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Cross breeding(杂交育种)


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更多 “名词解释题Cross breeding(杂交育种)” 相关考题
考题 比较常规杂交育种与优势杂交育种的异同点。

考题 We may draw a conclusion that_______during a war.A.the Red Cross only protects the wounded B.the Red Cross only helps prisoners of war C.the Red Cross only helps citizens D.the Red Cross helps all the people in need no matter which side they are fighting for

考题 跨境电子商务的英文名称是()。A、Cross-border CommerceB、Cross-border Electronic CommerceC、Cross-border Trade CommerceD、Cross-border Communication

考题 下面哪些关于放样中Contour和Constant Cross Section选项的叙述是正确的?()A、只有当选择Contour时,才能使用Constant Cross Section参数,如果没有选择Contour,则不能使用Constant Cross Section。B、在路径转弯处,Constant Cross Section自动产生光滑的转角。C、只有当选择Banking时,才能使用Constant Cross Section参数,如果没有选择Banking,则不能使用Constant Cross Section。D、当没有复选Contour时,截面图形之间相互平行。

考题 杂交育种(breeding by hybridization)

考题 什么是有性杂交育种?

考题 杂交育种程序是什么?杂交育种的“五圃”是什么?

考题 优势杂交育种与常规杂交育种有哪些异同?

考题 杂交育种

考题 制定杂交育种计划?

考题 远缘杂交育种

考题 超亲育种(transgression breeding)

考题 单交(single cross)

考题 优势杂交育种和常规杂交育种的区别

考题 Cross breeding(杂交育种)

考题 杂交育种主要有()两种.A、杂交育种B、细胞融合C、原生质体融合D、远源育种

考题 Strain breeding(菌种选育)

考题 Genetically engineered breeding(基因工程育种)

考题 Cross:杂交

考题 单选题The resistance of a conductor varies ()A directly as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional areaB inversely as its length and directly as its cross-sectional areaC directly as its length and directly as its cross-sectional areaD inversely as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional area

考题 单选题Breeding the hybrid offspring to fix desirable traits is called ______.A naturally selectingB inbreedingC pedigree breedingD pure-breeding

考题 名词解释题Genetically engineered breeding(基因工程育种)

考题 问答题优势杂交育种与常规杂交育种有哪些异同?

考题 问答题杂交育种(breeding by hybridization)

考题 问答题回交育种(Backcross breeding method)

考题 名词解释题诱变育种(induced mutation breeding)

考题 名词解释题Cross breeding(杂交育种)

考题 单选题The ship()the Atlantic to America next week.A shall crossB shall cross toC crossD sail cross