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资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker.
Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Branson’s upstart US airline, ordered 30 of the updated version of Airbus’s A320 model. Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd(£ 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated airplanes.
The Virgin deal capped a year when Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner.
Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw combined demand for their planes fall by more than two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated.
Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”2010 has been better than we expected. We will look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, that’s certainly been the focus.”
Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the largest single order for aircraft in commercial aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbus’s original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbus’s new engine-option A320s.
Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 2009, topped the 500 mark for the first time at Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481.
John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.”

“Dodged the bullet” in the last paragraph probably means_________.

A.Remained optimistic
B.Remained steady
C.Successfully avoided deep trouble
D.Ran very fast


【关键词】dodge the bullet;last paragraph; mean
【主题句】最后一个自然段John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.” 空中客车销售总监John Leahy说:“有数据显示经济正在好转。我们躲过了二次探底的衰退。 由于亚洲是低成本航空公司新兴市场,航空业再次增长。 即将来临的唯一负面影响就是燃料价格。”
【解析】题目意为“在最后一段中dodge the bullet含义是——”选项A意为“保持乐观”,选项B意为“保持稳定”,选项C意为“成功避免很大麻烦”,选项D意为“跑得很快”,根据此短语在文句中所在位置和含义,正确答案为C。
更多 “资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker. Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Branson’s upstart US airline, ordered 30 of the updated version of Airbus’s A320 model. Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd(£ 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated airplanes. The Virgin deal capped a year when Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner. Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw combined demand for their planes fall by more than two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated. Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”2010 has been better than we expected. We will look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, that’s certainly been the focus.” Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the largest single order for aircraft in commercial aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbus’s original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbus’s new engine-option A320s. Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 2009, topped the 500 mark for the first time at Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481. John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.” “Dodged the bullet” in the last paragraph probably means_________.A.Remained optimistic B.Remained steady C.Successfully avoided deep trouble D.Ran very fast” 相关考题
考题 ● The Internet is the worlds largest computer (71) .(71)A.networkB.deviceC.displayD.disk

考题 The Internet is the world's largest computer(71).A.networkB.deviceC.displayD.disk

考题 根据下面材料,回答第 41~40 题:第 41 题 Findings of the Stanford University researchers will promote the sales of new Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

考题 It has been documented that during World War Ⅱ, America's armed forces once tried formation flight to save fuel.

考题 Text 4 You might soon be able to sneak down to the cargo hold for a nap the next time you take an ultra-long fiight.That's the idea being fioated by plane manufacturer Airbus and seatmaker Zodiac Aerospace.The companies say they're working to develop"sleeping berths"that could be installed in the cargo holds of certain long-range Airbus aircraft.Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace say the cargo compartment modules would"offer new opportunities for additional services to passengers,improving their experience while enabling airlines to differentiate and add value for their commercial operations."The companies say they hope to offer the option to airlines for orders beginning in 2020.Initially,the sleeper modules would be offered on Airbus'A330 widebodies,either on new deliveries or with an option to retrofit existing aircraft.Decisions on how to market and sell such options are typically left up to airline customers.Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace did not detail any specific concepts,but it's likely passenger carriers would consider several options.One might include selling access for passengers sitting elsewhere on the plane,presumably letting them pay for several hours-or perhaps an entire flight's worth-of time in the sleepers.Some higher-end carriers might explore the idea as a possibility to add a lounge area,where one of the perks could be a nap.Airbus and Zodiac offered several concepts in mock-ups accompanying their press statement.One shows a standard lounge;others show options that include a conference room,a"kids and family zone"and even a"medical care zone."Absent additional details,the berths are unlikely to become an option for the entire duration of a flight.Safety rules require passengers to be buckled into seats during takeoff and landing,and it's not clear whether such an option would be available in a cargo area of sleeper berths.It also seems unlikely that a passenger would want to commit to a sleeper berth for flights of eight hours or more without a dedicated option for upright seating,or windows."These underfloor sleeping berths would be aimed more towards economy class market,and would be available for a lower price for a passenger than a premium class flatbed seat."Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace touted the ease of installation to carriers,saying modules would be"easily interchangeable with regular cargo containers during a typical turnaround if required.Moreover,the aircraft's cargo fioor and cargo loading system will not be affected at all,as the passenger module will sit directly on it."For now,Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace will test the market to gauge interest.40.From the last paragraph,it can be inferred thatA.it remains to be seen whether the sleeping berth will be welcome to most people B.the sleeping berth is favoured over all airlines for its ease ofinstallation. C.the sleeping berth will be served for a lower price than a first class seat. D.cargo loading system will be influenced by the installation of the sleeping berth.

