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Breeding the hybrid offspring to fix desirable traits is called ______.

naturally selecting




pedigree breeding




倒数第二段指出对带有desirable traits的个体动植物进行杂交(crossbred),然后使这些杂交后代(hybrid offspring)进行同系繁殖(inbred),从而将这些desirable traits保留并固定下来,因此答案选B。
更多 “单选题Breeding the hybrid offspring to fix desirable traits is called ______.A naturally selectingB inbreedingC pedigree breedingD pure-breeding” 相关考题
考题 WhichtwocombinationsarevalidPAgPconfigurationsthatwillsetupaPAgPchannel?() A.On-PassiveB.On-AutoC.Passive-ActiveD.Desirable-AutoE.Active-ActiveF.Desirable-Desirable

考题 WhichthreecombinationsarevalidLACPconfigurationsthatwillsetupachannel?() A.On/OnB.On/AutoC.Passive/ActiveD.Desirable/AutoE.Active/ActiveF.Desirable/Desirable

考题 下面是一段关于交换机端口的配置,针对如下配置说法正确的是()port link-type hybrid port hybrid pvid vlan2port hybrid untagged vlan 2 port hybrid tagged vlan3 A.该端口的默认VLAN是VLAN 2B.port hybrid tagged vlan 3命令用来配置Hybrid类型接口所属的VLAN,这些VLAN的帧以Untagged方式通过接口C.por thybrid untagged vlan 2命令用来配置Hybrid类型接口所属的VLAN,这些VLAN的帧以Tagged方式通过接口D.以上说法都正确

考题 The offspring of the supertrees have proved to be genetically superior to those of the average trees.

考题 关于华为交换机设备中的Hybrid 端口下面说法正确的是A.Hybrid 端口只能用来连接网络设备 B.Hybrid 端口只能用来连接主机 C.Hybrid 端口既可以用来连接主机,又可以用来连接网络设备 D.Hybrid 端口上不能配置默认VLAN

考题 Which three combinations are valid LACP configurations that will set up a channel?()A、On/OnB、On/AutoC、Passive/ActiveD、Desirable/AutoE、Active/ActiveF、Desirable/Desirable

考题 Which two combinations are valid PAgP configurations that will set up a PAgP channel?()A、On-PassiveB、On-AutoC、Passive-ActiveD、Desirable-AutoE、Active-ActiveF、Desirable-Desirable

考题 Which two DTP modes will permit trunking between directly connected switches?()A、dynamic desirable (VTP domain A) to dynamic desirable (VTP domain A)B、dynamic desirable (VTP domain A) to dynamic desirable (VTP domain B)C、dynamic auto (VTP domain A) to dynamic auto (VTP domain A)D、dynamic auto (VTP domain A) to dynamic auto (VTP domain B)E、dynamic auto (VTP domain A) to nonegotiate (VTP domain A)F、nonegotiate (VTP domain A) to nonegotiate (VTP domain B)

考题 关于华为交换机设备中的Hybrid端口下面说法正确的是:()A、Hybrid端口只能用来连接网络设备B、Hybrid端口只能用来连接主机C、Hybrid端口既可以用来连接主机,又可以用来连接网络设备D、Hybrid端口上不能配置默认VLAN

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考题 系谱分析(Pedigree analysis)

考题 系谱(Pedigree)

考题 以下各表达式中,计算结果为0的是().A、INT(12.4)+INT(-12.6)B、CINT(12.4)+CINT(-12.6)C、FIX(13.6)+FIX(-12.6)D、FIX(12.4)+FIX(-12.6)

考题 下面哪条命令可以配置华为交换机的端口为hybrid模式()。A、swichport hybridB、hybrid enableC、port link-type hybridD、port mode hybrid

考题 下列关于华为交换设备中Hybrid端口说法正确的是:()A、Hybrid端口可以灵活的控制VLAN标签的移除情况。B、对于从Hybrid端口接收到的不带Tag的帧,交换机不会在帧中加上Tag标记。C、如果某Hybrid端口的taggedVLAN是none,而untaggedVLAN只有一个取值,则该端口与access端口功能相同。D、如果某Hybrid端口没有配置untaggedVLAN,则与trunk端口功能相同。

考题 Strain breeding(菌种选育)

考题 Genetically engineered breeding(基因工程育种)

考题 从中间定位点或点至最后进近定位点之间的航段。()A、The segment between the intermediate fix and the last approach fix.B、The segment between the middle fix and the last approach fix.C、The segment between the middle fix and the final approach fix.D、The segment between the intermediate fix and the final approach fix.

考题 单选题Animals, which are nevertheless displaying some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, are genetically similar.A Animals, which are nevertheless displaying some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, are genetically similar.B Though genetically similar, animals, nevertheless, display some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits.C Some animals that are genetically similar nevertheless display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits.D Some animals display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, they are genetically similar, nevertheless.E Some animals display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits and are genetically similar.

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考题 名词解释题Mutation breeding(诱变育种)

考题 名词解释题系谱(Pedigree)

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考题 单选题You are running parallel to the coast and take a running fix using bearings of the same object.If you are making less speed than used for the running fix,in relation to the position indicated by the fix,you will be().A Closer to the coastB Farther from the coastC On the track line ahead of the fixD On the track line behind the fix

考题 单选题下面哪条命令可以配置华为交换机的端口为hybrid模式()。A swichport hybridB hybrid enableC port link-type hybridD port mode hybrid

考题 单选题下面是一段关于交换机端口的配置,针对如下配置说法正确的是()port link-type hybrid port hybrid pvid vlan2port hybrid untagged vlan 2 port hybrid tagged vlan3A 该端口的默认VLAN是VLAN 2B port hybrid tagged vlan 3命令用来配置Hybrid类型接口所属的VLAN,这些VLAN的帧以Untagged方式通过接口C por thybrid untagged vlan 2命令用来配置Hybrid类型接口所属的VLAN,这些VLAN的帧以Tagged方式通过接口D 以上说法都正确

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