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句意:即使奴隶获得了自由,他们也还是在就业、住房、教育乃至使用公共厕所等公共设施方面受到歧视。discriminate against是固定搭配,意为“歧视某人”。
更多 “单选题____A byB toC forD against” 相关考题
考题 单选题The law prohibits occupancy by more than 250 persons in this area.A forbidsB allowsC promisesD suggests

考题 单选题If you()stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough.A won’tB wouldn’tC don’tD can’t

考题 单选题— May you succeed in the coming entrance examination. —()A I’m so happy!B No, I’m not good at studying.C Yes. May I succeed.D Thank you, the same to you.

考题 单选题On()side of the street there are some trees.A bothB eitherC everyD all

考题 单选题()her and then try to copy what she does.A WatchB SeeC MindD Stare at

考题 单选题During the United States Civil War, many people in the South were forced to flee their home.A return toB pay taxes onC run away fromD rebuild

考题 问答题龙椅/宝座

考题 单选题His words are()but the meaning is deepA fewB a fewC littleD a little

考题 单选题Singing these songs, I could not help()the good old days.A thinking overB thinking outC thinking ofD thinking up

考题 单选题That is the dog()name is Henry.A whoseB whoC whomD which

考题 单选题—Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()A No, I can’t.B Yes, you’re right.C I don’t know either.D Sorry, I don’t know.

考题 单选题Will you join us for lunch?()A No, I won'tB Yes, with pleasureC Yes, pleaseD Yes, help yourself

考题 单选题Before I got to the cinema, the film()A had begunB has begunC is begun

考题 单选题It is not clear whether the increase in reports is stemmed from greater human activity or is simply the result of more surveys.A flowsB comesC derivesD originates

考题 单选题Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption,()people out of rural areas.A drivenB drivesC drivingD drove

考题 单选题Do you know()in English?A how say itB how to say itC how saying itD how to saying it

考题 单选题____A fightB doubtC stopD think

考题 单选题Which of the following word can best describe anthropology?A Passionate.B Realistic.C Tolerant.D Creative.

考题 单选题I haven't read()book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject nowA wholeB the wholeC all ofD all

考题 单选题A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him()to the door.A hurryingB hurriedC hurryD to hurry

考题 单选题Ploughs and other agricultural implements were on display at the recent exhibition.A equationsB playthingsC toolsD machinery

考题 单选题Why()the old block of flats()demolished next month?A are;beingB is;beingC has;beenD have;been

考题 单选题He has()for music.A an intelligenceB an talentC a creativityD a mind

考题 单选题On hearing the voices of the famous writers of a long time past, the author was_____.A very excitedB very frightenedC very nervousD very surprised

考题 单选题You have finished the work,()you?A haven'tB haveC don'tD do

考题 单选题Many studies have suggested that _____.A more and more young people enjoy cruel computer gamesB violence in computer games makes their players more aggressiveC there are now far more incidents of violence due to computer gamesD simulated violence in computer games is different from real violence

考题 问答题进出口总额

考题 单选题According to the author, the cure for AIDS will probably lie in _____.A international cooperationB timely educationC economic situationD strong will