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利用Vigenere密码算法,将明文M=“I love Qufu Normal University very much”,使用密钥K=“teacher”,生成密文C。


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更多 “问答题利用Vigenere密码算法,将明文M=“I love Qufu Normal University very much”,使用密钥K=“teacher”,生成密文C。” 相关考题
考题 —Could I borrow your English Dictionary? — A. Thank you very much.B. No, I am not available.C. I’m sorry. It’s not at hand now.D. It’s very kind of you.

考题 根据密码算法对明文处理方式的标准不同,可以将密码系统分为:序列密码体制和分组密码体制。()

考题 We love this game. It-s very i________.

考题 —It seems that the sales volume has not reached our objective.— () A. Thank you very much about it.B. It doesn’t matter too much.C. It’s true. I’m sorry about that.

考题 --- How was the weather?--- _____________.A. I’m fine, thank youB. It was really niceC. Thank you very much

考题 —That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.—________ .A.I’m gladB.I’m happyC.Never mindD.My pleasure

考题 I think that is ( ) for him. A、very much expensiveB、too much more expensiveC、too much expensiveD、much too expensive

考题 A: Could you tell me where you were studying at that time? B: ( ).A、Oh, really?B、Yes, I could.C、enjoyed the game very much.D、was studying at the University of Sydney

考题 —Would you like a coffee? — () A、Yes, pleaseB、I like coffee very much.C、I like coffee very much.D、Thank you very much.

考题 – Do you like traveling? -- _____________.A、Not so much.B、Very well.C、Thanks.D、I’m sorry.

考题 – Could I borrow your CD of English songs?– ( ).A. No, I am not availableB. I'm sorry. It's not at hand nowC. It's very kind of youD. Thank you very much

考题 Thank you very much for your _________(invite). But I’m so sorry that I can’t come to your party tomorrow.

考题 While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo,()is very useful now for me.AitBwhichCthatDwhat

考题 --Could I borrow your CD of English songs? --()ANo,I am not available.BThank you very much.CI’m sorry.It’s not at hand now.DIt’s very kind of you.

考题 根据密码算法对明文处理方式的标准不同,可以将密码系统分为()和()。

考题 利用Vigenere密码算法,将明文M=“I love Qufu Normal University very much”,使用密钥K=“teacher”,生成密文C。

考题 Vigenere密码是由法国密码学家Blaise de Vigenere于1858年提出来的。

考题 数据加密是指按照确定的密码算法将明文数据变换成密文数据。

考题 以下说法错误的是()。A、Vigenere密码是由法国密码学家Blaisede Vigenere于1958年提出来的。B、多表代换密码是以一系列代换表一次对明文消息的字母序列进行代换的加密方法。C、代换密码分为列代换密码、周期代换密码。D、周期置换密码是将明文p串按固定长度分组,然后对每组中的子串按某个置换重新排列组合从而得到密文。

考题 下列加密算法属于替代(替换)密码的是()。A、凯撒密码B、Vigenere密码C、Playfair密码D、Skytale密码

考题 用Vigenere算法加密明文“We are discovered save yourself”,密钥是:deceptive。

考题 单选题--Could I borrow your CD of English songs? --()A No,I am not available.B Thank you very much.C I’m sorry.It’s not at hand now.D It’s very kind of you.

考题 问答题利用Vigenere密码算法,将明文M=“I love Qufu Normal University very much”,使用密钥K=“teacher”,生成密文C。

考题 问答题用Vigenere算法加密明文“We are discovered save yourself”,密钥是:deceptive。

考题 单选题A: Do you want to come over on Saturday? I’m having a little party.  B: ______A Why are you going to have a party?B Oh, I like parties very much. I can meet a lot of interesting people.C How about a picnic? I think it is more interesting than a party.D Thanks, I’d love to. What time?

考题 单选题Robert is a great basketball fan and love Kobe Bayant very much.A isB a great basketball fanC loveD very much

考题 单选题Mom, I’m very ______ for all your love.A thankfulB carefulC usefulD helpful

考题 填空题根据密码算法对明文处理方式的标准不同,可以将密码系统分为()和()。