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When a human infant is born into any community in any part ofthe world it has two things in common with any infant, provided       1.______neither of them have been damaged in any way either before or        2.______during birth. Firstly, and most obviously, new born children arecompletely helpless. Apart from a powerful capacity to pay attention to   3.______their helplessness by using sound, there is nothing the new bornchild can do to ensure his own survival. Without care from someother human being or beings, be it mother, grandmother, or humangroup, a child is very unlikely to survive. This helplessness of humaninfants is in marked contrast with the capacity of many newborn animals to get on their feet within minutes of birth and run      4.______with the herd within a few hours.  Although young animals are certainly in risk, sometimes for       5.______weeks or even months after birth, compared with the human infantthey very quickly develop the capacity to fend for them.          6.______It is during this very long period in which the human infant istotally dependent on the others that it reveals the second feature     7.______which it shares with all other undamaged human infants,a capacity to learn language. For this reason, biologists now suggest thatlanguage be ‘species specific’ to the human race, that is to say, they  8.______consider the human infant to be genetic programmed in            9.______such a way that it can acquire language. This suggestion implies that    10.______just as human beings are designed to see three-dimensionally and in color, and justas they are designed to stand upright rather than tomove on all fours, so they are designed to learn and use language aspart of their normal development as.


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更多 “问答题When a human infant is born into any community in any part ofthe world it has two things in common with any infant, provided       1.______neither of them have been damaged in any way either before or        2.______during birth. Firstly, and most obviously, new born children arecompletely helpless. Apart from a powerful capacity to pay attention to   3.______their helplessness by using sound, there is nothing the new bornchild can do to ensure his own survival. Without care from someother human being or beings, be it mother, grandmother, or humangroup, a child is very unlikely to survive. This helplessness of humaninfants is in marked contrast with the capacity of many newborn animals to get on their feet within minutes of birth and run      4.______with the herd within a few hours.  Although young animals are certainly in risk, sometimes for       5.______weeks or even months after birth, compared with the human infantthey very quickly develop the capacity to fend for them.          6.______It is during this very long period in which the human infant istotally dependent on the others that it reveals the second feature     7.______which it shares with all other undamaged human infants,a capacity to learn language. For this reason, biologists now suggest thatlanguage be ‘species specific’ to the human race, that is to say, they  8.______consider the human infant to be genetic programmed in            9.______such a way that it can acquire language. This suggestion implies that    10.______just as human beings are designed to see three-dimensionally and in color, and justas they are designed to stand upright rather than tomove on all fours, so they are designed to learn and use language aspart of their normal development as.” 相关考题
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考题 When any nonhuman organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as _______ .A novel B remote C distant D foreign

考题 By law any natural-born American citizen of any over years of age () can run for the presidency. A.thirty threeB.thirty fourC.thirty fiveD.thirty six

考题 The human can react to any situation, some of which he may never have imagined.()

考题 That's only ___ of the story.A、a partB、some partC、partD、any part

考题 When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical-hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will .A.pick up more of any increase in loadB.pick up less of any increase in loadC.share an equal amount of any increase in loadD.drop an equal amount of any decrease in load

考题 The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall notify the chief engineer without delay ____.A.in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measures to takeB.in the event of any impending action in machinery spaces that may cause reduction in ship's speedC.when isolating and bypassing machinery to be worked onD.co-operating with any engineer in charge of maintenance work

考题 The Master of any vessel bound on a voyage must apply to a district court when an allegation of unseaworthiness has been made to the Master by ______.A.Any member of the crew of the vesselB.Any two officers of the vessel and a majority of the crewC.The First and Second Officers of the vessel or a majority of the crewD.The First Officer of the vessel

考题 A salvor ______ the payment due thereunder to the extent that the salvage operations have become necessary or more difficult because of fault or neglect on his part.A.may be deprived of the whole or part ofB.may not be deprived of any part ofC.will only be rewardedD.will not be rewarded any part of

考题 共用题干 English and English Community1There is no doubt that English is a useful language.The people who speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of speakers of Chinese.2 A speech community is similar to other kinds of communities.The people who make up the community share a common language.Often they live side by side,as they do in a neighborhood(街坊),a village,or a city. More often they form a whole country. National boundaries,however,are not always the same as the boundaries of a speech community. A speech community is any group of people who speak the same language no matter where they happen to live.3 We may say that anyone who speaks English belongs to the English speech community. For convenience(方便),we may divide the speakers into two groups:one in which the speakers use English as their native language,the other in which the speakers learn English as a second language for the purpose of education,commerce,and so on.4 Learning a second language extends one's vision and expands the mind.The history and literature of a second language record the real and fictional(虚构的)lives of peopleand their culture;a knowledge of them adds to our ability to understand and to feel as they feel .Learning English as a second language provides another means of communication through which the window of the entire English speech community becomes a part of our heritage.The boundaries of a speech community may be different from_________.A: a second languageB: the same languageC: the same speech communityD:any other language E:national boundariesF:a part of one's heritage

