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Advertisement is mainly paid for by _____.

the customer


the producer


increased sales


reduced prices


信息题。第三段提到“it is clear that it is the customer who pays for the advertisement”,即“很明显,支付广告费用的是消费者”。因此,A项正确。
更多 “单选题Advertisement is mainly paid for by _____.A the customerB the producerC increased salesD reduced prices” 相关考题
考题 As a project is carried out and slack time is consumed on individual tasks, the slack left over for the remaining tasks is:A.Insignificant.B.Reduced.C.Unchanged.D.Increased.E.Doubled.

考题 67 As a project is carried out and slack time is consumed on individual tasks, the slack left over for the remaining tasks is:A. Insignificant.B. Reduced.C. Unchanged.D. Increased.E. Doubled

考题 The population of this city, forty percent of which ________, ________ 15% in the last three years. A.are Germans; has risenB.are German; has fallen tryC.is Germans; have increased toD.is Germans; has been reduced try

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考题 Advertising can be thought of "as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services". Advertising aims to increase people's awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform. and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method. Magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local markets. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Posters are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertising.There can be no doubt that the growth in advertising is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and patent medicines have been built up largely by advertising. We might ask whether the cost of advertising is paid for by the manufacturer or by the customer. Since advertising forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertising. However, if large scale advertising leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer paysless.It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertising on sales. When the market is growing, advertising helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertising may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertising if they were not convinced of its value to them.1.Advertising is in the main paid for by____.A、the customerB、the manufacturerC、increased salesD、reduced prices2."Large scale" in the third paragraph means____.A、expensiveB、well-balancedC、extensiveD、colorful3.According to the passage, trade fairs 1st paragraph may____.A、replace exhibitions and marketsB、attract possible customersC、offer fun and amusementD、provide cheap goods4.Advertising is often used to____.A、deceive customersB、increase productionC、arouse suspicionD、push the sale5.The word 'media' 1st paragraph refers to____.A、the pressB、televisionC、radioD、all of the above

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考题 Which are three reasons that an organization with multiple branch offices and roaming users might implement a Cisco VPN solution instead of point-to-point WAN links?() A.reduced costB.better throughputC.increased securityD.scalabilityE.reduced latencyF.broadband incompatibility

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考题 An upright vessel has negative GM.GM becomes positive at the angle of loll because the ______.A.Free surface effects are reduced due to pocketingB.KG is reduced as the vessel seeks the angle of lollC.Effective beam is increased causing BM to increaseD.Underwater volume of the hull is increased

考题 In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in ______.A.increased capacity to set flooding boundariesB.decreased capacity to set flooding boundariesC.reduced compartmentationD.greater deck load capacity

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考题 As a Network Engineer, you have to master how to deploy Virtual Storage Area Network and what are the results of the deployment. Which two of the following are resulting from its deployment?()A、reduced backupB、increased securityC、greater storage demandD、improved availability

考题 Which are three reasons that an organization with multiple branch offices and roaming users might implement a Cisco VPN solution instead of point-to-point WAN links?()A、reduced costB、better throughputC、increased securityD、scalabilityE、reduced latencyF、broadband incompatibility

考题 Internet Protocol videoconferencing (IP/VC) provides which two business benefits? ()A、Real-time discussions of patient information among remote medical teamsB、Reduced travel time for instructors responsible for different geographic sitesC、Improved morale and reduced turnover among employees who receive timely business UpdatesD、Increased sales and customer satisfaction due to current product information disseminated simultaneously to a global sales force by headquarters

考题 What are two outcomes of deploying virtual SANs? ()(Choose two.)A、increased administrationB、improved availabilityC、reduced backupD、increased securityE、greater storage demand

考题 单选题When a ship is entering to shallow water, ship resistance will be increased and the speed of main engine reduced.Due to the function of the governor, the main engine will()A reduce fuel feedingB increase fuel feedingC keep original fuel feedingD be overspeed

考题 单选题Advertisement is mainly paid for by _____.A the customerB the producerC increased salesD reduced prices

考题 单选题What is the passage mainly about?A How to make a good advertisement?B What is a good advertisement?C Advertisements are not always true.D Consumers should have confidence in advertisements.

考题 单选题If keep the fuel injection of main engine unchanged when ship is fouled, that will causeⅠ.The speed of main engine to be reduced Ⅱ.Ship speed to be reduced Ⅲ.The resistance torque of propeller to be increased Ⅳ.Trim at stern to increase()A Ⅰ + ⅡB Ⅰ ~ ⅢC Ⅰ ~ ⅣD Ⅰ + Ⅱ + Ⅳ

考题 单选题According to the passage, most meals are not included in the price of tours mainly because _____.A meals make up a large part of the tour budgetB meal prices vary a lot from place to placeC people dislike menus offered by tour guidesD people have different eating habits

考题 单选题Under the new policy, how may a person use his/her air miles?A To upgrade to first class.B To fly for free during holiday periods.C To receive free plane tickets.D To travel at reduced prices.

考题 单选题The most significant finding of the original research was __________.A lighting had no consistent effect on productionB production sometimes increased when lighting was reduced to the level of ordinary moonlightC that lighting was no more important than the other factors of temperature and humidityD the results were unexpected and confusing

考题 单选题Which of the following is TRUE?A In the 1920s, women were limited to being teachers, nurses or office workers.B Women mainly paid their attention to how they were paid in the 1960s.C Women asked to change “all men are created equal” into “all human beings are created equal”.D No states have ever provided women with jobs in the government.

考题 单选题An upright vessel has negative GM. GM becomes positive at the angle of loll because the().A free surface effects are reduced due to pocketingB KG is reduced as the vessel seeks the angle of lollC effective beam is increased causing BM to increaseD underwater volume of the hull is increased

考题 单选题In ship construction,frame spacing is().A greater at the bow and sternB reduced at the bow and sternC uniform over the length of the vesselD uniform over the length of the vessel,with the exception of the machinery spaces,where it is reduced due to increased stresses

考题 单选题Why was the last decade a tough time for travel agents?A Because of soaring price for the fuel.B Because of reduced commissions and rising ticket prices.C Because of competition from rivalry companies using the Internet.D Because of concern for air travel safety.