考题 The homeless make up a growing percentage of America’s population.Furthermore homelessness has reached such proportions that local government can’t possibly_____.A.stand B.cope C.approve D.retain

考题 Text 4 You might soon be able to sneak down to the cargo hold for a nap the next time you take an ultra-long fiight.That's the idea being fioated by plane manufacturer Airbus and seatmaker Zodiac Aerospace.The companies say they're working to develop"sleeping berths"that could be installed in the cargo holds of certain long-range Airbus aircraft.Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace say the cargo compartment modules would"offer new opportunities for additional services to passengers,improving their experience while enabling airlines to differentiate and add value for their commercial operations."The companies say they hope to offer the option to airlines for orders beginning in 2020.Initially,the sleeper modules would be offered on Airbus'A330 widebodies,either on new deliveries or with an option to retrofit existing aircraft.Decisions on how to market and sell such options are typically left up to airline customers.Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace did not detail any specific concepts,but it's likely passenger carriers would consider several options.One might include selling access for passengers sitting elsewhere on the plane,presumably letting them pay for several hours-or perhaps an entire flight's worth-of time in the sleepers.Some higher-end carriers might explore the idea as a possibility to add a lounge area,where one of the perks could be a nap.Airbus and Zodiac offered several concepts in mock-ups accompanying their press statement.One shows a standard lounge;others show options that include a conference room,a"kids and family zone"and even a"medical care zone."Absent additional details,the berths are unlikely to become an option for the entire duration of a flight.Safety rules require passengers to be buckled into seats during takeoff and landing,and it's not clear whether such an option would be available in a cargo area of sleeper berths.It also seems unlikely that a passenger would want to commit to a sleeper berth for flights of eight hours or more without a dedicated option for upright seating,or windows."These underfloor sleeping berths would be aimed more towards economy class market,and would be available for a lower price for a passenger than a premium class flatbed seat."Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace touted the ease of installation to carriers,saying modules would be"easily interchangeable with regular cargo containers during a typical turnaround if required.Moreover,the aircraft's cargo fioor and cargo loading system will not be affected at all,as the passenger module will sit directly on it."For now,Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace will test the market to gauge interest.37.The word"retrofit"(Para.3)most probably meansA.repair. B.renovate. C.remodel. D.renew.

考题 资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker. Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Branson’s upstart US airline, ordered 30 of the updated version of Airbus’s A320 model. Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd(£ 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated airplanes. The Virgin deal capped a year when Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner. Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw combined demand for their planes fall by more than two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated. Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”2010 has been better than we expected. We will look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, that’s certainly been the focus.” Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the largest single order for aircraft in commercial aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbus’s original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbus’s new engine-option A320s. Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 2009, topped the 500 mark for the first time at Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481. John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.” Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?A.IndiGo’s order for Airbus’s new engine-option A320s was the first firm order for the updated airplanes. B.Airbus delivered more planes than Boeing in 2006. C.2009 saw demand for Boeing’s planes fall but not Airbus’s. D.Airbus was able to stay ahead of Boeing in number of orders throughout the year 2010.

