银行招聘考试 问题列表
问题 在对某公司存货实施抽查程序时,注册会计师下列做法正确的是( )。 A.尽量将难以盘点或隐蔽性较大的存货纳入抽查范围 B.事先就拟抽取测试的存货项目与该公司沟通,以提高存货监盘的效率 C.从存货盘点记录中选取项目追査至存货实物,以测试盘点记录的完整性 D.如果盘点记录与存货实物存在差异,要求该公司更正盘点记录

问题 社会主义初级阶段基本路线的核心是( )。 A.以经济建设为中心 B.改革开放 C.四项基本原则 D.精神文明建设

问题 (  )是货币市场上最敏感的“晴雨表”。A.官方利率 B.市场利率 C.拆借利率 D.再贴现率

问题 所谓贸易小国就是指(  )。A.贸易绝对量很小的国家 B.国土面积很小的国家 C.人口规模较小的国家 D.该国某种商品的进出口量占世界进出口总量的比重较小

问题 中国人民银行作为我国的中央银行,享有货币发行的垄断权,因此它是( )。 A.政府的银行 B.垄断的银行 C.银行的银行 D.发行的银行

问题 在实际工作中,常用的账务处理程序有(  )。A.原始凭证汇总账务处理程序 B.记账凭证账务处理程序 C.科目汇总表账务处理程序 D.汇总记账凭证账务处理程序

问题 直觉思维是指行为步骤和思维过程不明确、不清晰,对某些现象或者问题直接地、迅速地作出某些猜想、假设或判断的思维。 下列选项属于典型的直觉思维的是( )。 A.公安刑警根据收集到的证据,对案件进行分析 B.军事指挥员根据侦察兵的情报材料作出军事决策 C.根据所学过的知识解答考试时的难题 D.医生根据病人的口述材料,迅速地做出疾病的诊断

问题 下列( )行为可能产生正的外部性。 A.购买一台个人电脑 B.接种免疫疫苗 C.消费西餐 D.在一个封闭的空间里吸烟

问题 资料:There's a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll you ordered for lunch doesn't actually contain any tuna at all. That's because 74% of fish sold at sushi venues in the US is mislabeled and often completely different than what's on the menu, according to a 2013 survey from the ocean conservation group Oceana. But new technology could help make the seafood business a bit more transparent. Google is teaming up with Oceana and the aerial and satellite imaging nonprofit SkyTruth to launch Global Fishing Watch this fall, the New York Times reports. The initiative will track and analyze fishing boat practices using satellite technology and, ideally, help ensure that fewer fake or mislabeled fish are swapped in along the way. Seafood providers are also investing in technology to reduce fraud. Boston seafood distributor Red's Best, for example, has increased transparency by selling fish with labels that buyers can scan with their smartphones to access a web page that provides details about the individual fish, including where the fish came from, the New York Times reports. Even if a restaurant serves some real, correctly labeled fish, 95% of the 118 sushi restaurants surveyed by Oceana in cities including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles had at least one faked sushi item on the menu. Currently, the biggest culprits for fake sushi are snapper (92% misleadingly labeled) and tuna (71%). White tuna is often swapped for escolar, which is sometimes called the "Ex-Lax Fish, " according to Inside Edition, because it can cause intestinal problems. Roughly 75% of fish labeled snapper isn't even from the snapper family. Because of the predominance of fraud in the supply chain, New York sushi restaurant Sushi Nakazawa refuses to serve red snapper because the risk of fake fish is too high. Why does the author mention Boston seafood distributor Red's Best?( )A.To emphasize the importance of seafood providers' responsibilities B.To show that the problem of fake or mislabeled fish has already been solved C.To introduce a new technology of scanning D.To illustrate that seafood providers also take actions to reduce fraud.

问题 银行会计的核算原则包括(  )。A.客观性原则 B.及时性原则 C.权责发生制原则 D.谨慎性原则

问题 商业汇票

问题 关于抽样调查的说法,正确的有(  )。A.抽样调查中不存在代表性误差 B.抽样调查用样本数据推断总体数量特征 C.抽样调查适应面广 D.抽样调查时效性差 E.抽样调查通常从总体中选择重点单位进行调查

问题 上海世博会中国馆由国家馆和地区馆组成。国家馆为“天”,富有雕塑感的造型主体——“东方之冠”高耸其间,形成开场屹立之势;地区馆为“地”,如同基座般延展于国家馆之下,形成浑厚依托之态。这表明(  )。A.创新是继承与发展的统一 B.建筑艺术对建筑业有重大的指导作用 C.人的认识来源于客观,灵感来源于主观 D.人们可以根据自己的需要创造出新的设想

问题 基础货币一般包括( )。A.流通中的现金 B.外汇储备 C.存款准备金 D.贷款规模

问题 资料:No matter how carefully you pick the members on your team,you may still end up with a negative employee.These workers don’t necessarily fall into the category of “toxic,”but they’re just kind of a drag with their cynical, pessimistic worldview.If you ‘re dealing with a negative employee,here are 3 steps to take. FIND OUT WHY If you decide to proceed in addressing the behavior,think about whether there have been behavior changes recently.Is the negativity a constant or has the behavior escalated?If the latter ,was there an event that led up to the change?Individuals in the workplace live multi-dimensional lives,and other non-workplace stresses may impact work productivity and mood. In an April 2016 report in the Journal of Managerial Psychology,a team of Toronto researchers found that employee who are cynical of their workplace may feel more positive if their managers are supportive. DISCUSS GOALS When discussing the situation with your negative employee,it is recommended to frame the discussion in the context of the Individual’s goals.”Tone policing” where you simply point out pessimistic commentary without addressing the root cause, rarely works and may just cause more resentment.Get to the root of the issue and find out if the employee needs additional training,perhaps in management or communication skills,to overcome a deficit. ADDRESS ISSUES A direct,solutions-oriented conversation with the employee can uncover problems or circumstances driving the behavior.If there are workplace issue that can be solved,consider doing so if it make sense.If there are personal issues that have caused an escalation in negative behavior,examine whether accommodations can be made to help the person while they’re going through such challenges.Some employees don’t have great interpersonal skills,and putting them in jobs where they are more focused on job-related tasks than on interactions with others can be an effective solution,too. It can be inferred from the article thatA.If your manager is supportive ,you might feel more positive B.Negative employees are devastating to the company C.Raising salaries will make employees feel positive D.Promotions means a great deal to the employees