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Which is a valid CREATE TABLE statement?()
CREATE TABLE EMP9$# AS (empid number(2));
CREATE TABLE EMP*123 AS (empid number(2));
CREATE TABLE PACKAGE AS (packid number(2));
CREATE TABLE 1EMP_TEST AS (empid number(2));
更多 “单选题Which is a valid CREATE TABLE statement?()A CREATE TABLE EMP9$# AS (empid number(2));B CREATE TABLE EMP*123 AS (empid number(2));C CREATE TABLE PACKAGE AS (packid number(2));D CREATE TABLE 1EMP_TEST AS (empid number(2));” 相关考题
Which is a valid CREATE TABLE statement? ()
A. CREATE TABLE EMP9$# AS (empid number(2));B. CREATE TABLE EMP*123 AS (empid number(2));C. CREATE TABLE PACKAGE AS (packid number(2));D. CREATE TABLE 1EMP_TEST AS (empid number(2));
你要操纵Oracle数据,下列哪个不是SQL命令?()A、select*from dual;B、set defineC、update emp set ename=6543where ename=‘SMITHERS’;D、create table employees(empid varchar2(10)primary key);
Examine the command that is used to create a table: SQL CREATE TABLE orders(oid NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY, odate DATE, ccode NUMBER (6), oamtNUMBER(10,2)) TABLESPACE users; Which two statements are true about the effect of the above command()A、A CHECK constraint is created on the OID column.B、A NOT NULL constraint is created on the OID column.C、The ORDERS table is the only object created in the USERS tablespace.D、The ORDERS table and a unique index are created in the USERS tablespace.E、The ORDERS table is created in the USERS tablespace and a unique index is created on the OID columnin the SYSTEM tablespace.
评估此CREATE TABLE语句的执行结果: CREATE TABLE part( part_id NUMBER, part_name VARCHAR2(25), manufacturer_id NUMBER(9), retail_price NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT part_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(part_id), CONSTRAINT cost_nn NOT NULL(cost), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (manufacturer_id) REFERENCES manufacturer(id)); 哪一行会导致产生错误()A、6B、7C、8D、9
Which is a valid CREATE TABLE statement? ()A、CREATE TABLE EMP9$# AS (empid number(2));B、CREATE TABLE EMP*123 AS (empid number(2));C、CREATE TABLE PACKAGE AS (packid number(2));D、CREATE TABLE 1EMP_TEST AS (empid number(2));
Evaluate the set of SQL statements: CREATE TABLE dept (deptno NUMBER(2), dname VARCHAR2(14), loc VARCHAR2(13)); ROLLBACK; DESCRIBE DEPT What is true about the set?()A、The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table.B、The ROLLBACK statement frees the storage space occupied by the DEPT table.C、The DESCRIBE DEPT statement returns an error ORA-04043: object DEPT does not exist.D、The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table only if there is a COMMIT statement introduced before the ROLLBACK statement.
You need to design a student registration database that contains several tables storing academic information. The STUDENTS table stores information about a student. The STUDENT_GRADES table stores information about the student's grades. Both of the tables have a column named STUDENT_ID. The STUDENT_ID column in the STUDENTS table is a primary key. You need to create a foreign key on the STUDENT_ID column of the STUDENT_GRADES table that points to the STUDENT_ID column of the STUDENTS table. Which statement creates the foreign key?()A、CREATE TABLE student_grades (student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), CONSTRAINT student_id_fk REFERENCES (student_id) FOREIGN KEY student (student_id));B、CREATE TABLE student_grades(student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id));C、CREATE TABLE student_grades(student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student (student_id));D、CREATE TABLE student_grades(student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id));
Which two operations can be performed on an external table()A、Create a view on the table.B、Create an index on the table.C、Create a synonym on the table.D、Add a virtual column to the table.E、Update the table using the UPDATE statement.F、Delete rows in the table using the DELETE command.
Examine the following steps performed on a database instance: 1. The DBA grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the SKD user with ADMIN OPTION. 2. The SKD user creates a table. 3. The SKD user grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the HR user. 4. The HR user creates a table. 5. The DBA revokes the CREATE TABLE system privilege from SKD. Which statement is true after step 5 isperformed()A、The table created by SKD is not accessible and SKD cannot create new tables.B、The tables created by SKD and HR remain, but both cannot create new tables.C、The table created by HR remains and HR still has the CREATE TABLE system privilege.D、The table created by HR remains and HR can grant the CREATE TABLE system privilege to other users.
Which SQL statement defines the FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table?()A、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);B、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));C、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4) ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));D、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp deptno fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
Which statement accomplish this? ()A、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);B、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);C、CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);D、CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);E、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);F、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);
Examine the command that is used to create a table: SQL CREATE TABLE orders(oid NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY, odate DATE, ccode NUMBER(6), oamt NUMBER(10,2)) TABLESPACE users; Which two statements are true about the effect of the above command) ()A、A CHECK constraint is created on the OID column.B、A NOT NULL constraint is created on the OID column.C、The ORDERS table is the only object created in the USERS tablespace.D、The ORDERS table and a unique index are created in the USERS tablespace.E、The ORDERS table is created in the USERS tablespace and a unique index is created on the OIDcolumn in the SYSTEM tablespace.
Examine the following steps performed on a database instance: 1:The DBA grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the SKD user with ADMIN OPTION. 2:The SKD usercreates a table. 3:The SKD user grants theCREATETABLE system privilege to the HR user. 4:The HR user creates a table. 5:The DBA revokes the CREATE TABLE system privilege from SKD. Which statement is true after step 5 is performed()A、The table created by SKD isnot accessibleand SKD cannot create new tables.B、The tables created by SKD and HR remain, but both cannot create new tables.C、The table created by HR remains and HR still has the CREATE TABLE system privilege.D、The table created by HR remains and HR can grant the CREATE TABLE system privilege to other users.