考题 资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagship Airbus A380 fleet. Several pricing models are believed to be under consideration,beginning with a low-cost package suitable for WE—service such as Google Gmail,Yahoo and Hotmail as well as a 30MB allowance for around SGD$25 (that's $20 Russia and US,and £20 and £ 14). The airline is polling selected members of its KrisFlyer frequent flyer loyalty program to participate in an online survey about your attitudes towards inflight mobile and internet services,which we are planning to introduce from May 2011 according to the email invitation. The survey asks travellers for their opinions on pricing packages such as SGD$25 for 30MB,as well as if mobile phone cells and SMS messages should be permitted. Should passagers be allowed to make and take calls at 30000 feet they'll pay plenty for the privilege, with calls being charged at international roaming rates. As it's up to each country to decide what those rates are-and with Singapore Airlines effectively being its own country in terms of providing a fully controlled and self-contained telecoms system on board each plane-those rates could literally be sky high. SQ's inflight internet and mobile service, which may carry the KrisNet brand in keeping with the KrisWorld inflight entertainment system, is expected to debut on the Airbus A380 before being installed onto the airline's A340-500 and Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. Passagers will be able to access the internet on any device from a smart phone to a tablet or laptop, as Singapore Airlines will support connections through both Wifi wireless networking (using a series of low-hotpots located throughout the plane) and 3G(via tiny pico-cell stations). It will employ the pepular OnAir technology, jointly developed by IT company SITA and Airbus,and currently used by over 20 airlines(including Air New Zealand's current trial of in-flight internet) which feeds the Wifi and 3G signals through to Inmarsat's SwiftBroadband satellite network. According to the author,the fees for making and taking calls on planes of Singapore Airlines will be sky high,because__.A.the telecoms system employed by Singapore Airlines on board each plane is the best of the breed B.Singapore Airlines has a self-contained telecoms system which enables it to set high international roaming rates C.the calls will be charged at international roaming rates which are normally high D.it will be a privilege to a small

考题 资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker. Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Branson’s upstart US airline, ordered 30 of the updated version of Airbus’s A320 model. Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd(£ 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated airplanes. The Virgin deal capped a year when Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner. Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw combined demand for their planes fall by more than two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated. Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”2010 has been better than we expected. We will look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, that’s certainly been the focus.” Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the largest single order for aircraft in commercial aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbus’s original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbus’s new engine-option A320s. Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 2009, topped the 500 mark for the first time at Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481. John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.” Which of the following is NOT a factor given in the article for the growth of the aviation industry in 2010? A.fuel price B.low-cost carries C.emerging markets in the Middle East D.emerging markets in Asia

考题 资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagship Airbus A380 fleet. Several pricing models are believed to be under consideration,beginning with a low-cost package suitable for WE—service such as Google Gmail,Yahoo and Hotmail as well as a 30MB allowance for around SGD$25 (that's $20 Russia and US,and £20 and £ 14). The airline is polling selected members of its KrisFlyer frequent flyer loyalty program to participate in an online survey about your attitudes towards inflight mobile and internet services,which we are planning to introduce from May 2011 according to the email invitation. The survey asks travellers for their opinions on pricing packages such as SGD$25 for 30MB,as well as if mobile phone cells and SMS messages should be permitted. Should passagers be allowed to make and take calls at 30000 feet they'll pay plenty for the privilege, with calls being charged at international roaming rates. As it's up to each country to decide what those rates are-and with Singapore Airlines effectively being its own country in terms of providing a fully controlled and self-contained telecoms system on board each plane-those rates could literally be sky high. SQ's inflight internet and mobile service, which may carry the KrisNet brand in keeping with the KrisWorld inflight entertainment system, is expected to debut on the Airbus A380 before being installed onto the airline's A340-500 and Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. Passagers will be able to access the internet on any device from a smart phone to a tablet or laptop, as Singapore Airlines will support connections through both Wifi wireless networking (using a series of low-hotpots located throughout the plane) and 3G(via tiny pico-cell stations). It will employ the pepular OnAir technology, jointly developed by IT company SITA and Airbus,and currently used by over 20 airlines(including Air New Zealand's current trial of in-flight internet) which feeds the Wifi and 3G signals through to Inmarsat's SwiftBroadband satellite network. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?A.Singapore Airlines to charge high international roaming rates B.Singapore Airlines to offer different pricing models for inflight mobile and Internet services C.Singapore Airlines to unveil sky high net D.Singapore Airlines to conduct online survey

考题 资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world's biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba. On the back of the historic signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement yesterday, Alibaba announced in Melbourne their continued commitment to bringing Australian products, brands and businesses closer to China's online consumers via it's Alipay payment platform and Taobao Marketplace. Alipay is the largest online payment service provider in China. With more than 800 million Chinese accounts, Alipay is already the biggest mobile payment processor in the world. It clears 80 million transactions per day, including 45 million transactions through it's Alipay Wallet mobile app and processed US$780 billion worth of transactions in the year ended June 30. Alipay is one of six financial services entities that will fall under the umbrella of Ant Financial Serviced Group, a rebranding of Alipay Financial Services. There are plans to take this money making machine public too. Alipay Australia has been established as a local entity that will work with its joint venture partner, pay bang to help Australian businesses and merchants access Alipay's cross-border payment solutions. Alipay has also been working with Australia Post to sell, distribute and promote the Alipay Purchase Card across 4,400 retail outlets for Australian shoppers to use on the Tmall.com and Taobao Marketplace platforms. Alipay's extension into Australia, follows its move into the U.S with the launch of its ePay payment program, which handles everything from payment processing and currency translation for U.S. retailers. It can be inferred from the article thatA.Alibaba would open chain stores after entering into Australia. B.Alibaba has established cooperation with Australia Post. C.Alibaba’s world-record of selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day has helped its initial public offering. D.After entering into Australia, Alibaba will try to expand to the U.S.

