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()(散货)ships carry large quantities of cargo.

Bulk cargo






General cargo


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更多 “单选题()(散货)ships carry large quantities of cargo.A Bulk cargoB OilC GasD General cargo” 相关考题
考题 —Why does the stream smell terrible? —Because large quantities of water_____. A、have pollutedB、is being pollutedC、has been pollutedD、have been polluted

考题 We can conclude from this passage that camels ______.A. feel at home in the desertB. like to carry heavy loadsC. look like ships from a distanceD. will always be useful

考题 ________ usually sell cheap things in large quantities, or offer only a very limited range of goods. A、Chain storesB、DiscountersC、Corner shopsD、Groceries

考题 It was amazing that they () handling such a large order. A、are capable ofB、carry outC、are responsible forD、do one's best

考题 A "dangerous cargo manifest" is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this "manifest" from the ______.A.manufacturerB.ABSC.Coast GuardD.shipper

考题 A multi-purpose ship carries not only general cargo but also bulk cargo.()A、多用途船不仅运杂货也运散货。B、多用途船不能运杂货也不能运散货。C、船舶的作用是多方面的,不是只能运杂货和散货。D、船舶是多用途的,不仅运杂货也运散货。

考题 As wholesalers(批发商) we are ____ to handle large quantities.A、of a positionB、in the positionC、at a positionD、in a position

考题 Many businesses ship their products by rail if they are shipping long distance because it can be()to ship in large quantities by rail than by truck.A、more expensiveB、cheaperC、fasterD、safer

考题 单选题GMDSS is to provide()with reliable communication .A all large passenger vesselsB freighters of more than 300gt in coastal watersC all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyagesD all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea

考题 多选题The provisions of MARPOL Annex IV shall apply to the following ships engaged ininternational voyages:()ANew Ships of 400 gross tonnage and aboveBNew Ships of less than 400 gross tonnageCNew Ships of less than 400 gross tonnage which are certified to carry more than 15personsDNew Ships of less than 400 gross tonnage which are certified to carry less than 15persons

考题 单选题()is any cargoes that are transported in a loose form without any packaging in large quantities.A General cargoB Bulk cargoC ContainerD Awkward cargo

考题 单选题() are more suitable for large quantities at low pressure.A Reciprocating pumpsB Rotary pumpsC Centrifugal pumpsD Gear pumps

考题 单选题A dangerous cargo manifest is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to mark this manifest from the().A manufacturerB CCSC HASD shipper

考题 填空题Large quantities of water (need) ____ for cooling purposes.

考题 单选题Which type and age of the ships has a higher potential for PSC inspection and a large percentage of subsequent PSC detentions?()A Bulk carriers and general cargo ships over 15 years oldB Bulk carriers and oil tankers over 15 years oldC Passenger liner and ro-ro ships over 10 years oldD Container ships and general ships over 10 years old

考题 单选题A “dangerous cargo manifest” is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this “manifest” from the().A manufacturerB ABSC Coast GuardD shipper

考题 单选题A large basin cut into the shore,closed off by a caisson,and used for drydocking of ships is known as a().A slipwayB graving dockC ground warpD caisson dock

考题 单选题()all ships in a large sea area being alerted, an “area call” will normally be transmitted so that only those ships in the vicinity of the distress incident are alerted.A AvoidingB To be avoidedC AvoidedD To avoid

考题 单选题A few ships carry()(旅客).A lightshipB passengersC ferryD cadet

考题 单选题重吊杆用于吊大的重件。()A Heavy derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.B Derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.C Heavy derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.D Derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.

考题 单选题According to the basic concept of GMDSS,()can be rapidly alerted to a distress incident.A only SAR authorities on landB all ships in a very large sea areaC the nearest coast stations and port radiosD the SAR authorities ashore as well as ships in the vicinity of the casualty

考题 单选题Every year, we export sunflower seeds ____ large quantities _____ the far EastA in, toB to, inC in, inD to, to

考题 单选题Large quantities of water _____ for irrigation.A is neededB has neededC are neededD need

考题 单选题The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to() on most large ships.A distribution boardsB section boardsC emergency switch boardsD main switch boards

考题 单选题()(散货)ships carry large quantities of cargo.A Bulk cargoB OilC GasD General cargo

考题 单选题A multi-purpose ship carries not only general cargo but also bulk cargo.()A 多用途船不仅运杂货也运散货。B 多用途船不能运杂货也不能运散货。C 船舶的作用是多方面的,不是只能运杂货和散货。D 船舶是多用途的,不仅运杂货也运散货。

考题 单选题As wholesalers(批发商) we are ____ to handle large quantities.A of a positionB in the positionC at a positionD in a position

考题 单选题All ships which, in accordance with the present Convention, are required to carry radio installations shall carry().A Q-codeB Telephone numbers and addressesC the international Codes of SignalsD radio instructions