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资料:The Oakview Cafe
12 Torpoint Hill, Aylesbury. Buckinghamshire. HP21 7SR
01632 399 196
The Oakview Cafe proudly presents Gordon Macaulay in a solo concert at 7 p.m. on 10 September .Mr. Macaulay is known for his poetic songs and fluid guitar playing. Lauren Tighe of The Aylesbury Record writes," Gordon Macaulay has one of the most melodious voices I have ever heard." Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear him in the intimate setting of the Oakview Cafe. Our award-winning chef, Lucas Brizard, will prepare a selection of unique dishes, but our regular menu items will also be available on the day of the show. Space is limited-purchase your tickets now by phone or at the cafe during normal business hours. For more information about us and a full listing of our dishes for the event, please visit our Web site.

Who most likely is Ms. Tighe?

A.A newspaper reporter.
B.A musician.
C.A cafe owner.
D.A chef.


【关键词】who most likely; Ms Tighe
【主题句】第1自然段Lauren Tighe of The Aylesbury Record writes," Gordon Macaulay has one of the most melodious voices I have ever heard." Aylesbury唱片公司的Lauren Tighe写道:“Gordon Macaulay是我听过的最悦耳的声音之一。”
更多 “资料:The Oakview Cafe 12 Torpoint Hill, Aylesbury. Buckinghamshire. HP21 7SR 01632 399 196 www.aokviewcafc.co.uk The Oakview Cafe proudly presents Gordon Macaulay in a solo concert at 7 p.m. on 10 September .Mr. Macaulay is known for his poetic songs and fluid guitar playing. Lauren Tighe of The Aylesbury Record writes," Gordon Macaulay has one of the most melodious voices I have ever heard." Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear him in the intimate setting of the Oakview Cafe. Our award-winning chef, Lucas Brizard, will prepare a selection of unique dishes, but our regular menu items will also be available on the day of the show. Space is limited-purchase your tickets now by phone or at the cafe during normal business hours. For more information about us and a full listing of our dishes for the event, please visit our Web site. Who most likely is Ms. Tighe?A.A newspaper reporter. B.A musician. C.A cafe owner. D.A chef.” 相关考题
考题 (luck), John got back the notebook that he had lost at the cafe.

考题 统计资料的类型包括( )。A、计量资料、计数资料和等级资料B、数值资料、分类资料和计数资料C、分类资料、计数资料和等级资料D、计量资料、数值资料和等级资料E、半计量资料、数值资料和等级资料

考题 David and Xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time. After checking in at the BA (British Airways) desk, they had their boarding passes checked, put their bags through the X-ray machine and went through the passport control on their way to the departure lounge. They didn抰 have anything to eat because they would eat on the plane, but they had a coffee and then they looked round the shops. Xiaoyan bought something for Mary, but David didn抰 buy anything. Then they went to the gate. They had about 20 minutes to wait before embarking. Suddenly David realized that he hadn抰 got his camera with him. They went back and looked everywhere to see where he could have lost it --- in the shops, in the cafe, at the X-ray machine, at the passport control and at the checking-in desk, but nobody had seen it. 揑 must have left it in the cafe,?said David, 揑 should have put it in my bag. I suppose someone must have walked off with it!?(1). When they arrived at the airport, they had ().A、 hardly any timeB、plenty of timeC、just enough time(2). They first went ().A、 to a restaurantB、to the checking-in deskC、through the passport control(3). David realized that his camera was missing when he was ().A、 in the cafeB、in the departure loungeC、at the gate(4). They looked for the camera everywhere except ().A、 in the shopsB、at the X-ray machineC、on the plane(5). David thought he must have left it ().A、 in the cafeB、in the taxiC、at home

考题 收集资料的五个步骤依次是A.收集资料、组织和整理资料、核实资料、分析资料、记录资料B.组织和整理资料、收集资料、分析资料、核实资料、记录资料C.收集资料、核实资料、组织和整理资料、分析资料、记录资料D.收集资料、分析资料、核实资料、组织和整理资料、记录资料E.收集资料、记录资料、分析资料、核实资料、组织和整理资料

