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Children are very curious ______.

A.at heart
B.on purpose
C.in person
D.by nature


解析:考查介词短语辨析。at heart“内心里,本质上”,on purpose“故意地”,in person“亲自”,bynature“天生地”。根据句意“孩子天生好奇”,选D。
更多 “Children are very curious ______.A.at heart B.on purpose C.in person D.by nature” 相关考题
考题 arouse means to make someone feel very angry, curious, afraid, interested etc.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The good thing about children is that they very easily to new environments.A adaptB appealC attachD apply

考题 AMany children feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They be- lieve that their family members don-t know them as well as their friends. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for children to have one or more good friends.Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking on the phone with their friends.This communication is very important to children’s growth, because friends can discuss some-thing, but it's difficult to discuss it with family members. However, most parents like to choose friends for their children Some parents even don-t allow their children to meet their good friends.Who chooses your friends? What do your parents think of your friends?Your answers are welcome.( )21. Many children think ________ can understand them better.A. friendsB. brothersC. teachersD. parents

考题 She is very patient_____ the children. She never shouts at them.A. inB. withC. on

考题 Some children learn to speak,read and write when they are very young compared _____ children.A. with normalB. to averageC. with usualD. to usual

考题 Dolphins are very smart creatures. They learn very quickly, _______ 1) is why they, out of all sea animals, are used most often in movies and television. They can be very helpful and have helped humans in trouble without _________ 2). A dolphin can sense danger and will know _______ 3) something is not right. Often times dolphins have helped to save people in swimming accidents and such. They are very curious animals. Their _________ 4) can sometimes get them in trouble. Such cases would be getting too close to a fisherman’s net and _________ 5) tangled up within it. Along with being curious, dolphins love to play. They love humans in the respect that they love to play with the balls they might have or simply swim around with humans.1.A、thatB、whichC、whoD、it2.A、thoughtsB、reasonsC、hesitationD、difficulty3.A、whileB、asC、thatD、when4.A、curiosityB、smartnessC、intelligenceD、actions5.A、getB、gettingC、to getD、got

考题 The children,_______we met in the morning, were very good at singing.A. thatB. whoC. whose

考题 She is very strict ______ her children.A、inB、 ofC、withD、by

考题 Susan worked very hard and she picked _____ oranges of all the children on the farm.A、mostB、the mostC、moreD、more and more

考题 It is very sad to find that men and women____ over winter and summer for a little bread to feed their children. A、islandB、priestC、nearbyD、slaved

考题 The main purpose of this passage is to______.A.introduce a“profoundly moving”children's bookB.tell that children's verbal capacity is very importantC.show that words are magic and they make children happyD.show how the girl who tasted the honey on the book grew into a writer

考题 We can infer from the passage that______.A. the write want his children to be very richB. life in the dirty street is not shamefulC. the writer believes money means happinessD. a good person may not necessarily be rich

考题 Children arc very curious ___________.A.at heart B.on purpose C.in person D.by nature

考题 共用题干 According to the most recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children.Power includes the use of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physical punishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car,attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with a favorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severe physical punishment,can cause children to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in discipli-ning children.It's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile,defiant,and aggressive socially.Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of re-fusal to communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love .Interesting enough,children disciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even model children who are seldom in trouble, but underneath,these same children are generally very nervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their evaluation of behavior.Finally,management techniques are employed for discipline .These begin with a set of rules that are clearly expressed at an age-appropriate level.To enforce the rules,parents use a combina- tion of praise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to the rules.But regardless of the strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearly understood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the rules,their behavior,and the consequences. According to the passage,parents generally use the following strategies to discipline their children except______.A: power strategiesB: withholding of affectionC: praiseD: management techniques

考题 共用题干 第三篇According to the most recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children.Power includes the use of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physical punishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car, attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with a favorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severe physical punishment,can cause children to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in disciplining children. It's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile, defiant,and aggressive socially.Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of refusal to communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love.Interesting enough,children disciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even model children who are seldom in trouble,but underneath,these same children are generally very nervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their evaluation of behavior.Finally,management techniques are employed for discipline.These begin with a set of rules that are clearly expressed at an age-appropriate level. To enforce the rules,parents use a combination of praise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to the rules.But regardless of the strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearly understood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the rules,their behavior,and the consequences.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A:Power strategies are used by a lot of parents because it's very effective way to discipline children.B:Some children may appear to he very self-disciplined but actually very nervous and insecure.C:Consistency is very important to any kind of discipline.D:The rules parents set for their children should be age-appropriate.

考题 共用题干 According to the most recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children.Power includes the use of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physical punishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car,attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with a favorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severe physical punishment,can cause children to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in discipli-ning children.It's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile,defiant,and aggressive socially.Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of re-fusal to communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love .Interesting enough,children disciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even model children who are seldom in trouble, but underneath,these same children are generally very nervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their evaluation of behavior.Finally,management techniques are employed for discipline .These begin with a set of rules that are clearly expressed at an age-appropriate level.To enforce the rules,parents use a combina- tion of praise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to the rules.But regardless of the strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearly understood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the rules,their behavior,and the consequences. Which of the following expression has the same meaning as the italicized word in line 3"priv- ilege"in Para.2?A: School work.B: Fun time.C: A special advantage.D: Pocket money.

考题 共用题干 第三篇According to the most recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children.Power includes the use of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physical punishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car, attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with a favorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severe physical punishment,can cause children to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in disciplining children. It's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile, defiant,and aggressive socially.Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of refusal to communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love.Interesting enough,children disciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even model children who are seldom in trouble,but underneath,these same children are generally very nervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their evaluation of behavior.Finally,management techniques are employed for discipline.These begin with a set of rules that are clearly expressed at an age-appropriate level. To enforce the rules,parents use a combination of praise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to the rules.But regardless of the strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearly understood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the rules,their behavior,and the consequences.Which is the best title for the passage?A:Parent-Child Relationship.B:Strategies to Discipline Children.C:Children's Psychology.D:How to be a Good Parent.

考题 What do you think of your new teacher?()AHe came to teach us last week.BHe teaches us English.CHe has two children.DHe is very nice

考题 单选题Does Mr. Bacon think the British spend more money on their animals than their children?A Yes, the British people are very animal-minded.B No, a group of people are cruel to their animals.C It depends on the people.

考题 单选题What do you think of your new teacher?()A He came to teach us last week.B He teaches us English.C He has two children.D He is very nice

考题 单选题The children performed a very()dance for their parents.A preciseB smartC gracefulD successive

考题 单选题We can learn from the passage that ______ .A all the American children have used the latest technology in schoolsB computers and the Internet are very popular with AmericansC Americans tend to place more importance in the Internet usage than computersD the public in America do not hate the Internet problems

考题 单选题Which of the following is true according to the passage?A All the adults in the UK are very lazyB Half of the children are very fat before they go to schoolC Pets will be in trouble if their owners don’t keep healthyD All people in Glasgow feel ashamed because they don’t get enough exercise

考题 单选题_____ by their curious natures, children prefer to do what is forbidden instead.A DrivenB FollowedC ForcedD Controlled

考题 填空题The old worker is very ____(严格的)with his children in their work.

考题 单选题Research shows that pets ______ in teaching children about sharing, caring, communication and responsibility.A are very meaningful B have a good understandingC play an important role D know a lot

考题 单选题Children are very curious ____ .A at heartB on purposeC in personD by nature