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考题 问答题来自英国的Luna女士为女儿线上报名了上海游的旅行团,由于人数已满,你需要写信告知她该信息,建议她提交候补申请,并对其担忧进行解答。请用所报考语种撰写该致歉信,并涵盖以下内容:  (1)已收到她的报名信,遗憾地通知其人数已满;  (2)建议提交候补申请;  (3)对于其女儿单独旅行的安全问题进行解释,使其安心;  (4)如有问题请再次联系你。  要求语言规范,行文流畅,格式正确,字数150~200字。

考题 单选题It's very convenient()hereA to liveB liveC livedD living

考题 单选题I remember when I was a child, I was very()with how many toys she had.A oppressedB impressedC repressedD pressed

考题 单选题____A byB toC forD against

考题 单选题At the moment our technology is more advanced than theirs, but they are()fast.A catching upB catching onC catching atD catching out

考题 单选题The spokeswoman of our government declares that our foreign policy is _____ the interests of the peace-loving people of the world.A in line forB in line withC in point ofD in view of

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题This statement is not _____ with the ones you made earlier.A consideredB competitiveC comparativeD consistent

考题 单选题What does your father do?()A He is cleaning the streetB He is fortyC He is a farmerD He is all right

考题 单选题Major earthquakes are among nature’s most devastating events, causing an _____ loss of life and property.A unmentionableB unprofitableC insurmountableD incalculable

考题 单选题China is a wonderful place and there is()to see and enjoy.A a lot ofB manyC muchD many more

考题 单选题Can you help me?()A No, I don't know.B Sure. What is it?C Don't mention it.D That's it

考题 单选题This is John.()A Oh, I have never seen you.B Yes, I am glad.C Hello, John. Nice to meet you.D How are you?

考题 单选题We agree to()the test.A you didB your doingC yours doingD you do

考题 单选题–Would you like something to drink ? -(), please.A Two cups of watersB Two cup of watersC Two cups of water

考题 单选题Not until 1980 did Jiao Tong University which belongs to the Education Commission begin to _____ a degree in English.A offerB trainC masterD devote

考题 问答题表意文字

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Can I take your order now?()A Thank you for you offer.B Sorry, it‘s beyond my order.C By no means.D Just a moment. Tow friends are coming.

考题 单选题____A actingB relyingC centeringD commenting

考题 单选题Mr. Brown gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.A requiredB inquiredC achievedD acquired

考题 单选题The chronic state of affairs at that time was war between states and civil wars within a nation.A slow-movingB gradually-weakeningC long-lastingD easy-going

考题 单选题“The La Brea Tar Pits” in paragraph 4 probably signifies things that _____.A can be traced back to the prehistoric ageB are traps for those who want to inquireC are located in one place foreverD don’t deserve full investigation

考题 单选题There aren't()books in my bag.A noB someC any

考题 问答题元宵节

考题 问答题开斋节

考题 填空题____