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A container holds 8 pints of a solution which is 25% acid. If 2 quarts of pure acid are added to the container, what percent of the resulting mixture is acid? (1 quart=2 pints)











Remember that 2 quarts of acid are 4 pints. There are now 8×25%+4, or 6 pints of acid in 12 pints of solution. Therefore the new solution is 4/10 or 50% acid.
更多 “单选题A container holds 8 pints of a solution which is 25% acid. If 2 quarts of pure acid are added to the container, what percent of the resulting mixture is acid? (1 quart=2 pints)A 50B 20C 40D 45E 35” 相关考题
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考题 单选题A container holds 8 pints of a solution which is 25% acid. If 2 quarts of pure acid are added to the container, what percent of the resulting mixture is acid? (1 quart=2 pints)A 50B 20C 40D 45E 35

考题 单选题Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container containing an inflatable liferaft has bobbed to the surface upon functioning of the hydrostatic release. Which action should you take?().A Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container downB Swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes downC Take no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and open the containerD Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump

考题 单选题The sales team has brought in the pSeries technical specialist to recommend the best solution to win the business.   The customer wants the lowest purchase cost four-disk solution using an external I/O solution.  Which of the following offerings provides the required base function at the lowest cost?()A 2104B ESS800C FAStT600D SSA 7133

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考题 单选题Advection fog holds longest over which portions of the lakes? ()A NorthwestB SoutheastC NortheastD Southwest

考题 单选题After you have thrown the liferaft and stowage container into the water,you inflate the liferaft by().A pulling on the painter lineB forcing open the container which operates the CO2C hitting the hydrostatic releaseD using the hand pump provided

考题 单选题You are on a containership carrying a tank container that had been filled with sodium hydroxide solution. The container is empty but has not been cleaned. Which,if any,placard is required?().A No placard is required; the tank openings must be sealedB Empty placard with corrosive placardC Residue label with the UN numberD Black and white corrosive placard

考题 单选题Which of the following holds multiple connections and is usually maintained by the telephone company?()A DemarcB IDFC MDFD 110 block

考题 单选题Bulk cargo refers to().A cargo which occupies a large volume of spaceB cargo which require refrigerationC cargo which is very denseD homogeneous cargo not enclosed in a container

考题 单选题A customer has a requirement for a storage solution that meets the following criteria:       (1)Heterogeneous hosts attached       (2)Support for block I/O       (3)High Speed       (4)Scalable  Which solution would satisfy the customer’s requirement?()A SANB NASC SCSID iSCSI

考题 单选题An inflatable liferaft is floating in its container,attached to the ship by its painter,as the ship is sinking rapidly. Which action should be taken with respect to the liferaft container? ()A Cut the painter line so that it will not pull the liferaft container downB Swim away from the container so that you will not be in danger as it goes downC Take no action as the pull on the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and open the containerD Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump

考题 多选题Which three capabilities make the Cisco Nexus 7010 switch an effective solution for the data center core? ()AvirtualizationBunified I/OCsupport for 48-port Gb/s line cardDsupport for Data Center Service ModulesEhigh performanceFhigh availability