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Weather information is available from().

Commercial radio broadcasts


The Coast Guard on scheduled marine information broadcasts


VHF-FM continuous marine weather broadcasts provided by the National Weather Service


All of the above


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Weather information is available from().A Commercial radio broadcastsB The Coast Guard on scheduled marine information broadcastsC VHF-FM continuous marine weather broadcasts provided by the National Weather ServiceD All of the above” 相关考题
考题 要查询Information表中学生姓中含有“张”的学生情况,可以用下列哪个命令?——A.SELECT* FROM Information WHERE s—Flame=‘张’B.SELECT*FROM Information WI-IERE s—name LIKE‘张%’C.SELECI*FROM Information WHERE s._name LIKE‘张一’D.SEt,ECT*FROM Information WHERE s—name LIKE‘%张%’

考题 关于group by 以下语句正确的是( )A.SELECT store_name FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_nameB. SELECT SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY salesC.SELECT store_name, price SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_name,priceD.SELECT store_name, SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_name


考题 Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information from the RMAN repository can be listed?() A. Stored scripts in the recovery catalogB. Backups that can be deleted from diskC. Backup sets and images copies that are obsoleteD. Backups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in the RMAN repository

考题 Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information in the RMANrepository can be listed?() A. stored scripts in the recovery catalogB. backups that can be deleted from diskC. backup sets and image copies are obsoleteD. backups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in the RMAN repository RMAN

考题 The Internet is an open system,and most information is available to everyone.It is very important to add(74)to existing system for protecting the secret information.A.Web pagesB.modemC.securityD.network

考题 The Internet is an open system, and most information is available to everyone.It is very important to add ______ to existing system for protecting the secret information.A.Web pagesB.modemC.securityD.network

考题 The weather in South China is d_________ from that in North China.

考题 If you are sailing from the East Coast of the United States to the Caribbean Sea,which publication would contain information on weather,currents,and storms?A.Sailing Charts of the Caribbean SeaB.Pilot Charts of the North AtlanticC.Light Lists,Atlantic and Gulf CoastD.Tidal Current Tables

考题 Weather information is available from ______.A.Commercial radio broadcastsB.The Coast Guard on scheduled marine information broadcastsC.VHF-FM continuous marine weather broadcasts provided by the National Weather ServiceD.All of the above

考题 For any information system to serve its purpose, the information must be( )when it is needed.A.integral B.available C.irreplaceable D.confidential

考题 Almost of the information we gather is also available online around the world,with the______ coming from our contacts,from direct growers and wholesalers。A.remained B.remaining C.remains D.remain

考题 Which three pieces of information are available from the Cisco CRS 4.0 Control Center?()A、System Parameters Configuration  B、Cisco Unified CallManager Cluster Status  C、Date, Time, and Reason of Last Failure  D、Cisco CRS License Information  E、Cisco CRS Datastore Replication Status  F、Cisco CRS Component Activation 

考题 Several people in an Information Technology (IT) department are asking for fileset updates that the system administrator received earlier that day on CD-ROM. The system administrator created an install directory on their machine and made it available to everyone. Which of the following commands will allow the system administrator to copy the images from the CD-ROM to the install directory?()A、smit bffcreate from the target directoryB、tar -xvf /dev/cd0 from the target directoryC、restore -xvqf /dev/cd0 from the target directoryD、mount the cdrom on /cdrom and cp /cdrom/* . from the target directory

考题 单选题In good weather,you should deploy the sea anchor from the liferaft to().A keep the liferaft from capsizingB navigate against the currentC keep personnel from getting seasickD stay in the general location

考题 单选题The weather in Harbin is quite different from()in Hainan.A thatB itC the oneD one

考题 单选题If you are sailing from the East Coast of the United States to the Caribbean Sea,which publication would contain information on weather,currents,and storms?()A Sailing Charts of the Caribbean SeaB Pilot Charts of the North AtlanticC Light Lists,Atlantic and Gulf CoastD Tidal Current Tables

考题 单选题General information on enroute weather and climate is found in().A the Sailing Directions and the Coast PilotB a weather faxC the Local Notice to MarinersD the Light List

考题 单选题Complete information on weather broadcasts throughout the world is contained in().A Selected Worldwide Marine Weather BroadcastsB your local newspaperC the Notice to MarinersD the daily weather map

考题 单选题Weather information is available from().A Commercial radio broadcastsB The Coast Guard on scheduled marine information broadcastsC VHF-FM continuous marine weather broadcasts provided by the National Weather ServiceD All of the above

考题 多选题Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information from the RMAN repository can be listed? ()Abackups that can be deletedBstored scripts in the recovery catalogCbackup sets and image copies that are obsoleteDonly the most recent backup sets or image copiesEbackups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in RMAN repository

考题 多选题Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information in the RMANrepository can be listed?() (Choose two.)Astored scripts in the recovery catalog.Bbackups that can be deleted from disk.Cbackup sets and image copies are obsolete.Dbackups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in the RMAN repository.

考题 单选题The height from water level to the weather deck is called().A heightB freeboardC draftD waterline

考题 多选题Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information from the RMANrepository can be listed?()AStored scripts in the recovery catalogBBackups that can be deleted from diskCBackup sets and images copies that are obsoleteDBackups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in the RMAN repository

考题 多选题Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN),which two pieces of information in the RMAN repository can be listed?()Astored scripts in the recovery catalogBbackups that can be deleted from diskCbackup sets and image copies are obsoleteDbackups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in the RMAN repository

考题 多选题Using the LIST command in Recovery Manager (RMAN), which two pieces of information from the RMAN repository can be listed?()AStored scripts in the recovery catalogBBackups that can be deleted from diskCBackup sets and images copies that are obsoleteDBackups that do not have the AVAILABLE status in the RMAN repository

考题 单选题As a licensed Merchant Marine Officer you are expected to().A obtain a weather forecast before setting out from portB listen to weather forecasts on the radio while enrouteC understand all broadcast weather warning informationD All of the above

考题 单选题Which publication should you check for complete information on Puget Sound weather conditions? ()A Sailing DirectionsB Light ListC Coast PilotD Chart of the area