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______,this simple gesture means five different things in five different Mediterranean countries.

A.Because it seems astonishing that
B.Astonishing though it may seem

C.You will be astonished by

D.Astonished is what it was



更多 “______,this simple gesture means five different things in five different Mediterranean countries.A.Because it seems astonishing that B.Astonishing though it may seem C.You will be astonished by D.Astonished is what it was” 相关考题
考题 disperse means to separate and go away in different directions.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The wheel’s order “port five” means that the ship is going to ________A.turn backB.turn aroundC.turn aboutD.alter course

考题 Education means different things to different people, ______ their perspective. A.to depend toB.depends toC.depending on

考题 Can you list ( ) usages of ( ) A、the five/ the articleB、the five/ an articleC、five/ articleD、five/ an article

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考题 He ___ five different languages fluently. A.speakB. speaksC.SpokeD. speaking

考题 What he is doing and whether I know him is two different things.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling. However, what that means, exactly, can be an open-ended question.(71)is a means to capture ideas, relationships, decisions, and requirements in a well-defined notation that can be applied to many different domains. Modeling not only means different things to different people, but also it can use different pieces of UML depending on what you are trying to convey. In general, a UML model is made up of one or more(72)A diagram graphically represents things, and the relationships between these things. These(73)can be representations of real-world objects, pure software constructs, or a description of the behavior. of some other objects. It is common for an individual thing to show up on multiple diagrams; each diagram represents a particular interest, or view, of the thing being modeled. UML 2.0 divides diagrams into two categories: structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams.(74)are used to capture the physical organization of the things in your system, i.e., how one object relates to another.(75)focus on the behavior. of elements in a system. For example, you can use behavioral diagrams to capture requirements, operations, and internal state changes for elements.A.ProgrammingB.AnalyzingC.DesigningD.Modeling

考题 ● It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling. However, what that means, exactly, can be an open-ended question. (71) is a means to capture ideas, relationships, decisions, and requirements in a well-defined notation that can be applied to many different domains. Modeling not only means different things to different people, but also it can use different pieces of UMLdepending on what you are trying to convey. In general, a UML model is made up of one or more (72) . A diagram graphically represents things, and the relationships between these things. These (73) can be representations of real-world objects, pure software constructs, or a description of the behavior. of some other objects. It is common for an individual thing to show up on multiple diagrams; each diagram represents a particular interest, or view, of the thing being modeled. UML 2.0 divides diagrams into two categories: structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams. (74) are used to capture the physical organization of the things in your system, i.e., how one object relates to another. (75) focus on the behavior of elements in a system. For example, you can use behavioral diagrams to capture requirements, operations, and internal state changes for elements.(71)A.ProgrammingB. AnalyzingC. DesigningD. Modeling(72)A.viewsB. diagramsC. user viewsD. structure pictures(73)A. thingsB. picturesC. languagesD. diagrams(74)A. Activity diagramsB. Use-case diagramsC. Structural diagramsD. Behavioral diagrams(75)A. Activity diagramsB. Use-case diagramsC. Structural diagramsD. Behavioral diagrams

考题 ● It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling.However, what that means, exactly, can be an open-ended question. (71) is a means to capture ideas, relationships, decisions, and requirements in a well-defined notation that can be applied to many different domains.Modeling not only means different things to different people, but also it can use different pieces of UML depending on what you are trying to convey.In general, a UML model is made up of one or more (72) . A diagram graphically representsthings, and the relationships between these things.These (73) can be representations ofreal-world objects, pure software constructs, or a description of the behavior. of some other objects.It is common for an individual thing to show up on multiple diagrams; each diagram represents a particular interest, or view, of the thing being modeled.UML 2.0 divides diagrams into two categories: structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams. (74) are used to capture the physical organization of the things in your system, i. e. , how one object relatesto another. (75) focus on the behavior. of elements in a system.For example, you can use behavioral diagrams to capture requirements, operations, and internal state changes forelements.(71)A.ProgrammingB.AnalyzingC.DesigningD.Modeling(72)A.viewsB.diagramsC.user viewsD.structure pictures(73)A.thingsB.picturesC.languagesD.diagrams(74)A.Activity diagramsB.Use-case diagramsC.Structural diagramsD.Behavioral diagrams(75)A.Activity diagramsB.Use-case diagramsC.Structural diagramsD.Behavioral diagrams

考题 The term Away From in the preparation of stowage plan for dangerous cargoes means that ________ .A.the cargoes shall be stowed in such positions that their vertical distances be greater than 3 metersB.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartmentsC.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete compartmentD.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete hold

