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The burden of proving unseaworthiness is upon those who()it.









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更多 “单选题The burden of proving unseaworthiness is upon those who()it.A approvesB allegesC allowsD permits” 相关考题
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考题 The passage would probably be most helpful to .A. those who draw maps B. those who get lostC. those who make compasses D. those who do experiments

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考题 Any applicant who had worked in this field would receive __________over those who had not.A. referenceB. inferenceC. preferenceD. conference

考题 The text is written mainly for those_____________.A. who go to work early B. who want to lose weightC. who stay up late D. who eat before sleep

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考题 The text is written mainly for those_____________.A.who go to work earlyB.who want to lose weightC.who stay up lateD.who eat before sleep

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考题 Once upon a time there was ( ) old man who had ( ) four-year-old grandson. A、the/ theB、an/ anC、an/ aD、A/ a

考题 ( ) knows the truth will tell you about it. A、WhoeverB、That thatC、WhoD、That who

考题 Those who had to work long hours to keep from starving to death looked upon it as forced labor.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 Social security tax is collected from( ).A.those who have broken the law.B.those who often make trouble.C.those whose lives and property are in danger.D.every citizen living in the area.

考题 What kind of workers does the writer like to employ(雇佣)? ( )A. Those who have the same ideas as she does.B. Those who get on well with the public.C. Those who can sell her books around the world.D.Those who have big families and new ideas.

考题 The burden of proving unseaworthiness is upon those who ______ it.A.approvesB.allegesC.allowsD.permits

考题 A complaint of unseaworthiness by a majority of crew members to the American Consul is found to be justified after a survey is completed.Who must pay the cost of the survey?A.Crew members requesting the surveyB.American ConsulC.MasterD.Vessel's owners

考题 Who should consult page 78 of the directions?A.Those who worked for an employer during 2006 B.Those who expect to receive a refund from the government C.Those who did not have enough tax withheld from their pay D.Those who are not sure how much they earned in 2006

考题 英译中:According to the regulations, anyone who breaks a glass will have to pay for it.

考题 问答题Practice 2Thoughts in Westminster Abbey  When I am in a serious humour, I very often walk by myself in Westminster Abbey; where the gloominess of the place, and the use which it is applied, with the solemnity of the building, and the condition of the people who lie in it, are apt to fill the mind with a kind of melancholy, or rather thoughtfulness, that is not disagreeable. I yesterday passed a whole afternoon in the churchyard, the cloisters, and the church, amusing myself with the tombstones and inscriptions that I met with in those several regions of the dead. Most of them recorded nothing else of the buried person, but that he was born upon one day, and died upon another:the whole history of his life being comprehended in those two circumstances, that are common to all mankind. I could not but look upon these registers of existence, whether of brass or marble, as a kind of satire upon the departed persons;who had left no other memorial of them, but that they were born and that they died. They put me in mind of several persons mentioned in the battles of heroic poems, who have sounding names given them, for no other reason but that they may be killed, and are celebrated for nothing but being knocked on the head. The life of these men is finely described in holy writ by ‘the path of an arrow’, which is immediately closed up and lost.  Upon my going into the church, I entertained myself with the digging of a grave;and saw in every shovelful of it that was thrown up, the fragment of a bone or skull intermixt with a kind of fresh mouldering earth, that some time or other had a place in the composition of a human body. Upon this I began to consider with myself what innumerable multitudes of people lay confused together under the pavement of that ancient cathedral;how men and women, friends and enemies, priests and soldiers, monks and prebendaries, were crumbled amongst one another, and blended together in the same common mass;how beauty, strength, and youth, with old age, weakness and deformity, lay undistinguished in the same promiscuous heap of matter.

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考题 单选题The parenthetical phrase in lines 22-23 (who had., attention) suggests that ______.A Rachel fears that she will be seen as proud. because of her friend's jealousyB many of those who are accustomed to receiving praise are given to vanityC women who do not receive compliments are often jealous of those who doD people who are envied by others have just cause to be egotisticalE Aphra realizes that the attention Rachel receives will one day make her arrogant

考题 单选题The word those in the last paragraph probably refers to ______.A people who often take taxisB people who often have meals in big hotelsC people who are dishonestD people who are worthy of trust

考题 问答题The man who invented them doesn’t want one. A man who bought one doesn’t need it. A man who needs one doesn’t know it. What is it?

考题 单选题A complaint of unseaworthiness by a majority of crew members to the American Consul is found to be justified after a survey is completed. Who must pay the cost of the survey?()A Crew members requesting the surveyB American ConsulC MasterD Vessel's owners

考题 单选题It can be concluded from the passage that ______.A large families may be considered as a heavy burden by the rural poorB the actions of national and international power brokers have an important effect upon the decision made by the rural poorC the actions of those with the highest fertility, the rural poor, ultimately determine the rate of population growthD having large families had more advantages than disadvantages in those poor areas