Resource MonitorsC、System AvailabilityD、System Performance Monitor

考题 A System p administrator in a manufacturing customer plans to migrate an AIX 5.2 system to a new LPAR on an existing System p using VIOS.  Which of the following must be completed prior to this migration ()A、Upgrade system firmware to latest levelB、Upgrade to AIX 5.3C、Upgrade HMC to version 6.1D、Convert rootvg filesystems to JFS2

考题 A System p administrator needs to replace a failed internal disk in a mirrored rootvg.  Which of thefollowing is one of the steps that would need to be followed()A、Run cfgmgrB、odmdelete CuAtC、exportvg rootvgD、Deallocate LPs from failed disk

考题 An administrator wants to mirror an important filesystem between two disks without mirroring the entire volume group. Which command should be used?()A、cplvB、mirrorvgC、mklvcopyD、migratelv

考题 A system administrator wants to automatically eject the backup tape each night after the backup is complete. Which command can be used to eject the tape?()A、tarB、tctlC、rmdevD、backup

考题 A system administrator has just applied an update to an AIX system to correct a problem, The APAR number is IX49035 and was shipped as part of the PTF number U437542. After applying the APAR fix, the administrator wants to ensure that the fix is applied before informing the system users of the corrected problem. Which of the following commands should the system administrator run to verify that the APAR fix has been applied to the system?()A、lslpp -f IX49035B、lslpp -fB U437542C、instfix -f IX49035D、instfix -ik IX49035

考题 单选题A system administrator would like to set a system to reboot after a crash.  What is the best way to do this?()A  smit chgsysB  bosbootC  smit dumpD  bootlist -r

考题 单选题A system administrator will be migrating a server from AIX 5.1 to AIX 5.2 and is uncertain if the application running on the server will function properly after the migration. What is the fastest way to return to the previous AIX level if the application does not work?()A Use base media to restore system to AIX 5.1.B Use an alt_disk_install and boot back to the AIX 5.1 rootvg.C Make a mksysb of the original AIX to restore back to the AIX 5.1 level.D Perform the AIX 5.2 upgrade using update_all with the commit option and reject filesets to return to AIX 5.1.

考题 单选题An administrator wants to create a new 100 GB virtual media repository in the rootvg storage pool on the Virtual IO server.  Which command will accomplish this?()A  mklv -sp rootvg ize 100gbB  crrep p rootvg ize 100gbC  mkrep p rootvg ize 100gbD  crfs jfs2 rootvg size=100gb

考题 单选题After a system has rebooted from a system crash, which of the following commands should be run to find the location of the dump?()A  lsvg -l rootvg B  sysdumpdev -e C  sysdumpdev -L D  cd /var/adm/ras

考题 单选题Which of the following could the system administrator use to assist in debugging boot problems after the system is up?()A SMSB alogC fsckD bosboot