考题 共用题干 English and English Community1There is no doubt that English is a useful language.The people who speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of speakers of Chinese.2 A speech community is similar to other kinds of communities.The people who make up the community share a common language.Often they live side by side,as they do in a neighborhood(街坊),a village,or a city. More often they form a whole country. National boundaries,however,are not always the same as the boundaries of a speech community. A speech community is any group of people who speak the same language no matter where they happen to live.3 We may say that anyone who speaks English belongs to the English speech community. For convenience(方便),we may divide the speakers into two groups:one in which the speakers use English as their native language,the other in which the speakers learn English as a second language for the purpose of education,commerce,and so on.4 Learning a second language extends one's vision and expands the mind.The history and literature of a second language record the real and fictional(虚构的)lives of peopleand their culture;a knowledge of them adds to our ability to understand and to feel as they feel .Learning English as a second language provides another means of communication through which the window of the entire English speech community becomes a part of our heritage. Overall there are more speakers of Chinese than of_________.A: a second languageB: the same languageC: the same speech communityD:any other language E:national boundariesF:a part of one's heritage

考题 They do not provide energy,nor do they construct or build any part of the body.They are needed for( )foods into energy and body maintenance.There are thirteen or more of them,and if any is missing a deficiency disease becomes apparent.A.shifting B.transferring C.altering D.transforming

考题 When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.A对B错

考题 When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.

考题 BGP Routes with which community will not advertise to any peers?

考题 When booting the p5 590 server in full system partition mode, which location is preferred for the fastest boot?()A、A SAN deviceB、First I/O drawerC、Any I/O drawer within the main frameD、First I/O drawer within the expansion frame

考题 问答题BGP Routes with which community will not advertise to any peers?

考题 单选题Behavior problems of dogs are believed to _____.A be just part of their natureB worsen in modern societyC occur when they go wildD present threat to the community

考题 问答题When a human infant is born into any community in any part ofthe world it has two things in common with any infant, provided       1.______neither of them have been damaged in any way either before or        2.______during birth. Firstly, and most obviously, new born children arecompletely helpless. Apart from a powerful capacity to pay attention to   3.______their helplessness by using sound, there is nothing the new bornchild can do to ensure his own survival. Without care from someother human being or beings, be it mother, grandmother, or humangroup, a child is very unlikely to survive. This helplessness of humaninfants is in marked contrast with the capacity of many newborn animals to get on their feet within minutes of birth and run      4.______with the herd within a few hours.  Although young animals are certainly in risk, sometimes for       5.______weeks or even months after birth, compared with the human infantthey very quickly develop the capacity to fend for them.          6.______It is during this very long period in which the human infant istotally dependent on the others that it reveals the second feature     7.______which it shares with all other undamaged human infants,a capacity to learn language. For this reason, biologists now suggest thatlanguage be ‘species specific’ to the human race, that is to say, they  8.______consider the human infant to be genetic programmed in            9.______such a way that it can acquire language. This suggestion implies that    10.______just as human beings are designed to see three-dimensionally and in color, and justas they are designed to stand upright rather than tomove on all fours, so they are designed to learn and use language aspart of their normal development as.

考题 判断题According to the speaker, the human community tends to have a narrow interpretation of the notion o f “progress”.A 对B 错

考题 单选题A single towing light will be carried above a vessel’s sternlight().A only if she is towing asternB only if the tow exceeds 200 metersC at any time when towingD if the towing vessel is part of a composite unit

考题 单选题When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical- hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will ().A pick up more of any increase in loadB pick up less of any increase in loadC share an equal amount of any increase in loadD drop an equal amount of any decrease in load

考题 单选题That the scale of any part of a chart to be larger than the scale of the survey is().A very rareB commonC oftenD reasonable

考题 单选题Any friction fit, tightness or adhesion of the part of any load being lifted should be broken by wedge or tapping and not by increasing the load on the applianceAccording to this sentence, ()A the lifting appliance can always lift the freight within its rated loadB attention should be paid in order not to break the wedge when lifting cargoC sometimes the lifting work needs other assistance other than the lifting applianceD lifting work should be done with every part fit, tightness or adhesion

考题 单选题The waterfront is notorious for bringing out thievery in the human spirit, as any owner will testify.A infamous B arrogant C weird D spotted

考题 单选题When taking action to avoid collision,you should().A Make sure the action is taken in enough timeB Not make any large course changesC Not make any large speed changesD All of the above

考题 问答题when a human infant is born into any community in any part of theworld it has two things in common with any infant, provided neither of them    1._______have been damaged in any way either before or during birth. Firstly, and most    2._______obviously, new born children are completely helpless. Apart from a powerfulcapacity to pay attention to their helplessness by using sound, there is nothing   3._______the new born child can do to ensure his own survival. Without care from someother human being or beings, be it mother, grandmother, or human group, achild is very unlikely to survive. This helplessness of human infants is in markedcontrast with the capacity of many new born animals to get on their feet within   4._______minutes of birth and run with the herd within a few hours. Although younganimals are certainly in risk, sometimes for weeks or even months after birth,    5._______compared with the human infant they very quickly develop the capacity to fend for them.                                    6._______  It is during this very long period in which the human infant is totallydependent on the others that it reveals the second feature which it shares with all 7._______other undamaged human infants, a capacity to learn language. For this reason,biologists now suggest that language be ‘species specific’ to the human race,   8._______that is to say, they consider the human infant to be genetic programmed in     9._______such way that it can acquire language. This suggestion implies that just      10.______as human beings are designed to see three-dimensionally and in colour, and justas they are designed to stand upright rather than to move on all fours, so theyare designed to learn and use language as part of their normal development aswell-formed human beings.

考题 判断题When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.A 对B 错