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The purpose of treating the cooling water of the diesel engine is to() Ⅰ. resist the scale formation in the cooling chamber Ⅱ.lubricate the engine part Ⅲ.increase thermal capacity Ⅳ.resist corrosion









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更多 “单选题The purpose of treating the cooling water of the diesel engine is to() Ⅰ. resist the scale formation in the cooling chamber Ⅱ.lubricate the engine part Ⅲ.increase thermal capacity Ⅳ.resist corrosionA Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅱ+ⅢC Ⅲ+ⅣD Ⅰ+Ⅳ” 相关考题
考题 The purpose of treating the cooling water of the diesel engine is to______. I、 resist the scale formation in the cooling chamber II、lubricate the engine part II III、increase thermal capacity IV、 resist corrosionA.I + IIB.II + IIIC.III + IVD.I + IV

考题 Which of the following factors tends to increase scale formation on the saltwater side of a heat exchanger used in a diesel engine cooling water system?A.Baffle plates that have been bent during prior removalB.Leaks m the cooler tube nestC.Operating the engine while maintaining a high sea water outlet temperatureD.A punctured sea water strainer supplying cooling water to the heat exchanger

考题 The purpose of treating the cooling water of the diesel engine is to____. I、 resist the scale formation in the cooling chamber II、 lubricate the engine part III、 increase thermal capacity IV、 resist corrosionA.I +IIB.II + IIIC.III + IVD.I +IV

考题 High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ______.A.air in the cooling systemB.an overhauled water pumpC.correct amount of coolantD.no air in the cooling system

考题 Prolonged operation of a diesel engine with a closed cooling water system, at lower than normal designed operating temperatures can ______.A.increase power outputB.decrease lube oil viscosityC.eliminate fuel knockD.cause sulfuric acid formation

考题 单选题If a diesel engine were running at 20% overload with a smoky exhaust, you should()A stop the engine immediately to prevent damageB increase lube oil pressureC slow the engine allowing it to gradually coolD decrease the cooling water it temperature to the water jacket

考题 单选题During the running of the diesel engine, if the supply of cooling water is interrupted or the temperature of cooling water out of the cylinder is too high, the duty engineer should ()A notify the duty officer, reduce the engine speed, take some measures to remove failuresB notify the duty officer and stop the engine immediately, find the cause and remove failuresC notify the C/ED notify the captain

考题 单选题If the coolant temperature of a closed cooling water system for a diesel engine gradually increases, the trouble usually is ()A a broken shaft on the freshwater pumpB an excessive accumulation of scale exchangerC an incorrect thermostatic element operating rangeD lube oil in the cooling water

考题 单选题The device allowing for the change in volume of the cooling water in a propulsion diesel engine closed cooling system is the ().A fresh water expansion tankB sea water expansion tankC thermostatic expansion valveD jacket water cooler accumulator

考题 单选题The expansion tank for a diesel engine closed cooling system is designed to maintain a constant head on the system and ().A reduce water temperatureB reduce water turbulenceC provide an air cushionD allow for an increase in water volume as the engine warms up

考题 单选题Which of the following factors tends to increase scale formation on the saltwater side of a heat exchanger used in a diesel engine cooling water system?()A Baffle plates that have been bent during prior removalB Leaks in the cooler tube nestC Operating the engine while maintaining a high sea water outlet temperatureD A punctured sea water strainer supplying cooling water to the heat exchanger

考题 单选题The purpose of treating the cooling water of the diesel engine is to() Ⅰ. resist the scale formation in the cooling chamber Ⅱ.lubricate the engine part Ⅲ.increase thermal capacity Ⅳ.resist corrosionA Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅱ+ⅢC Ⅲ+ⅣD Ⅰ+Ⅳ

考题 单选题If the jacket water temperature in an auxiliary diesel engine cooling system is lower than normal, the probable cause is ()A air binding of the engine cooling systemB a cracked water cooled exhaust manifoldC blockage in the heat exchangerD faulty operation of the thermostat

考题 单选题One of the purposes for water cooling the exhaust manifold in marine diesel engine is to ()A reduce lube oil temperatureB raise exhaust temperature reduceC excessive heating of engine roomD reduce load on cooling water pump

考题 单选题If the cooling water temperature and the lube oil temperature in a diesel engine are too high, the cause can be ()A a dirty lube oil strainerB internal water leaksC an oil suction line restrictionD excessive wears of the cooling water pump

考题 单选题Corrosion inhibitors and/or soluble oils are added to diesel engine cooling systems to ()A maintain low pH in the cooling waterB reduce the cooling water temperatureC increase cooling water hardnessD form a protective film on metal surfaces

考题 单选题Which of the following problems can cause fluctuating pressures in the closed cooling system of a main propulsion diesel engine?()A Defective temperature controls in the systemB Cavitation in the cooling water pumpC Opened vent in the cooling systemD Restricted water passages in the engine

考题 单选题If cooling water flow through the after-cooler is interrupted,the power output of a turbocharged diesel engine will drop because the ()A turbocharger will stallB density of the air charge will decreaseC scavenge effect will increaseD exhaust pressure will increase

考题 单选题The cooling water of the diesel engine should be treated, because it has()A alkale scenceB acidityC salinityD impurity

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning diesel engine cooling water systems?()A Each engine must have its own engine driven cooling water pump capable of providing cooling for all ranges of operationB propulsion engines with bores exceeding 200 mm are to be fitted with a means to display the cooling water temperature of each cylinderC At least two independent sea suctions are to be provided for supplying water to the engine jackets or to the heat exchangersD Suitable strain are to be fitted between the circulating pumps and heat exchangers when sea water is used for direct cooling

考题 单选题Temperature control valves installed in the jacket cooling water system of a diesel engine modulates the rate of water flow through the ().A cooling water pumpB nozzle cooling passagesC cylinder jacketsD heat exchanger

考题 单选题High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().A air in the cooling systemB an overhauled water pumpC correct amount of coolantD no air in the cooling system

考题 单选题In the process of the stand-by, warm-up the engine usually through give preheat of which parts of the diesel engine?()A cooling water of the cooling systemB fuel of the FO systemC LO of the LO systemD cooling water of the cooling system and LO of the LO system

考题 单选题High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().A a worn water pumpB not enough coolantC air in the cooling systemD all of the above

考题 单选题The jacket water temperature in a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system is normally controlled by ()A regulating the level of corrosion inhibitor in the primary cooling systemB the level of the freshwater expansion tankC varying the engine load to meet temperature requirementsD the operation of the thermostatic valve

考题 单选题Which of the following conditions will develop if the flow of ‘raw’ cooling water to diesel engine is obstructed?()A Air will enter the cooling systemB Carbon will plug the water cooled exhaust manifoldsC The jacket water temperature will riseD The lube oil viscosity will increase

考题 单选题In a closed cooling system for a turbocharged, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, fluctuating water pressure can be caused by ()A improper venting of the cooling systemB carrying the expansion tank water level too highC a totally clogged impeller in the cooling water pumpD an incorrectly set cooling system temperature control

考题 单选题Operating a diesel engine for prolonged periods, with a closed freshwater cooling system, at temperatures lower than the normal design temperature can cause ().A the formation of sulfuric acidB a decrease in lube oil viscosityC a decrease in cooling water pHD a thermostat failure