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I want you to succeed without()and firmly believe that you will succeed if you try hard enough.









解析: succeed without fail 只许成功,不许失败
更多 “单选题I want you to succeed without()and firmly believe that you will succeed if you try hard enough.A failingB failedC failD failure” 相关考题
考题 ——() ? —— I want to buy a pair of shoes. A. What are you doing?B. What can I do for you?C. How can I help you?D. How can I do for you?

考题 –()–Yes, I'm free then. A、Do you have any plans for this Saturday?B、Are you doing anything this Saturday?C、I'd like to make an appointment with you.D、I want to know if you are free on Saturday.

考题 – Hello, what can I do for you? –() (A) No,thank you.(B) No, nothing.(C) I want to buy a woolen carpet.(D) Thank you for your help.

考题 Philip:I can’t believe I 2 you at last.And what have you been doing?

考题 I don't want to ________ on you if you are very busy.A invadeB interveneC intrudeD interfere

考题 If you want to go, I would give you my advice that you take an umbrella.

考题 Tina received an admission notice letter from Yale University and Liu Hui congratulates her on her admission._TINA: Hi, Liu Hui. Guess what came in the__1___ todayLIU HUI: Your bill, maybeTINA: No, no. My acceptance__2___ to Yale!LIU HUI: Wow! Congratulations! You've been working so hard for it. When do classes startTINA: Freshman orientation is the last week of __3___, but I want to go two weeks before that to get settled in .LIU HUI: You are great! I guess you will have many things to do before you leave.TINA: Yes, I'll be very busy. I have to get a __4___, buy a plane ticket and pack my things, but first I want to register for classes.LIU HUI: Congratulations again. I believe you will have a___5__ experience at Yale.

考题 - It’s nice to meet you in my office. -() A、I am here today to discuss the trademark transfer with you.B、I want to tell you it is fine today.C、I only meant to help you.

考题 I _________ you with my daughter and you should treat her well. A.trustB.believeC.faithD.believe in

考题 You blame me for that, don't you?No,().A. of course not.B. I don't want to.C. I do think you are to blame.

考题 —What do you want to do?\n—________________.A.No, I don’t want to do anything.B.I want to watch TV for a change.C.What do you want to do then?D.How about having a picnic?

考题 — May you succeed in the coming entrance examination. — () A、I’m so happy!B、No, I’m not good at studying.C、Yes. May I succeed.D、Thank you, the same to you.

考题 Which substitution variable would you use if you want to reuse the variable without prompting the user each time? () A. B. ACCEPTC. PROMPTD.

考题 “你们可以按我指定的时间把礼物送到吗?” 翻译错误的是( )。A.Can you deliver my present the time I want?B.Can you deliver my present at time I want?C.Can you deliver present at the time I want?D.Can you deliver my present at the time I want?

考题 — May you succeed in the coming entrance examination. —()AI’m so happy!BNo, I’m not good at studying.CYes. May I succeed.DThank you, the same to you.

考题 What can I do for you, madam?()A、Thank you.B、You can't help me.C、I want to buy a camera.D、I'm glad to hear that

考题 I don't want you to make any trouble,(), I urge you to solve the problem.A、thusB、consequentlyC、on the contraryD、just as

考题 Using vi, you want to save changes to the file myfile with :w!, but vi complains it cannot write to the file. Therefore, you want to check the write permissions on the file. To do this without leaving vi, you type:()A、 :!ls-I myfileB、 :/ls-l myfileC、 esc :Is -I myfileD、 :?ls-l myfile

考题 Which substitution variable would you use if you want to reuse the variable without prompting the user each time?()A、B、ACCEPTC、PROMPTD、

考题 单选题—Lily, what are you going to do after you graduate?—I’m thinking of becoming a computer programmer.—_____—Well, my parents want me to be a doctor, but I don’t want to do that.A Do you know what I want to become?B Why do you want to be a doctor?C You said you would go to a medical school.D Thanks for your advice.

考题 单选题Customer: I’d like to mail this box to California.  Clerk: ______  Customer: Gee, I don’t know about that. What do you have?  Clerk: Airmail and surface mail.  Customer: I guess surface mail is fine.A Do you want to insure it?B How do you want to mail it?C What can I do for you?D Where will you mail to?

考题 单选题Will you please stop saying that? Do you think I’ll be ______ to believe what you say?A fool enoughB a fool enoughC a enough foolD enough fool

考题 单选题I don't want you to make any trouble,(), I urge you to solve the problem.A thusB consequentlyC on the contraryD just as

考题 单选题— May you succeed in the coming entrance examination. —()A I’m so happy!B No, I’m not good at studying.C Yes. May I succeed.D Thank you, the same to you.

考题 单选题Which substitution variable would you use if you want to reuse the variable without prompting the user each time?()A B ACCEPTC PROMPTD

考题 单选题()? -I am your agent. I want to see the captain.A What are you?B What can I do for you?C Where are you from?D What are you doing?

考题 单选题Using vi, you want to save changes to the file myfile with :w!, but vi complains it cannot write to the file. Therefore, you want to check the write permissions on the file. To do this without leaving vi, you type:()A  :!ls-I myfileB  :/ls-l myfileC  esc :Is -I myfileD  :?ls-l myfile