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Research Shows Walking Can Lift Depression

New research by German scientists shows that author Charles Dickens was onto a good thing when he
took long,brisk walks to relieve periodic bouts of depression.The author of Oliver Twist and David
Copperfield would walk for hours in the l860s as an antidote to intense feelings of sadness which alternated
with restless euphoria.__________(46)
Aerobic exercise like rapid walking can be more effective at lifting depression than drugs,reported the
scientists led by Dr. Fernando Dimeo._________(47)The team found that in 10 of these patients drugs had
failed to bring any substantial improvement.The team devised an exercise regime for the group that involved
walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day.__________(48)The intensity of the training programme was
stepped up as the heart rate adapted.A measurement of depression severity was taken at the start and the
end of the programme,and patients were asked to rate their own mood regularly over a 10-day period.The
researchers in Berlin found that after 10 days of the course six patients felt"substantially less depressed".
___________(49)Two were slightly less depressed,while four others remained unchanged.Depression levels
overall fell by a thirds and on the self-assessed scores by 25 percent,said the researchers whose findings
appeared in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
The study was small but the extent of the improvement was said by scientists to be impressive._____(50)
Nineteenth century doctors would have called Dickens'condition melancholia since the psychological
condition of depression was unknown.Dickens'biographer Peter Ackroyd says the author's son Charles
remembers his father's"heavy moods of deep depression"and many times of"intense nervous irritability",
something modern psychologists would certainly recognize.

A:The number included five people who had not found any relief using drug treatment.
B:Long and brisk walks are not necessarily beneficial to every person.
C:They studied 12 people with severe depression that had lasted an average of nine months.
D:The outcome indicated a clinical benefit which could not be obtained with pharmacological treatment currently available,they said.
E:This is also the advice that experts from the Free University in Berlin are giving today.
F:According to the regime,intense activity lasting three minutes was alternated with walking at half speed for three minutes.


解析:第一段说到了狄更斯找到了一种方法,即通过散步几小时来缓解悲伤与亢奋交替的紧 张情绪。文章的第一段点明主题,而E项正是文章题目所要具体阐述的内容,故是最佳选项。
由文章第二段第一句可知,科学家们报道,像快走这样的有氧运动在消除抑郁情绪方 面比药物更有效。显然下面需要具体说明这个结论的证据。C项的“They studied”指这些科学 家进行了研究。空白处的后一句“The team”还是指这些人。故用C项来连接上下文是最恰 当的。
空白处的前一句说,这些科学家为病人制订了一个锻炼计划,选项F一开始就说“根据 这个计划······”,可见后句与前句之间具有衔接关系,故它是最佳选项。
前面提到被研究的人共有12人,且空白处的前一句说有6位病人感到抑郁程度明显减 轻,空白处的后一句说有2位稍微减轻,4位无变化。A项的大意为,其中包括五位以前使用药 物而病情没有任何缓解的病人,故将它放在此处最恰当。
空白处的前一句说这次研究的范围虽小,但病人病情改善的程度却给人很深的印象, 此段实际上是对研究作总结。D项内容也是一句总结性的话:“研究结果表明,它对临床是有 益处的,而这却是现有的药物治疗所不能及的”,故把它放在此处也是最恰当的。第6部分:完形填空
更多 “共用题干 Research Shows Walking Can Lift DepressionNew research by German scientists shows that author Charles Dickens was onto a good thing when he took long,brisk walks to relieve periodic bouts of depression.The author of Oliver Twist and David Copperfield would walk for hours in the l860s as an antidote to intense feelings of sadness which alternated with restless euphoria.__________(46)Aerobic exercise like rapid walking can be more effective at lifting depression than drugs,reported the scientists led by Dr. Fernando Dimeo._________(47)The team found that in 10 of these patients drugs had failed to bring any substantial improvement.The team devised an exercise regime for the group that involved walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day.__________(48)The intensity of the training programme was stepped up as the heart rate adapted.A measurement of depression severity was taken at the start and the end of the programme,and patients were asked to rate their own mood regularly over a 10-day period.The researchers in Berlin found that after 10 days of the course six patients felt"substantially less depressed". ___________(49)Two were slightly less depressed,while four others remained unchanged.Depression levels overall fell by a thirds and on the self-assessed scores by 25 percent,said the researchers whose findings appeared in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.The study was small but the extent of the improvement was said by scientists to be impressive._____(50)Nineteenth century doctors would have called Dickens'condition melancholia since the psychological condition of depression was unknown.Dickens'biographer Peter Ackroyd says the author's son Charles remembers his father's"heavy moods of deep depression"and many times of"intense nervous irritability", something modern psychologists would certainly recognize._________(48)A:The number included five people who had not found any relief using drug treatment.B:Long and brisk walks are not necessarily beneficial to every person.C:They studied 12 people with severe depression that had lasted an average of nine months.D:The outcome indicated a clinical benefit which could not be obtained with pharmacological treatment currently available,they said.E:This is also the advice that experts from the Free University in Berlin are giving today.F:According to the regime,intense activity lasting three minutes was alternated with walking at half speed for three minutes.” 相关考题
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