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由题意可知,Lord Irvine说他同意当年委员会的报告。agree with对……表示赞同,与……意见一致。side with sb.站在……的一方,支持;帮助;赞同。share with sb.同某人分担。comply with遵从,服从。
更多 “单选题____A sidedB sharedC compliedD agreed” 相关考题
考题 单选题There have been()medicine in the last 50 years.A great advancesinB a great advanceinC great advanceonD a great advanceon

考题 单选题I thought that this would be a funny trick()Jim.A to play onB to have playedC playing onD to being played on

考题 单选题Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?()A Yes, but I‘ll have English classesB Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. BrownC I‘m afraid I have no ideaD I won‘t. it‘s kind of you

考题 单选题____A declinedB deterioratedC deducedD demolished

考题 单选题I remember when I was a child, I was very()with how many toys she had.A repressedB impressedC pressedD oppressed

考题 单选题In this factory each worker must receive a()training course.A two-monthB twomonthsC two-monthsD two-months‘

考题 问答题诸侯国

考题 问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映中国乒乓球队伍在世界的地位以及乒乓球在中国百姓生活中的重要性。  题目:中国乒乓球运动

考题 单选题The young lady coming over to us()our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!A must beB can beC would beD could be

考题 单选题I've got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? ()A The tickets must be expensiveB The match must be exciting.C Why not. Let‘s go.D The place is too far away.

考题 单选题The new house()₤300 a month.A spendsB costsC pays

考题 问答题福饼,幸运饼

考题 单选题Mr. Liu,()at university in Changchun, works at Changhou Company now.A whose wife I metB I met whose wifeC I met his wifeD his wife I met

考题 单选题Could you help me with my physics, please?()A No, no way.B No, I couldn't.C No, I can't.D Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now.

考题 单选题Since there is no doorbell, they just _____ on the door when the PLA soldiers pay a visit to the old granny.A slapB rapC clapD pat

考题 单选题I have lived here()1997.A forB sinceC from

考题 问答题卤

考题 单选题____A immuneB resistantC sensitiveD subject

考题 单选题Is this the motel mentioned?()A It looks comfortable.B Yes, it‘s as quiet as we expected.C You‘re so considerate.D No, the price‘s reasonable.

考题 单选题--We want to sit at the table near the window. -- I‘m sorry, but()already.A it tookB it takesC it is being takenD it has been taken

考题 填空题Have run out of fuel, the plane crashed to the ground.

考题 单选题He was late()the traffic jam.A as resultB as a result ofC as the result ofD a result of

考题 单选题He expressed his great()for the girl he loved.A passionB feelingC senseD feelings

考题 问答题全国妇联

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.A listlessB robustC thriftyD gullible

考题 问答题抗日战争

考题 单选题____A invisibleB limitedC indefiniteD different