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更多 “名词解释题糜烂(erosion)” 相关考题
考题 宫颈糜烂的分度依据A.糜烂深度B.糜烂形状C.糜烂面积D.糜烂位置SX 宫颈糜烂的分度依据A.糜烂深度B.糜烂形状C.糜烂面积D.糜烂位置E.糜烂性质

考题 The boiler water alkalinity in a coil-type auxiliary boiler should be maintained at the pH recommended by the boiler manufacturer to______.A.precipitate(使沉淀) silica (硅石)from solutionB.reduce corrosion in the heating coilC.prevent clogging and erosion in the coilD.maintain zero water hardness

考题 A bypass line provided around a waste heat auxiliary boiler in a diesel engine exhaust system, may be used to avoid boiler ______.A.corrosion at low engine loadsB.erosion at high engine loadsC.overload at high engine loadsD.scaling at all exhaust temperatures

考题 材料:Spark erosion is caused by a voltage discharge between the main bearing and journal surface. The cause of the potential is the development of a galvanic element between the ship’s hull, sea water, and the propeller shaft/crankshaft.The oil film acts as a dielectric. The puncture voltage in the bearing depends on the thickness of the oil film. With increasing engine ratings, the specific load in the main bearing is increased. his will reduce the oil film thickness, and enable the discharge to take place at a lower voltage level.Since the hydrodynamic oil film thickness varies through a rotation cycle, the discharge will take place at roughly the same instant during each rotation cycle, i.e. when the film thickness is at its minimum. The roughening will accordingly be concentrated in certain areas on the journal surface. In the early stages, the roughened areas can resemble pitting erosion. but later, as the roughness increases, the small craters will scrape off and pick up white metal-hence the silvery white appearance.Therefore, to ensure protection against spark erosion, the potential level must be kept at maximum 80 mV, which is feasible today with a high efficiency earthing device. If an earthing device is installed, its effectiveness must be checked regularly. Spark erosion is only observed in main bearings and main bearing journals.问题:According to the paragraph one, a voltage between the main bearing and journal surface is produced by______.A.propeller rotationB.leakage from M/E electric control unitC.a galvanic elementD.friction between the main bearing and journal surface______engine ratings increase, the hydrodynamic oil film between the main bearing and journal surface is______.A.The lower/thinnerB.The higher/the thickerC.The lower/thickerD.The higher/thinnerWhen will the spark erosion take place on the journal surface during each rotation cycle?A.when the film thickness is at its minimumB.when the film thickness is at its maximumC.when the engine is on its compression strokeD.when the engine is on its exhaust strokeDuring the engine room watch keeping, which equipment must be noted to ensure protection against spark erosion?A.the antifouling plantB.the earthing deviceC.the main engine electric heating coilsD.the shaft generator请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 A combination of corrosion and erosion caused wastage in the main ballast line,which directly led to the leak ______.A.draffB.wastageC.mullockD.obsolete

考题 Hacks and intrusions affect the economic performance of business immediately, in the short-term, and in the long-term. Which two of these are short-term economic impacts of a security branch? ()A、 loss of retail salesB、 erosion of investor confidenceC、 disruption of business operationD、 loss of suppliers or customers

考题 侧蚀作用(lateral erosion)

考题 磨蚀(erosion)

考题 土壤侵蚀类型 soil erosion type

考题 宫颈糜烂的分度依据()A、糜烂深度B、糜烂形状C、糜烂面积D、糜烂形态E、糜烂性质

考题 向源侵蚀(up stream erosion)

考题 侵蚀阶地(erosion terrace)

考题 局部侵蚀基准面(local base level of erosion)

考题 填空题The quick-growing exotic tree species are replanted in the deforested land because they can help prevent soil erosion.____

考题 名词解释题局部侵蚀基准面(local base level of erosion)

考题 名词解释题糜烂(erosion)

考题 单选题The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England _____.A will soon become a problem for people living in central EnglandB has now become a threat to the local residentsC is quickly changing the map of EnglandD can be stopped if proper measures are taken

考题 单选题If an auxiliary diesel engine temperature is higher than normal ,but the thermostat is determined not to be defective you would suspect a /an ()A cavitation erosion in the water jacketsB excess corrosion inhibitor in the coolantC dirty jacket water coolerD defective turbocharger

考题 名词解释题侵蚀阶地(erosion terrace)

考题 单选题The boiler water alkalinity in a coil-type auxiliary boiler should be maintained at the pH recommended by the boiler manufacturer to()A precipitate silica from solutionB reduce corrosion in the heating coilC prevent clogging and erosion in the coilD maintain zero water hardness

考题 单选题The experts’ study on the problem of erosion can _____.A lead to its eventual solutionB provide an effective way to slow it downC help to prevent it from worseningD warn people whose homes are in danger

考题 单选题Cavitation erosion in the cooling water system of a diesel engine usually occurs at the pump impeller, and on the waterside of the ()A fuel nozzle holdersB exhaust value guidesC engine cylinder linersD low temperature and a low viscosity

考题 名词解释题侧蚀作用(lateral erosion)

考题 名词解释题向源侵蚀(up stream erosion)

考题 单选题It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion because _____.A it is too costly and will endanger neighbouring areasB the government is too slow in taking actionC they will be easily knocked down by waves and currentsD house agents along the coast do not support the idea