Which SQL statement defines a FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table?()A、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);B、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));C、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));D、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
You need to create a table named ORDERS that contains four columns: 1.an ORDER_ID column of number data type 2.a CUSTOMER_ID column of number data type 3.an ORDER_STATUS column that contains a character data type 4.a DATE_ORDERED column to contain the date the order was placed When a row is inserted into the table, if no value is provided for the status of the order, the value PENDING should be used instead. Which statement accomplishes this?()A、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );B、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) = 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );C、CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );D、CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) = 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );E、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );F、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered VARCHAR2 );
You need to create a table named ORDERS that contain four columns: 1. an ORDER_ID column of number data type 2. aCUSTOMER_ID column of number data type 3. an ORDER_STATUS column that contains a character data type 4. aDATE_ORDERED column to contain the date the order was placed. When a row is inserted into the table, if no value is provided when the order was placed, today's date should be used instead. Which statement accomplishes this?()A、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);B、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);C、CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);D、CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);E、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);F、CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);
You need to perform these tasks: 1. Create and assign a MANAGER role to Blake and Clark 2. Grant CREATE TABLE and CREATE VIEW privileges to Blake and Clark Which set of SQL statements achieves the desired results?()A、CREATE ROLE manager; GRANT create table, create view TO manager; GRANT manager TO BLACK, CLARK;B、CREATE ROLE manager; GRANT create table, create voew TO manager; GRANT manager ROLE TO BLACK, CLARK;C、GRANT manager ROLE TO BLACK, CLARK; GRANT create table, create voew TO BLACK CLARK; ***MISSING***
Which two operations can be performed on an external table()A、Create a view on the table.B、Create an index on the table.C、Create a synonym on the table.D、Add a virtual column to the table.E、Update the table using the UPDATE statement.F、Delete rows in the table using the DELETE command
单选题Which SQL statement defines the FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table?()A
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);B
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));C
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4) ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));D
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp deptno fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
单选题You need to perform these tasks: 1. Create and assign a MANAGER role to Blake and Clark 2. Grant CREATE TABLE and CREATE VIEW privileges to Blake and Clark Which set of SQL statements achieves the desired results?()A
CREATE ROLE manager; GRANT create table, create view TO manager; GRANT manager TO BLACK, CLARK;B
CREATE ROLE manager; GRANT create table, create voew TO manager; GRANT manager ROLE TO BLACK, CLARK;C
GRANT manager ROLE TO BLACK, CLARK; GRANT create table, create voew TO BLACK CLARK; ***MISSING***
多选题Examine the command that is used to create a table: SQL CREATE TABLE orders(oid NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY, odate DATE, ccode NUMBER (6), oamtNUMBER(10,2)) TABLESPACE users; Which two statements are true about the effect of the above command()AA CHECK constraint is created on the OID column.BA NOT NULL constraint is created on the OID column.CThe ORDERS table is the only object created in the USERS tablespace.DThe ORDERS table and a unique index are created in the USERS tablespace.EThe ORDERS table is created in the USERS tablespace and a unique index is created on the OID columnin the SYSTEM tablespace.
单选题Examine the following steps performed on a database instance: 1:The DBA grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the SKD user with ADMIN OPTION. 2:The SKD usercreates a table. 3:The SKD user grants theCREATETABLE system privilege to the HR user. 4:The HR user creates a table. 5:The DBA revokes the CREATE TABLE system privilege from SKD. Which statement is true after step 5 is performed()A
The table created by SKD isnot accessibleand SKD cannot create new tables.B
The tables created by SKD and HR remain, but both cannot create new tables.C
The table created by HR remains and HR still has the CREATE TABLE system privilege.D
The table created by HR remains and HR can grant the CREATE TABLE system privilege to other users.
多选题Examine the command that is used to create a table: SQL CREATE TABLE orders(oid NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY, odate DATE, ccode NUMBER(6), oamt NUMBER(10,2)) TABLESPACE users; Which two statements are true about the effect of the above command) ()AA CHECK constraint is created on the OID column.BA NOT NULL constraint is created on the OID column.CThe ORDERS table is the only object created in the USERS tablespace.DThe ORDERS table and a unique index are created in the USERS tablespace.EThe ORDERS table is created in the USERS tablespace and a unique index is created on the OIDcolumn in the SYSTEM tablespace.
单选题You want to create a temporary table while executing a procedure in a form. Which statement is true?()A
You cannot create a table form within Forms. B
You must use the FORMS_DDL built-in to create the table. C
You must use the DBMS_DYNAMIC_DDL package to create the table. D
You can write the CREATE TABLE statement directly into the trigger.
单选题Examine the following steps performed on a database instance: 1. The DBA grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the SKD user with ADMIN OPTION. 2. The SKD user creates a table. 3. The SKD user grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the HR user. 4. The HR user creates a table. 5. The DBA revokes the CREATE TABLE system privilege from SKD. Which statement is true after step 5 isperformed()A
The table created by SKD is not accessible and SKD cannot create new tables.B
The tables created by SKD and HR remain, but both cannot create new tables.C
The table created by HR remains and HR still has the CREATE TABLE system privilege.D
The table created by HR remains and HR can grant the CREATE TABLE system privilege to other users.
单选题Which SQL statement defines a FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table?()A
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);B
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));C
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));D
CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
单选题A user needs to create a trigger that will update table T2 whenever a row is added to table T1. Assuming the user has all appropriate privileges for table T2, which privilege is required on table T1 to create the trigger?()A