考题 Passage OneEvery morning, kids from a local high school are working hard. They are making and selling special coffee at a coffee cafe. They are also making a lot of money.These students can make up to twelve hundred dollars a day. They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers. After the students get paid, the rest of the money goes to helping a local youth project.These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport. It is usually very crowded. Many people who fly on the planes like to drink the special coffee.One customer thinks that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it. Most customers are pleasant but some are unhappy. They do not like it if the coffee cafe is not open for business.The students earn $ 6.10 an hour plus tips. They also get school credit while they learn how to run a business. Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some time 1o learn how to do it.They have to learn how to steam milk, load the pots, and add flavor. It takes some skill and sometimesmistakes are made. The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.36. Based on the passage, it seems that the purpose of the cafe is to______.A. learn a skillB. help a youth projectC. do businessD. earn school credit

考题 By selling special coffee at a coffee cafe, the students are ______.A. gaining a lot of experienceB. making a lot of moneyC. having a lot of troubleD. learning a lot of knowledge

考题 The best title for the passage could be ______.A. Earning MoneyB. Students' LifeC. Little BusinessD. Kids' Cafe

考题 下列赋值操作正确的是()。 A.charch=“a”;B.charch=‘\’‘;C.charch=‘cafe’;D.charch=“cafe”;

考题 统计工作的基本步骤是()。 A.设计资料、收集资料、核对资料、归纳资料B.设计资料、调查资料、归纳资料、整理资料C.设计资料、收集资料、核对资料、整理资料D.设计资料、收集资料、整理资料、分析资料

考题 Whichtwovaliddeclarationsofachar?() A.Charch=“a”;B.Charch=‘\’‘;C.Charch=‘cafe’;D.Charch=“cafe”;E.Charch=‘\ucafe’;F.Charch=‘\u10100’;G.Charch=(char)true;

考题 资料分析的基本步骤是( )A.阅读资料—解释资料—筛选资料 B.阅读资料—筛选资料—解释资料 C.筛选资料—阅读资料—解释资料 D.解释资料—阅读资料—筛选资料

考题 资料分析的基本步骤是( ) A.阅读资料一解释资料一筛选资料 B.阅读资料一筛选资料一解释资料 C.筛选资料一阅读资料一解释资料 D.解释资料一阅读资料一筛选资料

考题 资料:The Oakview Cafe 12 Torpoint Hill, Aylesbury. Buckinghamshire. HP21 7SR 01632 399 196 www.aokviewcafc.co.uk The Oakview Cafe proudly presents Gordon Macaulay in a solo concert at 7 p.m. on 10 September .Mr. Macaulay is known for his poetic songs and fluid guitar playing. Lauren Tighe of The Aylesbury Record writes," Gordon Macaulay has one of the most melodious voices I have ever heard." Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear him in the intimate setting of the Oakview Cafe. Our award-winning chef, Lucas Brizard, will prepare a selection of unique dishes, but our regular menu items will also be available on the day of the show. Space is limited-purchase your tickets now by phone or at the cafe during normal business hours. For more information about us and a full listing of our dishes for the event, please visit our Web site. What does the notice encourage readers to do online?A.Purchase tickets for an event. B.View a full dinner menu. C.Listen to samples of music. D.Read reviews of a performance.

