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考题 填空题It took years for Einstein"s theory to gain acceptably .

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考题 单选题By next year he()in New York for five years.A has workedB has been workingC worksD will have worked

考题 单选题We have had a new computer system()A installB installedC installingD to install

考题 单选题In paragraph 2, “It hasn’t worked out that way.” means that women at present _____.A are facing worsening conditionsB are still dependent on men financiallyC prefer staying at home as housewivesD find it hard to get fair treatment

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考题 单选题The new currency will get into _____ soon.A circuitB circulationC circularD circle

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考题 单选题“Wanting” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.A necessaryB misleadingC unsatisfactoryD practical

考题 单选题We are planning an outing.() Sure.A Where are you going?B When will you leave?C How is everything?D Do you want to join us?

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考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced()cars in as the year before.A as twice manyB twice many asC twice as manyD as many as twice

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考题 单选题When are you going on holiday?()A Last night.B Next week.C By plane.D With my brother.

考题 单选题Five year old children are too young to go to school,()A are theyB aren’t theyC were theyD have they

考题 单选题The young man was drunk()two glasses of wine.A onB withC atD against

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考题 单选题Ryan was late for the conference yesterday () the traffic jam.A becauseB sinceC forD because of

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