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Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for ().

suction pressure only


head pressure only


superheat only


suction pressure and box temperature


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更多 “单选题Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for ().A suction pressure onlyB head pressure onlyC superheat onlyD suction pressure and box temperature” 相关考题
考题 An expansion slot is a long, narrow socket on the motherboard into which you can plug _____. A、an expansion cardB、a modemC、a network cardD、a sound card

考题 An alarm device inserted between the deaerating tank and the expansion tank can notify the on-watching crew that .A.the expansion tank is lack of waterB.the expansion tank is over flowingC.there is something wrong with the cooling systemD.there is something wrong with the engine

考题 In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled by the __.A.suction pressure regulatorB.thermostatic bypass valveC.sea water temperatureD.water level in the expansion tank

考题 The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normal. Which of the following problems is most likely the cause?A.Faulty thermostatic bypass valveB.Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchangerC.Steam formation in the expansion tankD.Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seals

考题 A thermostatic expansion valve is properly controlling evaporator superheat. Adjusting this valve to lower the superheat will result in a/anA.evaporator pressure decreaseB.evaporator coil over-feedC.evaporator capacity increaseD.expansion valve diaphragm rupture

考题 Badly leaking refrigeration compressor discharge valves will cause ______.A.overfeeding of the expansion valveB.damage to the condenserC.constant running of the compressorD.flooding of the receiver

考题 Which of the following expansion cards can be installed into an AGP slot?()A、ModemB、NetworkC、VideoD、RAID

考题 单选题During working, thermostatic expansion valve should be ().A either all the way open or all the way closedB normally fully openC throttled depending on loadD controlled by liquefied pressure

考题 单选题The safety valves should be tested and adjusted when the boiler survey is ()A completedB carried outC cleanedD steamed

考题 单选题A three-way thermostatic control valve regulates the diesel engine cooling water temperature by passing a portion of the water ().A around the engineB around the coolerC to the expansion tankD overboard

考题 单选题If the operating element of a thermostatic valve installed in a diesel engine cooling system malfunctions, it may result in ()A a low level in the engine expansion tankB excessively high coolant pressureC improper temperaturesD malfunctioning of the jacket water heater

考题 单选题A ruptured diaphragm in a thermostatic expansion valve will cause the valve to ().A openB closeC remain in its positionD flood the evaporator with refrigerant

考题 单选题What is the function of thermostatic expansion valve in a compression refrigeration system?()A nonexistentB for controlling pressureC for controlling superheatD for controlling the solenoid valve

考题 单选题Incomplete combustion in a running diesel engine can cause piston rings to become stuck as a result of ()A residual carbon depositsB lube oil viscosity breakdownC uneven heat expansion of the ringsD uneven heat expansion of the piston

考题 单选题The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw water sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normalWhich of the following problems is most likely the cause?()A Faulty thermostatic bypass valveB Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchangerC Steam formation in the expansion tankD Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seal

考题 单选题Thermostatic expansion valve are ().A either all the way open or all the way closedB normally openC throttled depending on loadD controlled by suction pressure

考题 单选题Badly leaking refrigeration compressor discharge valves will cause().A overfeeding of the expansion valveB damage to the condenserC constant running of the compressorD flooding of the receiver

考题 单选题Thermostatic steam pressure reducing valves are used in the fuel oil service system to control the()A double bottom fuel oil tank temperatureB heater supply steam flowC pressure of the fuel supplied to the burnersD attemperator steam flow in the heater discharge circuit

考题 单选题A thermostatic expansion valve is properly controlling evaporator superheatAdjusting this valve to lower the superheat will result in a/an ().A evaporator pressure decreaseB evaporator coil over-feedC evaporator capacity increaseD expansion valve diaphragm rupture

考题 单选题A cracked diaphragm in a thermostatic expansion valve will cause the valve to ().A return to a neutral positionB flood the evaporatorC openD close

考题 单选题The thermostatic valve has a throttling action, that is to say the valve can()A stop the refrigerant from flowingB force the refrigerant to flowC cause the refrigerant pressure to riseD cause the refrigerant pressure to fall

考题 单选题() should be tested and adjusted when the boiler survey is carried out.A The boiler oil tankB The steam pipeC The fire sideD The safety valves

考题 单选题Which of the listed statements is a characteristic of the liquid charged power element used with thermostatic expansion valves?()A At the designed operating temperature, the liquid refrigerant charge has changed to a vaporB The liquid refrigerant tends to collect at the bellows or diaphragm and reduces the valve sensitivityC The sensing bulb is empty of liquid refrigerant charge at the designed operating temperatureD The sensing bulb is never emptied of liquid refrigerant under normal operating conditions

考题 单选题Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for ().A suction pressure onlyB head pressure onlyC superheat onlyD suction pressure and box temperature

考题 单选题Cocks and valves control or interrupt flow, and have internal passages arranged so that they can be restricted or closed: in cocks, by rotating the plug, and in valves, by lowering, raising or rotating a disc in relation to a seating surfaceAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()A Flows of fluids can be restricted by both cocks and valvesB There are seats in the internal passages of valvesC A disc of valve only moves up and downD We can infer that there is a bore in cock ping

考题 单选题Prior to starting most medium-speed propulsion diesel engines, which of the procedures listed should be observed?()A The expansion tank should be topped offB The thermostatic water regulating valves should be manually openedC The fuel filters should be changedD The engine should be turned over slowly with the indicator cocks open

考题 单选题The speed of a vessel adjusted to that of a pilot boat at which the pilot can safely embark is().A ground speedB boarding speedC relative speedD speed of the vessel

考题 单选题The jacket water temperature in a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system is normally controlled by ()A regulating the level of corrosion inhibitor in the primary cooling systemB the level of the freshwater expansion tankC varying the engine load to meet temperature requirementsD the operation of the thermostatic valve