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When the windlass is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.


When the derrick is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.


When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.


When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the carpenter to repair it.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题起货机出故障时,水手要去叫电工来修理。()A When the windlass is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.B When the derrick is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.C When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.D When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the carpenter to repair it.” 相关考题
考题 When you go abroad, do you ______ take your passport?A、have toB、ought toC、needD、must

考题 The author suggests that______.A) we shouldn't blame a person if he fails to act in emergenciesB) a person must feel guilty if he fails to helpC) people should be responsible for themselves in emergenciesD) when you are in trouble, people will help you anyway

考题 When a ship were found its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the Certificate by a nominated surveyor and corrective actions unable to be taken, thenA.the Certificate would be withdrawnB.the ship owner would be finedC.the shipping company must be notified immediatelyD.the ship must proceed to the nearest appropriate repair yard for a repair without delay

考题 I must apologize to you for the delay.()AThat's all right.BNo trouble at all.CAll the best.DYou are welcome.

考题 起货机出故障时,水手要去叫电工来修理。()A、When the windlass is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.B、When the derrick is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.C、When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the electrician to repair it.D、When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must go and call the carpenter to repair it.

考题 As a sailor on duty you must know how to ()(调整)derricks.A、taken inB、slack offC、adjustD、send out

考题 When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be().A、take inB、slacked offC、stowedD、taken

考题 When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must call the ()(电工) to repair it.A、carpenterB、ratingC、electricianD、bosun

考题 作为一名值班水手,你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。()A、As an officer on duty, you must know how to adjust derricks.B、As a sailor on duty, you must know how to adjust derricks.C、As a sailor on duty, you must know how to operate cranes.D、As an officer on duty, you must know how to operate cranes.

考题 每天早上值班水手必须在驾驶台做清洁工作。()A、Every morning the duty sailor must do the cleaning work on the bridge.B、Every evening the duty sailor must do the cleaning work on the bridge.C、Every morning the duty sailor must do the painting work on the bridge.

考题 You()buy some reference books when you go to college.A、couldB、will have toC、must toD、might

考题 When a ship is in port, the sailor on duty ()a gangway watch.A、hasB、keepsC、looksD、takes

考题 As a sailor on duty you must know how to adjust derrick.()A、作为一名值班水手你必须懂得如何调整起货机。B、作为一名值班水手你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。C、作为一名值班驾驶员你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。D、作为一名值班驾驶员你必须懂得如何调整起重机。

考题 吊杆停用时,稳索必须要收起来。()A、When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be stowed.B、When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be topped.C、When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be lowered.D、When the guy is stopped, the derrick must be stowed.

考题 I’ll ask the electrician to repair the winch. ()A、我去叫木匠来修理起货机B、我去叫电工来修理锚机C、我去叫木匠来修理锚机D、我去叫电工来修理起货机

考题 Which logical channel must be dimensioned for each cell when considering the call set-up frequency? ()A、SACCHB、SDCCHC、FCCHD、SCHE、BCCH

考题 单选题每天早上值班水手必须在驾驶台做清洁工作。()A Every morning the duty sailor must do the cleaning work on the bridge.B Every evening the duty sailor must do the cleaning work on the bridge.C Every morning the duty sailor must do the painting work on the bridge.

考题 单选题When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be().A take inB slacked offC stowedD taken

考题 单选题As a sailor on duty you must know how to adjust derrick.()A 作为一名值班水手你必须懂得如何调整起货机。B 作为一名值班水手你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。C 作为一名值班驾驶员你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。D 作为一名值班驾驶员你必须懂得如何调整起重机。

考题 单选题As a sailor on duty you must know how to ()(调整)derricks.A taken inB slack offC adjustD send out

考题 单选题When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must call the ()(电工) to repair it.A carpenterB ratingC electricianD bosun

考题 单选题I must apologize to you for the delay.()A That's all right.B No trouble at all.C All the best.D You are welcome.

考题 单选题作为一名值班水手,你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。()A As an officer on duty, you must know how to adjust derricks.B As a sailor on duty, you must know how to adjust derricks.C As a sailor on duty, you must know how to operate cranes.D As an officer on duty, you must know how to operate cranes.

考题 单选题I’ll ask the electrician to repair the winch. ()A 我去叫木匠来修理起货机B 我去叫电工来修理锚机C 我去叫木匠来修理锚机D 我去叫电工来修理起货机

考题 单选题When a ship is in port, the sailor on duty ()a gangway watch.A hasB keepsC looksD takes

考题 单选题When the derrick is lowered, the guys must be ().A slacked offB taken inC send awayD send out

考题 单选题When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be ()(收好).A taken inB slacked offC adjustedD stowed