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These stars form a group, the shape of _____ is rather like the shape of a watch.









更多 “单选题These stars form a group, the shape of _____ is rather like the shape of a watch.A thatB whichC whomD whose” 相关考题
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考题 His _____ handwriting resulted from haste and carelessness rather than from the inability to form. the letters correctly. A.unreadableB.beautifulC.carefulD.undecided

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考题 — You’d like coffee, wouldn ' t you? A、No, I wouldn’t.B、I think I’d rather have tea this morning.C、I think I’d rather have coffee.D、Thanks. The same to you.

考题 You like tennis, _______ I'd rather read.A: whileB: whenC: asD: since

考题 one of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___. A、language is used to perform. certain communicative functionsB、learners are not able to make sentencesC、it focuses on form. rather than on functionsD、learners are not able to do translation

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考题 I like going to the cinema __________ TV. A.rather than to watch B.than watching C.more than to watch D.more than watching

考题 -It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? -().AYes,pleaseBNo,go aheadCSure,pleaseDI don’t like it

考题 Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? ()AI'd rather stay here if you don't mind.BSorry, I don't like neither.CCertainly, why not?DYes, we like these two places.

考题 在表单Form1中有一个矩形框形状的形状控件Shape1,而Form1的Init事件代码如下:FORIX=0TO99THISFORM.SHAPE1.CURVATURE=IXTHISFORM.SHAPE1.BACKCOLOR=RGB(2*IX+57,0,0)ENDFOR该表单运行后,形状控件Shape1的状态是()。A、蓝色矩形B、红色矩形C、蓝色椭圆D、红色椭圆

考题 tony would like to make it easier for users of the video application to enter new doc using the “video form”, he’d like users to be able to create new “video” doc form within the view. Which one of the following should tony so to build this interface?()A、create a view action that has the following formula:@command([create];”video”)B、create a form action that has the following formula:@command([compose];”video”)C、create a view action that has the following formula:@command([compose];”video”)D、create a database action that has the following formula:@command([compose];”video”)

考题 Which report style would you use to create a report listing each department and including a listing of employees beneath their respective department?()A、Group left. B、Form like. C、Matrix W/group. D、Group above. E、Mailing label. F、Form letter.

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true?A Pupils will form relationships with old pupils rather than teachers.B The setting of the primary school is comparatively simpler than that of the secondary school.C All the teachers in the secondary school are rather frightening-looking.D Pupils have opportunities to get help from any teacher in the secondary school.

考题 单选题A buoy,being a shape of cylinder and with red group flashing,shows that it is().A left-side buoyB right-side buoyC a buoy of safetyD a buoy of danger

考题 单选题These stars form a group, the shape of _____ is rather like the shape of a watch.A thatB whichC whomD whose

考题 单选题-It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? -().A Yes,pleaseB No,go aheadC Sure,pleaseD I don’t like it

考题 单选题在表单Form1中有一个矩形框形状的形状控件Shape1,而Form1的Init事件代码如下:FORIX=0TO99THISFORM.SHAPE1.CURVATURE=IXTHISFORM.SHAPE1.BACKCOLOR=RGB(2*IX+57,0,0)ENDFOR该表单运行后,形状控件Shape1的状态是()。A 蓝色矩形B 红色矩形C 蓝色椭圆D 红色椭圆

考题 单选题At design time, you create a query record group for the LOV associated with the HOTEL text item in a form module for the Travel Planner Application. When is the record group deleted?()A When the user navigates to the HOTEL item. B When the form module successfully compiles. C After Form Builder validates the SELECT statement and dismisses the New Record Group dialog box. D When the user enters data in the HOTEL item, and the Validate from List property for the HOTEL item is set to YES.

考题 单选题You are creating a new form for the Order Entry application. You define a record group that will be created when the form is executing this built in: CREATE_GROUP(rg_emplist, global_scope) Which form(s) in the application will have access to this record group?()A All forms in the application. B Any forms opened by the user who initiated the record group. C Only the form issuing the CREATE_GROUP built-in. D Any forms referenced by the form that contains the procedure.

考题 单选题Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? ()A I'd rather stay here if you don't mind.B Sorry, I don't like neither.C Certainly, why not?D Yes, we like these two places.

考题 单选题A group of stars which appear close together and form a striking configuration such as a person or animal is a().A clusterB showerC constellationD galaxy

考题 单选题The record group in the EMP form is populated using a SELECT statement that is constructed programmatically at runtime. Five employee records are displayed at one time, and a user chooses item two from the record group. Which built-in would you use to determine which rows were flagged in the record group?()A GET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT B GET_GROUP_SELECTION_COUNT C GET_GROUP_SELECTION D FIND_GROUP E FIND_COLUMN F ADD_GROUP_ROW 

考题 单选题A large group of stars revolving around a center is known as a().A clusterB showerC constellationD galaxy