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更多 “名词解释题妊娠(pregnancy)” 相关考题
考题 HIV can be transmitted through () A、direct contact of a musous or the bloodstream with a body fluid containing HIVB、sexual intercourse, drug abuse, and blood transfusionC、pregnancy, child birth or breast feedingD、sharing hot pot with AIDS patients

考题 正常妊娠全过程分期,错误的为()。 A.妊娠12周末以前称为早期妊娠B.妊娠13周末以前称为早期妊娠C.妊娠14~27周末称为中期妊娠D.妊娠28周及其以后称为晚期妊娠E.妊娠全过程分为早期妊娠、中期妊娠、晚期妊娠

考题 早期流产是A.妊娠晚期流产是A.妊娠 早期流产是A.妊娠B.妊娠C.妊娠D.妊娠E.妊娠晚期流产是A.妊娠B.妊娠C.妊娠D.妊娠E.妊娠请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 妊娠期糖尿病终止妊娠时间最好是( )。A、妊娠 妊娠期糖尿病终止妊娠时间最好是( )。A、妊娠B、妊娠C、妊娠36-38周D、妊娠34周E、妊娠40周

考题 妊娠失音多发生于( )。A、妊娠早期B、妊娠中期C、妊娠晚期D、妊娠各期E、妊娠中晚期

考题 流产是指A、妊娠 流产是指A、妊娠B、妊娠C、妊娠D、妊娠E、妊娠

考题 In the 20th century, women began living longer, ______ because pregnancy and child birth had become less dangerous.A.immediately B.directly C.primarily D.accordingly

考题 妊娠糖尿病是指在()期间被诊断的糖尿病,不包括()被诊断的糖尿病A、妊娠;妊娠前B、妊娠,妊娠后C、妊娠前,妊娠后D、妊娠后,妊娠前

考题 下列哪些是异位妊娠:①腹腔妊娠②子宫角妊娠③残角子宫妊娠④子宫颈妊娠⑤输卵管妊娠⑥卵巢妊娠()A、②③B、①②③C、①②③④D、①②③④⑤⑥

考题 异位妊娠包括()A、卵巢妊娠B、输卵管妊娠C、腹腔妊娠D、宫颈妊娠E、子宫残角妊娠

考题 下列哪些是异位妊娠()①腹腔妊娠②子宫角妊娠③残角子宫妊娠④子宫颈妊娠⑤输卵管妊娠⑥卵巢妊娠A、②③B、①②③C、①②③④D、①②③④⑤⑥E、⑤

考题 名词解释题妊娠期高血压疾病(hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy)

考题 名词解释题双胎妊娠(twin pregnancy)

考题 名词解释题妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy,ICP)

考题 单选题Women who smoke during pregnancy produce _____.A lighter babies than those who don'tB heavier babies than those who don'tC babies who can't live longD babies who suffer from heart diseases

考题 名词解释题过期妊娠(postterm pregnancy)

考题 单选题妊娠糖尿病是指在()期间被诊断的糖尿病,不包括()被诊断的糖尿病A 妊娠;妊娠前B 妊娠,妊娠后C 妊娠前,妊娠后D 妊娠后,妊娠前

考题 问答题Drinking too much alcohol can lead to alcohol dependency, accidents, liver damage and so on. Connections have been made between heavy drinking and cancer of the mouth, strokes, raised blood pressure, increased infertility, A host of other unwelcome conditions have also been reported, which casts a shadow over even light social drinking. And in the United States women have been persuaded that any alcohol consumption during pregnancy “may lead to birth defects”, a message printed on every bottle of wine in commercial circulation.

考题 问答题Women who smoke during pregnancy produce babies on average about 5 to 8 ounces lighter than those who don't.

考题 名词解释题输卵管妊娠(tubal pregnancy)

考题 名词解释题单羊膜囊双胎妊娠(monoamniotic twins pregnancy)