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According to the speaker, the human community tends to have a narrow interpretation of the notion o f “progress”.



语义的理解和判断。录音中关于人类社会对“进步”的理解为“Society is all too committed to the notion of ‘progress’ as measured through economic growth and population expansion.”,all too相当于一个程度副词的作用,意为“实在太(很)”,该句话表示说话者认为社会对进步的理解太过狭隘,总是以经济发展和人口增长两项指标来衡量。接着说话者指出“人们并未仔细考虑过致力于‘可持续发展’”。由此可知,题干描述的“说话者认为人类社会对‘进步’这一概念的理解是狭隘的”符合录音中相关内容。
Society is all too committed to the notion of “progress” as measured through economic growth and population expansion. The concept of working toward a “sustainable future” is not given much thought. Energy policy, for example, concentrates on expanding supply, with relatively little R&D being devoted to improving the efficiency of energy use. Yet without a change in course, human activities are destined to further degrade the global environment.
更多 “判断题According to the speaker, the human community tends to have a narrow interpretation of the notion o f “progress”.A 对B 错” 相关考题
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