考题 资料:The Oakview Cafe 12 Torpoint Hill, Aylesbury. Buckinghamshire. HP21 7SR 01632 399 196 www.aokviewcafc.co.uk The Oakview Cafe proudly presents Gordon Macaulay in a solo concert at 7 p.m. on 10 September .Mr. Macaulay is known for his poetic songs and fluid guitar playing. Lauren Tighe of The Aylesbury Record writes," Gordon Macaulay has one of the most melodious voices I have ever heard." Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear him in the intimate setting of the Oakview Cafe. Our award-winning chef, Lucas Brizard, will prepare a selection of unique dishes, but our regular menu items will also be available on the day of the show. Space is limited-purchase your tickets now by phone or at the cafe during normal business hours. For more information about us and a full listing of our dishes for the event, please visit our Web site. What is suggested about the Oakview Cafe? A.It opens for dinner at 7p.m. B.It advertises in a local newspaper. C.It is located in the city's business district. D.It is a small restaurant.

考题 Which two valid declarations of a char? ()A、 Char ch = “a”;B、 Char ch = ‘“‘ ‘;C、 Char ch = ‘cafe‘;D、 Char ch = “cafe”;E、 Char ch = ‘“ucafe‘;F、 Char ch = ‘“u10100‘;G、 Char ch = (char) true;

考题 统计学研究基本步骤是()。A、设计、搜集资料、整理资料、分析资料B、设计、搜集资料、调整资料、分析资料C、设计、搜集资料、调查资料、推断资料D、设计、整理资料、调查资料、推断资料E、设计、整理资料、调查资料、分析资料

考题 在油井、水井分析时,常用的静态资料有()。A、油层参数、储量资料、断层资料、压力资料B、油层参数、储量资料、断层资料、油气分布资料C、储量资料、断层资料、油层参数、含水资料D、油层参数、储量资料、压力资料、见水资料

考题 下列选项中,能有效声明一个字符的语句有()。A、char ch=’a’;B、char ch=’/’’;C、char ch=’cafe’;D、char ch="cafe";E、char ch=’/ucafe’;F、char ch=’/u10100’;G、char ch=(char)true;

考题 油井、水井分析的动态资料包括录取()。A、压力资料、产量资料、分层测试资料、完井资料B、压力资料、产量资料、油样分析、见水资料C、产量资料、油样分析、见水资料、作业资料D、压力资料、产量资料、作业资料、完井资料

考题 单选题统计学研究基本步骤是()。A 设计、搜集资料、整理资料、分析资料B 设计、搜集资料、调整资料、分析资料C 设计、搜集资料、调查资料、推断资料D 设计、整理资料、调查资料、推断资料E 设计、整理资料、调查资料、分析资料

考题 单选题统计资料的类型有()。A 计量资料、计数资料和等级资料B 数值资料、分类资料和计数资料C 分类资料、计数资料和等级资料D 计量资料、数值资料和等级资料E 半计量资料、数值资料和等级资料

考题 多选题Which two valid declarations of a char?()AChar ch = “a”;BChar ch = ‘/’ ‘;CChar ch = ‘cafe’;DChar ch = “cafe”;EChar ch = ‘/ucafe’;FChar ch = ‘/u10100’;GChar ch = (char) true;

考题 单选题Research into the Internet in China began in the ______.A 1980’sB 2000’sC Internet Cafe’sD 1990’s

考题 单选题The newly built cafe, the walls of ______ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.A thatB itC whatD which

考题 多选题下列选项中,能有效声明一个字符的语句有()。Achar ch=’a’;Bchar ch=’/’’;Cchar ch=’cafe’;Dchar ch=cafe;Echar ch=’/ucafe’;Fchar ch=’/u10100’;Gchar ch=(char)true;

考题 单选题The background music in the little cafe sounds softly and sweet to me.A backgroundB inC softlyD to

考题 问答题As Starbucks launches an aggressive expansion in China, a coffee frontier steeped in nearly, 5000 years of tea. The goal: to build hip hang-outs mat tap into a new taste for China’s emerging middle class. Starbucks China doesn’t plan any advertising, promotions, or other marketing strategies, aside from sponsoring an online coffee club and the occasional office-tower coffee tasting. Instead, the company is counting on selecting such high-visibility, high-traffic cafe locations that they market themselves. Its main advertising medium is the store itself.