考题 资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker. Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Branson’s upstart US airline, ordered 30 of the updated version of Airbus’s A320 model. Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd(£ 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated airplanes. The Virgin deal capped a year when Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner. Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw combined demand for their planes fall by more than two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated. Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”2010 has been better than we expected. We will look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, that’s certainly been the focus.” Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the largest single order for aircraft in commercial aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbus’s original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbus’s new engine-option A320s. Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 2009, topped the 500 mark for the first time at Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481. John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.” According to Airbus, the updated version of its A320 model is different from the original model in that________.A.it has multiple options when it comes to its engine B.it is a single-aisle jet C.it is more fuel-efficient and environmental-friendly D.it has a more powerful engine

考题 资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagship Airbus A380 fleet. Several pricing models are believed to be under consideration,beginning with a low-cost package suitable for WE—service such as Google Gmail,Yahoo and Hotmail as well as a 30MB allowance for around SGD$25 (that's $20 Russia and US,and £20 and £ 14). The airline is polling selected members of its KrisFlyer frequent flyer loyalty program to participate in an online survey about your attitudes towards inflight mobile and internet services,which we are planning to introduce from May 2011 according to the email invitation. The survey asks travellers for their opinions on pricing packages such as SGD$25 for 30MB,as well as if mobile phone cells and SMS messages should be permitted. Should passagers be allowed to make and take calls at 30000 feet they'll pay plenty for the privilege, with calls being charged at international roaming rates. As it's up to each country to decide what those rates are-and with Singapore Airlines effectively being its own country in terms of providing a fully controlled and self-contained telecoms system on board each plane-those rates could literally be sky high. SQ's inflight internet and mobile service, which may carry the KrisNet brand in keeping with the KrisWorld inflight entertainment system, is expected to debut on the Airbus A380 before being installed onto the airline's A340-500 and Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. Passagers will be able to access the internet on any device from a smart phone to a tablet or laptop, as Singapore Airlines will support connections through both Wifi wireless networking (using a series of low-hotpots located throughout the plane) and 3G(via tiny pico-cell stations). It will employ the pepular OnAir technology, jointly developed by IT company SITA and Airbus,and currently used by over 20 airlines(including Air New Zealand's current trial of in-flight internet) which feeds the Wifi and 3G signals through to Inmarsat's SwiftBroadband satellite network. From the passage,we know that__.A.Singapore Airlines' online survey is to be carried out among its registered members. B.Airbus A380 will be the first aircraft to be equipped with inflight internet and mobile service. C.Singapore Airlines' inflight internet access will be limited to some specific devices. D.Singapore Airlines' will be the first to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access.

考题 资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker. Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Branson’s upstart US airline, ordered 30 of the updated version of Airbus’s A320 model. Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd(£ 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated airplanes. The Virgin deal capped a year when Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner. Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw combined demand for their planes fall by more than two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated. Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”2010 has been better than we expected. We will look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, that’s certainly been the focus.” Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the largest single order for aircraft in commercial aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbus’s original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbus’s new engine-option A320s. Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 2009, topped the 500 mark for the first time at Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481. John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.” Airbus’ number of plane orders in 2010 surpassed that of Boeing because_________.A.Boeing was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner B.US airplane Virgin America ordered 30 airplanes from Airbus C.India’s Indigo bought 180 airplanes from Airbus D.Boeing had not recovered from recession

