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Joiner bulkheads on a vessel provide().



watertight integrity


structural support


tank boundaries


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更多 “单选题Joiner bulkheads on a vessel provide().A compartmentalizationB watertight integrityC structural supportD tank boundaries” 相关考题
考题 Watertight compartments are separated by ________A.engine roomsB.tweendecksC.dunnagesD.decks and bulkheads

考题 You are Master of a vessel that is sold in a foreign country after discharge of cargo. What is your responsibility to the crew in regards to return to the United States?A.You must provide air transportation to the nearest port of entry in the United StatesB.You must provide passage to the port of original engagementC.There is no requirement for return to the United States provided the voyage has exceeded 4 weeks durationD.The crew can be employed on another United States vessel,but only if it is returning to the port of original engagement

考题 I HEREBY ON BEHALF OF MY OWNERS DECLARE G.A. AND REQUIRE ALL PARTIES CONCERNED TO PROVIDE G.A. SECURITY ASAP.From this fax it is inferred that the vessel ______.A.has suffered some damage or lossB.requires her owners to provide some securityC.requires all parties to declare G.AD.concerned to provide G.A. to all parties

考题 In accordance with LOF,the owners of the vessel their Servants and Agents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that ______.A.the cargo owners provide their proportion of security before the cargo is releasedB.the cargo owners provide their proportion of security after the cargo is releasedC.the cargo owners dose not provide their proportion of security before the cargo is releasedD.the cargo owners does not provide their proportion of security after the cargo is released

考题 Bonding cables are used during cargo transfer to ______.A.provide safe electrical power connection to barge equipmentB.keep the vessel from surging excessivelyC.prevent an accidental discharge of static electricityD.secure the cargo hose to a hatch when loading overall

考题 A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)______.A.Structural bulkheadB.Exterior bulkheadC.Centerline bulkheadD.Joiner bulkhead

考题 In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in ______.A.increased capacity to set flooding boundariesB.decreased capacity to set flooding boundariesC.reduced compartmentationD.greater deck load capacity

考题 Regulations define the bulkhead deck as ______.(subdivision and stability regulations)A.any deck extending from stem to sternB.the uppermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extendC.the lowermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extendD.the uppermost complete deck

考题 In vessel construction,beams are transverse girders which provide support to ______.A.BulkheadsB.Deckhouse structuresC.DecksD.Vertical frames

考题 Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge Upward.The purpose of these cargo battens is ______.A.for securing a snatch block when snaking cargo into the wings of the holdB.to prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessel’s frames or shell platingC.to provide fittings to which cargo lashings may be securedD.to support the dunnage floors which are laid down between tiers of cargo

考题 Freeing ports on a vessel with solid bulwarks ______.A.prevent stress concentration in the bulwarkB.permit easy jettison of deck cargo in an emergencyC.provide openings through the bulwarks for mooring linesD.allow water shipped on deck to flow off rapidly

考题 Joiner bulkheads on a vessel provide ______.A.compartmentalizationB.watertight integrityC.structural supportD.tank boundaries

考题 船体被甲板和舱壁分隔。()A、The hull is divided by decks and bulwarks.B、The hull is divided by decks and bulkheads.C、The hull is divided by engine room and bulkheads.D、The hull is divided by decks and holds.

考题 单选题When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift,the vessel should be().A stopped with the wind dead aheadB stopped with the wind on the beamC underway with the wind 30°on the bowD underway on a course to provide no apparent wind

考题 单选题On open waters,a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with a vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel’s starboard side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?().A The fishing vessel because it is to port of the sailing vesselB The fishing vessel because it is fishingC The sailing vessel because it is to starboard of the fishing vesselD The sailing vessel because it is sailing

考题 单选题In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in().A increased capacity to set flooding boundariesB decreased capacity to set flooding boundariesC reduced compartmentationD greater deck load capacity

考题 单选题What is the main purpose of dunnage().A To act as ballast for light vesselsB To provide ventilation and drainage for cargoC To secure the tarpaulins in placeD To support weakened bulkheads

考题 单选题船体被甲板和舱壁分隔。()A The hull is divided by decks and bulwarks.B The hull is divided by decks and bulkheads.C The hull is divided by engine room and bulkheads.D The hull is divided by decks and holds.

考题 单选题Bulkheads which from part of the tanks on a vessel are stiffened to withstand().A deck loads from aboveB dynamic forces while afloatC hydrostatic pressureD over-pressurization

考题 单选题Damaged bulkheads often take a permanent set which is independent of the panting or bulge caused by water pressure. To control this,you should().A install shoring so the shoring supports the damaged bulkheads without pushing on themB install shoring so that it pushes on the damaged bulkhead while supporting itC use jacks or chain falls to remove the set before installing shoresD place sandbags by the bulkhead without installing shores

考题 单选题Small floes of rough,hummocky sea ice capable of damaging a vessel().A can usually be detected by radar in a smooth sea at a range of 4 to 6 kilometersB are indistinguishable from sea return on the PPIC are invisible to radar when covered with a thick layer of snowD are usually seen at night before they are close enough to provide a radar echo

考题 单选题Structural bulkheads on a ship are usually().A continuousB watertightC transverseD non-watertight

考题 单选题Back-up wires on a towed vessel provide().A a factor of safetyB additional strengthC a distribution of the towing loadD All of the above

考题 单选题A vessel constrained by her draft shall, when she overtakes a sailing vessel in a fairway,the sailing vessel is().A priviledged vessel and keep her course and speedB burdened vessel and give way to othersC burdened vessel and keep course nad speedD priviledged vessel and give way to others

考题 单选题What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?()A Corrosion from the shifting liquidB Rupturing of bulkheads from the shifting liquidC Loss of stability from free surface effectD Holing of the tank bottom from the weight of the shifting liquid

考题 单选题The Plimsoll mark on a vessel is used to().A align the vessel's tailshaftB determine the vessel's trimC determine the vessel's freeboardD locate the vessel's centerline

考题 单选题In vessel construction, beam are transverse girders which provide support to().A bulkheadsB deckhouse structuresC decksD vertical frames