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High clouds,composed of small white flakes or scaly globular masses,and often banded together to form a “mackerel sky”,would be classified as().









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更多 “单选题High clouds,composed of small white flakes or scaly globular masses,and often banded together to form a “mackerel sky”,would be classified as().A cirrusB cirrocumulusC altostratusD cumulonimbus” 相关考题
考题 Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany a(n) ______.A.high pressure systemB.cold frontC.warm frontD.occluded front

考题 An indication of an overloaded main propulsion diesel engine is( ).A.white smoke in the exhaustB.high exhaust gas pyrometer readingsC.sparks in the exhaustD.blue smoke in the exhaust

考题 The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be ______.A.large cumulonimbus (thunderclouds) building upB.high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and then to altostratusC.fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler waterD.low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rain

考题 In many areas "atoll" clouds (clouds of vertical development) are produced over small islands. These are the result of ______.A.rising air currents produced by the warm islandsB.warm air from the sea rising over higher land areasC.cool land air mixing with warm sea airD.descending air over the islands

考题 Which general weather conditions should you expect to find in a low pressure system ________.A.Fair weatherB.Precipitation and cloudinessC.Scattered clouds at high elevationsD.Gradual clearing and cooler temperatures

考题 Clouds with the prefix“nimbo”in their name ______.A.are sheet or layer cloudsB.have undergone great vertical developmentC.are middle or high altitude cloudsD.are rain clouds

考题 Altocumulus clouds are defined as______.A.high cloudsB.middle cloudsC.low cloudsD.vertical development clouds

考题 Cumulonimbus clouds can produce ______.A.dense fog and high humidityB.gusty winds, thunder, rain or hail, and lightingC.clear skies with the approach of a cold frontD.a rapid drop in barometric pressure followed by darkness

考题 Early indications of the approach of a hurricane may be all of the following EXCEPT_____A.short confused swellsB.gradually incresing white clouds (mare’s tails)C.pumping barometerD.continuous fine mist-like rain

考题 High clouds, composed of small white flakes or scaly globular masses, and often banded together to form a mackerel sky, would be classified as ______.A.cirrusB.cirrocumulusC.altostratusD.Cumulonimbus

考题 Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by______.A.powerB.towerC.coverD.low clouds

考题 球蛋白(globular proteins)

考题 单选题Cirrus clouds are composed primarily of().A ice crystalsB water dropletsC snow crystalsD nitrogen

考题 单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can be caused by a ()A high combustion temperatureB high compression pressureC cracked cylinder linerD fuel with a high vanadium content

考题 单选题A vessel being pushed ahead is required to carry which of the following lights?().A Sidelights and a stern lightB Sidelights onlyC Sidelights and a small white light at each endD A small white light at each end

考题 单选题Clouds with the prefix “nimbo” in their name().A are sheet or layer cloudsB have undergone great vertical developmentC are middle or high altitude cloudsD are rain clouds

考题 单选题In many areas atoll clouds (clouds of vertical development) are produced over small islands. These are the result of().A rising air currents produced by the warm islandsB warm air from the sea rising over higher land areasC cool land air mixing with warm sea airD descending air over the islands

考题 单选题Cumulonimbus clouds can produce().A dense fog and high humidityB gusty winds,thunder,rain or hail,and lightningC clear skies with the approach of a cold frontD a rapid drop in barometric pressure followed by darkness

考题 单选题High clouds,composed of small white flakes or scaly globular masses,and often banded together to form a mackerel sky,would be classified as().A cirrusB cirrocumulusC altostratusD cumulonimbus

考题 单选题Which general weather conditions should you expect to find in a low pressure system().A Fair weatherB Precipitation and cloudinessC Scattered clouds at high elevationsD Gradual clearing and cooler temperatures

考题 单选题73. A small B short C high D bigA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题()is a high layer of cloud in the front of small flakes or cauhflower,white in colour with no dark shadows in between.A CirrostratusB CirrusC CirrocumulusD Altostratus

考题 单选题In general, () is suitable for delivering small quantifies at high pressure.A reciprocating pumpB gear pumpC centrifugal pumpD vane pump

考题 单选题When anchoring a small sailing vessel in rough weather,the best anchor line would be composed of().A chain-wireB chain-manilaC chain-nylonD all chain

考题 单选题Only a small part of the sun’s energy reaches the earth’ s surface because most of it is ______.A absorbed by the clouds in the lower atmosphereB reflected by the gases in the upper atmosphereC lost in the upper and lower atmosphereD used to evaporate water from the oceans and lakes

考题 名词解释题球蛋白(globular proteins)

考题 单选题Early indications of the approach of a hurricane may be all of the following EXCEPT().A short confused swellsB gradually increasing white clouds (mare's tails)C pumping barometerD continuous fine mist-like rain

考题 单选题Clouds that form as small white flakes or scaly globular masses covering either small or large portions of the sky are().A cirrusB cirrostratusC altostratusD cirrocumulus