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Could you finish the task in two days? 一()I have something else to do these days.

I could not


Yes.I think so


I'm afraid so


I'm afraid not


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更多 “单选题Could you finish the task in two days? 一()I have something else to do these days.A I could notB Yes.I think soC I'm afraid soD I'm afraid not” 相关考题
考题 —()— It’s not bad. I have worked in this bank for two years and I love my current job. A.Could you do me a favor?B.How is everything going?C.What’s going on?

考题 听力原文:M: Did you talk with our new manager? He is looking for you these days. I think he has something important.W: I have been out of town for 2 days. And until this morning I come back.Q: What does the woman mean?(17)A.She hasn't talked with the new manager yet.B.The new manager was not in the office.C.She has been at home.D.She didn't want to talk with the new manager.

考题 —What symptoms do you have? —_______A.My eyes have been red for the past few days.B.I have red eyes for a few days.C.I have a cold.D.I’ve never had any trouble with my health.

考题 I thought you()like something to read. So I have brought you some books.A. willB. mightC. would

考题 I( )to ask you something, but I’ve never seen you for the last few months. A、have meantB、am meaningC、have been meaningD、mean

考题 –– Sophia: Hey,—————?–– Teresa: I wish I could. But I really have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.–– Sophia: Oh, maybe some other time, then.A: can I come to visit you tonightB: shall we have a barbecue some day this weekC: Lisa will leave Chicago tonight. Shall we go to see him offD: would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

考题 I thought you ______ like something to read. So I have brought you some books. A. will/oughtB. might/couldC. Would

考题 You look very tired. You ____ too hard these days.A. could have workedB. ought to have workedC. should have workedD. must have worked

考题 It _________________ me two days to finish the report. A、takesB、spendsC、costsD、pays

考题 Stranger: I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes of your time?Woman: ______A、May I take a message?B、I don't know if I can.C、What have you decided?D、You may have it longer if you like.

考题 —why, Jack, you look so tired!---Well, I _____the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.A. was paintingB. will be paintingC. have paintedD. have been painting

考题 ----I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain ----why not consult with Frank? You see, _________.A. great minds think alikeB. two heads are better than oneC. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD. it’s better to think twice before doing something

考题 Which of the following infinitivesexpresses REASON?A.Would you like something to eat? B.He came here to get his computerrepaired. C.I 'm glad to receive the present from myuncle. D.Dad told me to finish the task on time.

考题 Could you finish the task in two days? 一()I have something else to do these days.A、I could notB、Yes.I think soC、I'm afraid soD、I'm afraid not

考题 I'd like to know something about your life in Paris. ()A、You can tell me.B、I wonder if you can.C、I‘ll tell you.D、I wonder if you could.

考题 选出不是招呼顾客的句子。()。A、May I help you?B、Do you want to buy something here?C、How much is the large size?D、Could I be of service to you?

考题 A user reports that their computer suddenly will not boot. When the technician arrives, they discover that the user is very worried they will not be able to complete a research paper theyve been working on which is due by the end of the day. Which of the following is an appropriate response to the users concerns? ()A、A Trojan may have infected the OS or worked its way into the MBR. What did you download recently that caused the problem?B、I understand your concern, and will try to have your computer working again as quickly as possible so that you can finish your report.C、If the paper was so important to you, you should have created a backup copy so you could finish it on another computer.D、I do not understand why you are upset. I am sure your professor will understand and you will be able to turn in the paper tomorrow.

考题 You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 instance should be managed by you. The computer on which the instance run has the following three features: a 64-GB RAM, four quad-core processors, and several independent physical raid volumes. A transactional database will be implemented on the instance. In addition, the database should have a high volume of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE activities. Creation of new tables is contained by the activities. You need to maximize disk bandwidth and decrease the contention in the storage allocation structures so as to have the performance of the database optimized.    Which action will you perform to finish the task?()A、To finish the task, database and log files should be placed on the same volume.B、To finish the task, the affinity mask option should be configured properly.C、To finish the task, multiple data files should be create for the database. D、To finish the task, the affinity I/O mask option should be configured properly.

考题 You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you. After a regular test, you find that performance degradation is experienced by an instance for the three reasons: Excessive CPU usage, Server processes paging and Deadlocks. A monitoring solution should be implemented to provide data, monitor and troubleshoot performance issues. And detailed deadlock information should be contained in the provided data. You should utilize the least amount of administrative effort to finish the task.    Which tool will you utilize to finish the task?() A、To finish the task, you should utilize Resource Governor. B、To finish the task, you should utilize Database Engine Tuning Advisor.C、To finish the task, you should utilize Extended Events. D、To finish the task, you should utilize Performance Monitor (SYSMON). 

考题 单选题—Have you finished the poster for the party?—Not yet. I ______ it in two days.A finishB finishedC will finishD will have finished

考题 单选题You have to be ______ and wait until I finish my work.A patientB strictC honestD active

考题 单选题—Have you finished your report yet?—No, I’ll finish it in _____ ten minutes.A anotherB otherC moreD less

考题 单选题You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you. There is a database in the instance, and the day-to-day business of your company requires the database. When reports are executed, slow response time will be experienced by Users. A performance monitoring strategy will be implemented by you so as to have three aspects of data captured and stored: Blocking and deadlock information,  Executed Transact-SQL statements  Query activity and Counters for disk, CPU, and memory. You are required to utilize the least amount of administrative effort to implement the monitoring process.     Which action will you perform to finish the task?()A To finish the task, the client-side profiler trace should be utilized. B To finish the task, the dynamic management views should be utilized.C To finish the task, the data collector should be utilized. D To finish the task, the System Monitor counter log trace should be utilized.

考题 单选题You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you. After a regular test, you find that performance degradation is experienced by an instance for the three reasons: Excessive CPU usage, Server processes paging and Deadlocks. A monitoring solution should be implemented to provide data, monitor and troubleshoot performance issues. And detailed deadlock information should be contained in the provided data. You should utilize the least amount of administrative effort to finish the task.    Which tool will you utilize to finish the task?()A To finish the task, you should utilize Resource Governor. B To finish the task, you should utilize Database Engine Tuning Advisor.C To finish the task, you should utilize Extended Events. D To finish the task, you should utilize Performance Monitor (SYSMON). 

考题 单选题Careth: Good afternoon. I’ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out?  Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven’t finished, you can renew them.  Careth: How do I do that? ________  Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return.  Eunice: These two books have been lended.A Why can’t I keep them for a longer time?B Must I visit the library?C How much could I be fined?D Can I lend them to my friends?

考题 单选题—I thought you were going to call on me last night.  —Sorry, I would have, ______A but I had to finish my homeworkB but 1 would call you as soon as possibleC I thought you were thereD you would have taken me there

考题 单选题—I am afraid that I can’t finish the task successfully.—Don’t worry. You ______ plenty of time to do it.A will be givenB giveC will giveD are given