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更多 “单选题_____A HoweverB ThereforeC MoreoverD Sometimes” 相关考题
考题 单选题It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning grey.A whileB thatC ifD for

考题 单选题_____A oppositionB protestC actionD objection

考题 单选题_____A addressesB namesC experiencesD photos

考题 单选题English people _____.A have never discussed who is the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatistB never discuss the world’s greatest poets and dramatistC are sure who is the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatistD do not care who is the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatist

考题 单选题Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _____ military service.A will finishB has finishedC finishD would finish

考题 单选题_____A in front ofB ofC withD for

考题 单选题Three days later, word came _____ our country had sent up another man-made satellite.A whenB whichC thatD where

考题 单选题_____A studiedB taughtC spreadD carried out

考题 单选题_____A fromB forC againstD to

考题 单选题_____A out ofB toC fromD off

考题 问答题他习惯晚睡晚起。

考题 单选题According to this passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?A Many employees don’t like a conservative dress code.B Comfortable clothes make employees more productive.C A casual clothes code is welcomed by young employees.D All the employers in the U. S. are for casual office wear.

考题 单选题_____A self-evidentB apparentC declaredD clear-cut

考题 单选题Here is some _____ advice to any young businessman.A variableB worthwhileC worthyD value

考题 单选题In Paragraph 2, cities like London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam are mentioned _____.A to show that they are not good cities in terms of geography and climateB to tell us how wealthy their residents areC to suggest that these cities lack places of historic interest and scenic beautyD to prove that they have got more tourism than they handle

考题 单选题_____A precautionsB protectionsC provisionsD preventions

考题 单选题Keeping a diary is _____ good habit. Stick to it, and you will make _____ great progress in writing.A a; /B a: aC the; aD /; a

考题 问答题他是如此之坏,我根本就不信任他。

考题 单选题_____A firmB businessC companyD affair

考题 单选题There was a half-smile on his face which suggested that he _____ happy to have given his life for his country.A wasB should beC would beD were

考题 单选题_____A goodB freeC workingD liberated

考题 单选题You _____ read that article if you don’t want to.A haven’tB can’tC mustn’tD needn’t

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题我们盼望着观看世界杯。

考题 单选题If I _____ the exam, he would be astonished.A did passB passC were to passD had passed

考题 单选题In that country, the rich _____ richer, the poor poorer.A becomeB has becomeC becomesD is becoming

考题 单选题_____ that we couldn’t catch up with him.A So fast he ranB So fast did he runC So fast ran heD Such fast did he run

考题 单选题I don’t like _____ you speak to her.A the wayB the way in thatC the way whichD the way of which