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VIP是Very Important Person的缩写,是指(  )。









更多 “单选题VIP是Very Important Person的缩写,是指(  )。A 消费能力强的人B 政界要员C 重要旅游者、贵宾D 文艺、体育界明星” 相关考题
考题 A boy rushed into the police headquarters and demanded to see“ ()very important”. A、somebodyB、someone

考题 A fad () a very short time and is not very important. A.go onB.supportsC.lastsD.uses

考题 The best way to deal with the bitterness is to __________.A. make the person who hurts us look badB. hate the person who hurts us very oftenC. accept that you are hurting the other personD. forgive the person who hurts us and forget it

考题 Encouraging the elderly people to participate()games is very important.A. atB. inC. with

考题 P2P是()的缩写。 A.Person-to-PersonB.Peer-to-PeerC.Public-to-PublicD.Private-to-Private

考题 Which of the following is implied in the passage?A.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to provide adequate capital for their operation.B.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to ensure banks to operate with adequate capital.C.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to put additional restrictions on the banks' operations.D.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to concentrate on risks.

考题 VIP是以下哪组词的翻译A. Very important placeB. Very interesting personC. Very important personD. Very interesting place

考题 图书的国际标准书号的缩写形式为( )A、ISBNB、ISSNC、CNKID、VIP

考题 ____ is very important in daily life. AHonestyBThe honestyCAn honestyDHonest

考题 “You are very selfish. No ____________ you are not the most important person in the world.” Edgar said to his boss angrily.A、suspectB、reasonC、doubtD、cause

考题 康体佳建议中的PAN接口,是如下哪个选项的缩写? A.Person Access NetworkB.Personal Area Network

考题 Children are very curious ______.A.at heart B.on purpose C.in person D.by nature

考题 The cowboy was the most important person in the movie.He was the________.A.chief B.rustler C.hero D.president

考题 最重要旅客(Very Very Important Person)包括:()A、中共中央政治局常委B、经民航局专机办公室确认的外国领导人(副总理级以上)C、民航局下发重大运输任务对象D、公司指定的其他重要旅客

考题 DVOR是 Doppler()omnidirectional radio rang的缩写。A、VHFB、VFNC、VCDD、Very

考题 vrf是什么()A、Very reliable forwardingB、Virtual routing forwarding instancesC、Vip redundancy featuresD、Virtual routing format

考题 VVIP是英文“Very Very Important People”的缩写,它的含义为“非常非常重要的客人”或“异常重要人士”。 ()

考题 VIP是以下哪组词的翻译。()A、Very important placeB、Very interesting personC、Very important personD、Very interesting place

考题 康体佳建议中的PAN接口,是如下哪个选项的缩写?A、Person Access NetworkB、Personal Area Network

考题 Insurance is very important to logistics because of the potential hazards and dangers in the process,such as().A、fireandtheftB、unqualifiedproductsC、techniqueproblemD、andevennaturaldisasters

考题 VIP客户是指符合中国邮政储蓄银行评定标准、领取VIP卡的个人客户,包含总行级VIP客户和分行级VIP客户。

考题 单选题It is very important to()(操舵)well.A operateB steerC repairD adjust

考题 单选题“You are very selfish. It’s high time you will realize that you are not the most important person in the world.” Edgar said to his boss angrily.A realized B have realizedC realize D should realized

考题 单选题VIP是Very Important Person的缩写,是指(  )。A 消费能力强的人B 政界要员C 重要旅游者、贵宾D 文艺、体育界明星

考题 单选题()you have said is very important to us.A WhatB ThatC Whose

考题 单选题The old gentleman was a very _____ looking person, with grey hair and gold spectacles.A respectfulB respectedC respectiveD respectable

考题 判断题VVIP是英文“Very Very Important People”的缩写,它的含义为“非常非常重要的客人”或“异常重要人士”。 ()A 对B 错

考题 单选题VIP是以下哪组词的翻译。()A Very important placeB Very interesting personC Very important personD Very interesting place