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Which background process coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups?()









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更多 “单选题Which background process coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups?()A  ORBnB  OSMBC  RBALD  ASMn” 相关考题
考题 As shown in the diagram, in-memory statistics are transferred to the disk at regular intervals. Which background process performs this activity?() A. CKPTB. SMONC. MMOND. DBWR

考题 Which background process of a database instance, using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects as a foreground process into the ASM instance?() A. ASMBB. PMONC. RBALD.SMON

考题 Which background process of a database instance, using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects as a foreground process into the ASM instance?()A、ASMBB、PMONC、RBALD、SMON

考题 You are upgrading to the Oracle 10g Database and will use the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature of the Oracle 10g Database. Which background process serves as the SGA memory broker that  coordinates the sizing of the memory components?()  A、 MMANB、 PMONC、 MMOND、 MMNL

考题 Which Oracle background process frees SGA resources that were allocated to a user process that failed?()A、PMONB、SMONC、CKPTD、LGWRE、ARCn

考题 While connected to the database,a user on a PC receives a fatal error and the machine reboots. Which background process cleans up the failed connection?()A、ARCnB、CKPTC、DBWnD、LGWRE、PMONF、SMON

考题 Which statement is true about the Manageability Monitor (MMON) background proces()A、It transfers statistics from memory to disk at regular intervals.B、It coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups when ASM is used.C、It communicates with the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance on behalf of the databaseinstance.D、It performs dynamic memory management when Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabledfor the database instance.

考题 Which background process coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups?()A、 ORBnB、 OSMBC、 RBALD、 ASMn

考题 You have set Tablespace Full Metrics Threshold values for the USERS tablespace as follows:Warning (%): 90Critical (%): 95 Which background process is responsible for issuing alerts when the threshold is crossed()A、System monitor (SMON)B、Process monitor (PMON)C、Memory manager process (MMAN)D、Manageability Monitor process (MMON)

考题 Which background process reads the redo log buffer and writes it to a file?()A、ARCnB、DBWnC、CKPTD、LGWRE、PMONF、SMON

考题 Which background process of a database instance, using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects asa foreground process into the ASM instance?()A、ASMBB、PMONC、RBALD、SMON

考题 Which statement is true about the Manageability Monitor (MMON) background process()A、It transfers statistics from memory to disk at regular intervals.B、It coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups when ASM is used.C、It communicates with the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance on behalf of the database Instance.D、It performs dynamic memory management when Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabled for the Database instance

考题 You have set Tablespace Full Metrics Threshold values for the USERS tablespace as follows: Warning (%): 90  Critical (%): 95  Which background process is responsible for issuing alerts when the threshold is crossed()A、System monitor (SMON)B、Process monitor (PMON)C、Memory manager process (MMAN)D、Manageability Monitor process (MMON)

考题 单选题Which Oracle background process frees SGA resources that were allocated to a user process that failed?()A PMONB SMONC CKPTD LGWRE ARCn

考题 单选题Which background process does Automatic Shared Memory Management use to coordinate the sizing of memory components?()A PMONB SMONC MMNLD MMANE MMON

考题 单选题Which background process coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups?()A  ORBnB  OSMBC  RBALD  ASMn

考题 单选题You have set Tablespace Full Metrics Threshold values for the USERS tablespace as follows: Warning (%): 90  Critical (%): 95  Which background process is responsible for issuing alerts when the threshold is crossed()A System monitor (SMON)B Process monitor (PMON)C Memory manager process (MMAN)D Manageability Monitor process (MMON)

考题 单选题Which background process of a database instance,using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects as a foreground process into the ASM instance?()A  ASMBB  PMONC  RBALD  SMON

考题 单选题While connected to the database,a user on a PC receives a fatal error and the machine reboots. Which background process cleans up the failed connection?()A ARCnB CKPTC DBWnD LGWRE PMONF SMON

考题 单选题Which statement is true about the Manageability Monitor (MMON) background proces()A It transfers statistics from memory to disk at regular intervals.B It coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups when ASM is used.C It communicates with the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance on behalf of the databaseinstance.D It performs dynamic memory management when Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabledfor the database instance.

考题 单选题You are upgrading to the Oracle 10g Database and will use the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature of the Oracle 10g Database. Which background process serves as the SGA memory broker that  coordinates the sizing of the memory components?()A  MMANB  PMONC  MMOND  MMNL

考题 单选题Which background process sequentially writes Flashback Database data from the flashback buffer to the Flashback Database logs?()A  DBWnB  RECOC  RVWRD  LGWR

考题 单选题As shown in the diagram, in-memory statistics are transferred to the disk at regular intervals. Which background process performs this activity?()A CKPTB SMONC MMOND DBWR

考题 单选题You have set Tablespace Full Metrics Threshold values for the USERS tablespace as follows:Warning (%): 90Critical (%): 95 Which background process is responsible for issuing alerts when the threshold is crossed()A System monitor (SMON)B Process monitor (PMON)C Memory manager process (MMAN)D Manageability Monitor process (MMON)

考题 单选题Which background process is responsible for writing the dirty buffers from the write list to the data files during a checkpoint?()A CKPTB SMONC LGWRD DBWnE ARCn

考题 单选题Which background process reads the redo log buffer and writes it to a file?()A ARCnB DBWnC CKPTD LGWRE PMONF SMON

考题 单选题Which statement is true about the Manageability Monitor (MMON) background process()A It transfers statistics from memory to disk at regular intervals.B It coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups when ASM is used.C It communicates with the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance on behalf of the database Instance.D It performs dynamic memory management when Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabled for the Database instance

考题 单选题Which Oracle background process is responsible for providing information about the instance name associated with the service handlers and services to the listener?()A PMONB SMONC LGWRD CKRT