考题 资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the world’s derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to America’s biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds. Europe has also developed a diverse set of financial centers ranging from big cities to island havens such as Jersey and to niche markets such as Luxembourg and Dublin. Edinburg, an established banking center, is now touting itself as a low-cost alternative for financial operations. Among the larger hubs, Frankfurt is an important center for banking and derivatives trading through Eurex, a German-Swiss exchange, with significantly lower costs than London. Switzerland’s twin financial centers, Geneva and Zurich, have done well in their specialists of private banking, wealth management and insurance. The main attractions are low taxes, political stability and a reputation for discretion. Urs Roth from the Swiss Bankers Association says, however, that given its tiny domestic market, Switzerland has had to fight for open markets on an international scale. Paris has long lagged far behind London, dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes. The new government is aware that some of France’s best financial brains have crossed the Channel for more lucrative careers in London. Yet Paris has many advantages: a large number of international banks; more international companies than Frankfurt; and easy access to regulators. It has the largest market in Europe for trading in mutual funds. Few would dispute that Paris offers an attractive quality of life and has good transport links. What makes Paris a place to watch just now is the NYSE’s recent merger with Euronext. The combined group will base its international equities business in the French capital. Euronext, which operates exchanges in five European countries, also illustrates the importance of a common language. Financial executives around the world increasingly view Europe as a single market. Soon a new European rule called MiFID (Markets in Financial Instrument Directive) is due to be implemented. It aims to increase competition among and transparency within financial markets. Financiers in other parts of the world are wondering how to achieve a similar degree of cross-border financial integration. What can be inferred from the passage?A.New York is the world’s largest financial hub. B.Houston is the world’s biggest center for energy trading and hedge funds. C.The Europe has as many financial centers as the United States. D.Different financial centers have different specialist features.

考题 In which way is Lenovo different from other Chinese companies?( ) A.It is a veteran of globalization. B.It has many nationalities on its senior management. C.It has succeeded in buying some foreign companies. D.It is now the world’s biggest white-goods maker.

考题 New Zealand is sometimes called the world‘s biggest farm.It is the world’s largest exporter of ( ) A.beef B.lamb and mutton C.wheat D.corn

考题 With regard to its size, the U.S.A.is the( )country in the world. A.largest B.second largest C.third largest D.fourth largest

考题 With regard to its size,Australia is()country in the world.Athe third largestBthe fourth largestCthe fifth largestDthe sixth largest

考题 With regard to its size,Australia is()country in the world.A、the third largestB、the fourth largestC、the fifth largestD、the sixth largest

考题 单选题President Jiang Zemin’s visit to America helped the United States and China to have a better _____ understanding.A habitualB relevantC equivalentD mutual

考题 单选题A The World Cup broadcast has broken its record in America.B Americans' interest in football has surged this year.C Smart phones and tablets become more and more popular.D Americans were not interested in The World Cup previously.

考题 单选题With regard to its size,Australia is()country in the world.A the third largestB the fourth largestC the fifth largestD the sixth largest

考题 问答题Practice 2  Until early in this century, the isolationist tendency prevailed in American foreign policy. Then two factors projected America into world affairs: its rapidly expanding power, and the gradual collapse of the international system centered on Europe, the watershed presidencies marked this progression: Theodore Roosevelt’s and Woodrow Wilson’s. These men held the reins of government when world affairs were drawing a reluctant nation into their vortex. Both recognized that America had a crucial role to play in world affairs though they justified its emergence from isolation with opposite philosophies.  Roosevelt was a sophisticated analyst of the balance of power. He insisted on an international role for America because its national interest demanded it, and because a global balance of power was inconceivable to him without American participation. For Wilson, the justification of America’s international role was messianic: America had an obligation, not to the balance of power, but to spread its principles throughout the world. During the Wilson’s Administration, America emerged as a key player in world affairs, proclaiming principles which, while reflecting the truisms of American though, nevertheless marked a revolutionary departure for Old World diplomats. These principles held that peace depends on the spread of democracy, that states should be judged by the same ethical criteria as individuals, and that the national interest consists of adhering to a universal system of law.

考题 单选题Its business culture,()has brought the world “shareholder value” and “IPOs”,()commercial thinking in recent years and will continue to do so.A which; has leadedB which; has been leadingC that; has leadedD that; has been leading

考题 单选题Going to the moon is an example of .A America’s dreams and creativityB America’s childish and queer behaviorC why America hasn’t grown upD why America is considered as the greatest country in the world

考题 单选题A They helped to enrich American language.B They are the largest ethnic group in the USA.C Half a million Germans were in the USA during the American Revolution.D The commanders-in-chief in both world wars were of German ancestry.