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When a line is spirally coiled about its end and lying flat on deck,it is said to be().









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更多 “单选题When a line is spirally coiled about its end and lying flat on deck,it is said to be().A coiledB fakedC flemishedD seized” 相关考题
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考题 55 In a fishbone diagram, the effect you are concerned about is placed:A. at the right-hand end of the spine.B. at the end of the diagonal line (i.e. "fin").C. on a branch of a fin.D. at the left-hand end of the spine.E. None of the above

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考题 Inside the computer, the operation system(of another software module called a data communication(71))must decide which program will get control next. Each program remember, is associated(72). a particular front -end port. If a program's data have not yet reached its front - end buffer, there is no point giving that program control. Thus the data communication monitor sends its own(73)signal to the front -end devices next port is polled. Note that the(74)computer speed. The computer never has to wait for a terminal or a communication line. Instead, it is the expressive front - end processor that waits for the slower system(75)to respond.A.memoryB.controlC.monitorD.charge

考题 In a married falls rig at the after end of a hatch,a boom is rigged in a fore and aft line through its heel.Stresses on the outboard guy will be LEAST if the guy is made fast at a point ______.A.Abreast the heelB.At right angles to the boom when viewed from aboveC.Aft of the heelD.Forward of the spiderband

考题 Laying out a line in successive circles flat on deck with the bitter end in the center is known as ______.A.coilingB.fakingC.flemishingD.Lining

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考题 单选题Right-laid line should be coiled().A clockwiseB counterclockwiseC either clockwise or counterclockwiseD on a reel

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考题 单选题Mooring lines should be turned end-for-end occasionally. This is because().A a line is weakened by constantly pulling on it in one directionB normal wear on the line is thus distributed to different areasC it prevents the line from kinking or unlayingD it prevents permanent misalignment of the line's internal strands

考题 单选题The condition where a ship on the end of a tow line is riding a wave crest at the same time as its tug rides a wave crest is known as riding in().A synchronismB harmonyC checkD step

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考题 单选题Laying out a line in successive circles flat on deck with the bitter end in the center is known as().A coilingB fakingC flemishingD lining

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考题 单选题In a married falls rig at the after end of a hatch,a boom is rigged in a fore and aft line through its heel.Stresses on the outboard guy will be LEAST if the guy is made fast at a point().A Abreast the heelB At right angles to the boom when viewed from aboveC Aft of the heelD Forward of the spiderband

考题 单选题The angular movement of a vessel about a horizontal line drawn from its bow to its stern is ().A pitchingB rollingC heavingD swaying

考题 单选题A marine sextant has the index arm set at zero and the reflected image of the horizon forms a continuous line with the actual image. When the sextant is rotated about the line of sight the images separate. The sextant has().A error of perpendicularityB side errorC prismatic errorD centering error

考题 单选题In a married falls rig at the after end of a hatch , a boom is rigged in a fore and aft line through its heel . Stresses on the outboard guy will be least if the guy is made fast at a point().A abreast the heelB at right angles to the boom when viewed from aboveC aft of the heelD forward of the spiderband