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Sludge formation in a diesel engine lube oil system is caused by()

carbonization of oils from the combustion chambers


emulsions of lube oil and water


coagulation of unburned fuel below the piston rings


all of the above


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更多 “单选题Sludge formation in a diesel engine lube oil system is caused by()A carbonization of oils from the combustion chambersB emulsions of lube oil and waterC coagulation of unburned fuel below the piston ringsD all of the above” 相关考题
考题 In an auxiliary diesel engine bypass type lubricating oil system, the main lube oil pump forces_______ .A.all of the oil used by the engine through a filterB.some of the oil used by the engine through a filterC.some of the oil used by the engine through a centrifugeD.all of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge

考题 Prolonged operation of a diesel engine with a closed cooling water system, at lower than normal designed operating temperatures can ______.A.increase power outputB.decrease lube oil viscosityC.eliminate fuel knockD.cause sulfuric acid formation

考题 单选题Lube oil accumulating in the cooling water system of a diesel engine will result in ()A lube cooler failureB poor heat transferC mechanical lubricator failureD camshaft seizure

考题 单选题The oxidation by-products forming in diesel engine lube oil can cause ()A pittingB sludgeC hard varnishD all of the above

考题 单选题If the cooling water temperature and the lube oil temperature in a diesel engine are too high, the cause can be ()A a dirty lube oil strainerB internal water leaksC an oil suction line restrictionD excessive wears of the cooling water pump

考题 单选题Which of the listed conditions can cause a diesel engine to use too much lube oil?()A Dirty lube oil filterB Too much piston ring wearC High lube oil viscosityD Low lube oil temperature

考题 单选题Excessive lubricating oil consumption in a running diesel engine can be caused by ()A clogged lube oil pipingB excessive valve-guide clearanceC high lube oil viscosityD low lube oil temperature

考题 单选题In a bypass type lubrication system for a diesel engine, the dirty oil line to the centrifuge should be taken from the ().A lube oil pump suction lineB lube oil pump discharge lineC bottom of the lube oil sumpD outlet from the lube oil header

考题 单选题In a diesel engine lube oil system, which of the following parts should be lubricated first?()A Camshaft beatingsB Main bearingsC Piston crownsD Cylinder walls

考题 单选题Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()A an increased flash pointB higher lube oil pressuresC an increased viscosityD lower lube oil pressures

考题 单选题Improperly fitted piston rings in a diesel engine can cause()A excessive lube oil consumptionB lower than normal lube oil temperatureC higher than normal exhaust back pressureD excessive crankshaft end play

考题 单选题Before starting a diesel engine that has an engine driven lube oil pump, the engineer should ().A open the bypass lineB cut in the lube oil coolerC pressurize the lube oil systemD top off the expansion tank

考题 单选题A diesel engine is turned at normal cranking speed and no ignition occursThis could be the result of ()A low lube oil temperatureB low starting air temperatureC air bubbles in the fuel oil systemD water in the starting air system

考题 单选题What function is provided by the crankcase ventilation system on some diesel engines?()A Increases the sludge forming tendency of lube oilB Prevents the accumulation of combustible gasesC Improves lube oil coolingD Improves cold weather starting

考题 单选题Diesel engine fuel oil contamination often results in ()A governor malfunctionsB fuel injection system malfunctionsC high cylinder lube oil temperaturesD low intake temperatures

考题 单选题Which of the following conditions can cause excessive lube oil consumption in a diesel engine?()A Low lube oil temperatureB Dirty lube oil strainerC Low lube oil pressureD High lube oil temperature

考题 单选题Which of the following conditions could be a cause of excessive fuel dilution of diesel engine lube oil?()A Leaking fuel injectorsB Lower than normal compressionC Delayed fuel injectionD All of the above are correct

考题 单选题Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().A clogged filtersB poor combustionC overloading of the dieselD shock of fuel lines

考题 单选题An automated diesel engine should normally shut down due to ()A low lube oil temperatureB high ambient air temperatureC low tube oil pressureD high exhaust system back pressure

考题 单选题Permitting a diesel engine fuel oil day tank to run dry can cause ()A overheated injection pumpsB water condensation in the cylindersC fuel dilution of the lube oilD air in the fuel system

考题 单选题Lube oil in the fresh water cooling system of a diesel engine may result from a ()A camshaft seizureB lube oil pump failureC lube oil cooler failureD lube oil pump overflow

考题 单选题When fuel enters the crankcase of a diesel engine, it ()A dilutes the lube oil and reduces its viscosityB forms sulfuric acid in the lube oilC causes pitting and failure of the bearingsD causes sludge deposits on valve stems

考题 单选题Sludge formation in a diesel engine lube oil system is caused by()A carbonization of oils from the combustion chambersB emulsions of lube oil and waterC coagulation of unburned fuel below the piston ringsD all of the above

考题 单选题Operating a diesel engine for prolonged periods, with a closed freshwater cooling system, at temperatures lower than the normal design temperature can cause ().A the formation of sulfuric acidB a decrease in lube oil viscosityC a decrease in cooling water pHD a thermostat failure

考题 单选题Excessive piston ring wear in a diesel engine will cause()A high lube oil viscosityB increased lube oil consumptionC low lube oil temperaturesD high firing pressures

考题 单选题Which of the following faults would allow lube oil to enter the cooling system of a diesel engine?()A Excessive valve train lubricationB Leaking standby oil cooler coreC Excessive lube oil pressureD Excessive lube oil in the system

考题 单选题If sludge accumulates on the underside of a diesel engine piston, it will()A cause blow-byB chemically attack the piston skirtC form an emulsion of lube oil and waterD raise the piston temperature

考题 单选题Which of the listed failures, occurring in an automated diesel generator system, should cause an audible alarm at the engine room control station?()A Low cooling water outlet temperatureB High lube oil pressureC Low lube oil temperatureD Low starting air pressure