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Which of the following best describes how locks are used in DB2?()

To maintain control of updated rows for commit processing


To ensure only committed changes are altered by another application


To allow two applications to update the same row of data simultaneously


To prevent multiple applications from accessing the same data simultaneously


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which of the following best describes how locks are used in DB2?()A To maintain control of updated rows for commit processingB To ensure only committed changes are altered by another applicationC To allow two applications to update the same row of data simultaneouslyD To prevent multiple applications from accessing the same data simultaneously” 相关考题
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考题 Which of the following best describes how locks are used in DB2?()A、To maintain control of updated rows for commit processingB、To ensure only committed changes are altered by another applicationC、To allow two applications to update the same row of data simultaneouslyD、To prevent multiple applications from accessing the same data simultaneously

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