考题 Body language is a powerful communication system,__________it can signal very different things. A.but B.so C.for D.then

考题 If American people borrow money from the bank for 25 years,this means that the person who borrows__________.A.has twenty-five years to pay back the money B.has more than twenty-five years to pay back the money C.has less twenty-five years to pay back the money D.has about twenty-five years to pay back the money

考题 A(n) ( ) five years ago Pangkor boasted sweet-sfnglng blrds Now the jungle is being cut down.A. just B. mere C. only D. simple

考题 On television all over the world there are programmes about the work of the police.They are popular because they are usually very exciting.In London there is a television programme called"Police Five"--because it is on for five minutes once a week.A television reporter,Shaw Taylor,talks about crimes in the London area.He asks for public help.The police station needs the help of ordinary people because sometimes you or I have information that can be useful to the police. Shaw Taylor shows pictures of paintings,jewellery(珠宝)and other things which thieves stole during the week.Sometimes he shows the car that the thieves escaped in.When people see men or things on the television programme which they may remember,they can tell the police where they saw them.With their help the police may catch more criminals. Sometimes the police find a car or some money.Shaw Taylor shows them on television.The owners sometimes see them.Then they can telephone the police and say,"Thank you very much--that's mine!" The television programme is called"Police Five",because it is about the work of the police and__.A.it is on for five times every seven days B.it lasts five minutes a week C.it begins at five in the afternoon D.it is a programme about five policemen

考题 A(n) ___ five years ago, Pangkor boasted sweet-singing birds. Now the jungle is being cut down.A.just B.mere C.only D.simple

考题 _______a microscope we can see different kinds of things that are unable to be seen by our naked eyes.A.In terms of B.In place of C.By means of D.By far

考题 单选题In how many different ways can five pupils be seated in four chairs?A 20B 40C 60D 80E 120

考题 问答题Practice 2  Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: without it, it (1)______ not be possible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us; (2) ______ the workers in government offices who look after our health, our food, our water, and all the other things that we cannot do for ourselves. By means of taxation, we pay for things that we need just as much as we need somewhere to live and something to eat. But (3) ______ everyone knows that taxation is necessary, different people have different ideas about (4) ______ taxation should be arranged.  In most countries, a direct tax on (5) ______, which is called income tax, (6) ______. It is arranged in such a way that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows (7) ______ as the taxpayer’s income grows. In some countries, for example, the tax on the richest people goes up as high as ninety-five percent!  But countries with direct taxation nearly (8) ______ have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or “duties”. Of course, it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops (9) ______ really have to pay the duties, in the (10) ______ of higher prices. In some countries, too, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is collected but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary things like jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is obtained but the tax is fairer, as the rich pay it.[A] nor     [B] will     [C] form[D] if      [E] exists    [F] who[G] people    [H] larger    [I] always[J] that     [K] though    [L] periodically[M] would    [N] persons   [O] how

考题 单选题The word “redress” in paragraph 4 probably means _____.A dressing againB change of addressC compensation for something wrongD selling the same product at different prices

考题 单选题In the last part of the passage, the sentence “Food for animals is often seasonal, always expensive” means food for animals if often ______.A different and expensive in different seasonsB similar and expensive in different seasonC seasoned and expensiveD eaten with spices and thus expensive

考题 单选题The sentence “Children are a relatively modern invention” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that children .A were exactly the same as adults a few hundred years agoB did not exist at that time because there were no families yetC were not different from adults in physical appearanceD were not different from adults

考题 单选题A bicycle company makes five styles of bikes in seven different colors. How many different bicycles can the company make when considering both style and color?A 35B 12C 7D 5E 2

考题 单选题By saying “... but the impact of a degree washes out after five years” (Line 3, Para.3), the author means _____.A most MBA programs fail to provide, students with a solid foundationB an MBA degree does not help promotion to managerial positionsC MBA programs will not be as popular in five years’ time as they are nowD in five years people will forget about the degree the MBA graduates have got

考题 单选题The shells are secured by means of bearing caps and studs, the necessary clearance being provided by means of () of different thickness.A shimsB packingC glandsD washers

考题 单选题A total of 250 students participate in five different school-sponsored clubs. The bar graph below shows the number of students who participate in each club. 40% of the members of Club A are in Club B. How many of the members in Club A are not in Club B?A 28B 32C 42D 48E 52

考题 单选题John buys a cake at a bakery and a hammer at a hard-ware store. If there are five hardware stores and three bakeries, in how many different combinations of stores can he purchase the cake and the hammer?A 20B 15C 8D 5E 3