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Waste Not,Want Not

1 Bob and Clara Darlington,who own and run a farm in the North of England,have always looked for
new ways of making money out of the produce they grow.Their success began when they established a shop
on their farm so that people could come and buy fresh vegetables directly from them.
2 The business was an immediate success,and soon scored top marks in a competition set up by the
Farm Retail Association to find the best farm shop in the country.The Association's inspectors found the
Darlingtons' shop offered excellent service and value for money as well as quality fruit and vegetables.
3 Clara Darlington is a trained chef and,in addition to a range of home-grown foods and other local
produce,she began offering a variety of prepared meals which she had made herself in the farmhouse kitchen.
A small cafe alongside the farm shop was soon added,with everything that visitors could taste on the menu
also being for sale in the shop.
4 Clara admits that starting the business was expensive,and she has worked very hard,but maintains
that if the product is good,the public will recognize this and buy it."I aim to offer the highest quality to our cus-
tomers,whether they come in for a loaf of bread,or take a whole dinner-party menu.I take it as a compliment
(恭维)if people take home one of my dishes to serve to their family and friends and get away with preten-
ding they made it themselves."
5 The couple realized that they had a surplus of misshapen or damaged vegetables grown on the farm
which were unsuitable for selling in the shop.Clara,not wishing to see them get thrown away,decided to turn
them into soup.
6 The soup met with the immediate approval of customers to the shop and Clara now produces ten
different varieties. She spent much of the summer traveling up and down to London by rail,doing presentations of
the soups.As a result,they are now served in first-class railway restaurant cars belonging to three companies
as well as being stocked by a number of high-class London stores.

Clara spent much of the summer going to London to__________.
A:sell fresh vegetables
B:turned them into soup
C:sell as much as possible
D:promote her soups
E:fill a gap in the market
F: offered a variety of prepared meals


解析:该段讲到他们参加了一场比赛,获得了最高分,产品得到了农场零售协会检查员的认 可。由此可知,A项与本段内容相符。
本段主要讲克拉拉?达灵顿是一位受过训练的厨师,她除了出售来自自家农场的食物 和本地出产的农产品外,还开设了一家小餐馆,顺便出售自制的食品,农场的经营变得越来越 专业。由此可知,F项与本段内容相符。
夫妇俩把那些不适合在商店出售的畸形的或是被弄坏的剩余蔬菜做成蔬菜汤,因此该 段标题应该是B项内容。
第三段的第一句“除了来自自家农场的食物和本地出产的农产品外,她开始在农家厨 房提供各式各样自己烹调的食物”提供了答案。
更多 “共用题干 Waste Not,Want Not1 Bob and Clara Darlington,who own and run a farm in the North of England,have always looked for new ways of making money out of the produce they grow.Their success began when they established a shop on their farm so that people could come and buy fresh vegetables directly from them.2 The business was an immediate success,and soon scored top marks in a competition set up by the Farm Retail Association to find the best farm shop in the country.The Association's inspectors found the Darlingtons' shop offered excellent service and value for money as well as quality fruit and vegetables.3 Clara Darlington is a trained chef and,in addition to a range of home-grown foods and other local produce,she began offering a variety of prepared meals which she had made herself in the farmhouse kitchen. A small cafe alongside the farm shop was soon added,with everything that visitors could taste on the menu also being for sale in the shop.4 Clara admits that starting the business was expensive,and she has worked very hard,but maintains that if the product is good,the public will recognize this and buy it."I aim to offer the highest quality to our cus- tomers,whether they come in for a loaf of bread,or take a whole dinner-party menu.I take it as a compliment (恭维)if people take home one of my dishes to serve to their family and friends and get away with preten- ding they made it themselves."5 The couple realized that they had a surplus of misshapen or damaged vegetables grown on the farm which were unsuitable for selling in the shop.Clara,not wishing to see them get thrown away,decided to turn them into soup.6 The soup met with the immediate approval of customers to the shop and Clara now produces ten different varieties. She spent much of the summer traveling up and down to London by rail,doing presentations of the soups.As a result,they are now served in first-class railway restaurant cars belonging to three companies as well as being stocked by a number of high-class London stores.Clara spent much of the summer going to London to__________.A:sell fresh vegetablesB:turned them into soupC:sell as much as possibleD:promote her soupsE:fill a gap in the marketF: offered a variety of prepared meals” 相关考题
考题 共用题干 第二篇Three Ways to Become More CreativeMost people believe they don't have much imagination.They are wrong. Everyone has imagination,but most of us,once we become adults,forget how to access it. Creativity isn't always connected with great works of art or ideas.People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems.Maybe you have a goal to achieve,a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind!Here are three techniques to help you.This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them.First,think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do.Then find an image,word,idea or object,for exam- pie,a candle.Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles:light,fire,matches,wax,night,silence, etc.Think of as many as you can?The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do?So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present,you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for thenight.Imagine that normal limitations don't exist. You have as much time/space/money,etc.as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities.If,for example,your goal is to learn to ski,you can now prac- tice skiing every day of your life(because you have the time and the money).Now adapt this to reality.May- be you can practice skiing every day in December,or every Monday in January.Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators(谈判者)use this technique in business; and so do writers.Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books.They ask questions: what does this character want?Why can't she get it?What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she dream about?If your goal involves other people,put yourself" in their shoes".The best fisher- men think like fish!According to the passage,when we become adults_______________.A:most of us are no longer creativeB:we are not as imaginative as childrenC:we can still learn to be more creativeD:we are unwilling to be creative

考题 共用题干 The White HouseWe got up early this morning and_______(1)a long walk after breakfast.We walked through the business section of the city.I told you yesterday that the city is larger _________(2)I thought it would be.__________(3)the business section is smaller than I thought it would be.I suppose that's________(4)Washington is a special kind of city.________(5)the people in Washington work for the government.About 9:30 we went to the White House.It's_________(6)to the public from 10 till 12,and there was a long line of people waiting to get in.We didn't have to wait very long,because the line moved__________(7)quickly.The White House is really white.It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns all around it,________(8)many trees and shrubs.The grounds_________(9)about four square blocks.I mean,they're about two blocks long _________(10)each side.Of course,we didn't see the whole building.The part _________(11)the President lives and works is not open to the public.But the part we saw was beautiful.We went through five of the main rooms.One of them was the library, on the ground floor.On the next floor,there are three rooms named_________(12) the colors that are used in them:the Red Room,the Blue Room,and the Green Room.The__________(13)are covered with silk cloth.__________(14)are many pieces of old furniture,from the time_________(15)the White House was first built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and other famous people from history._________(4) A:since B:as C:because D:because of

考题 共用题干 A Debate on the English LanguageA measure declaring English the national language is under intense debate in the United States .The US Senate passed two declarations last week.One calls English the nation's official lan-guage and the other says it is the “common and unifying(统一的)”tongue. But Americans found themselves divided on the issue.Since people worldwide know that most Americans speak only English,many can't understandwhy the issue is so controversial(有争议的).“The discussion is related to fears of immigration issues,”says Dick Tucker,a social scientist at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University.“It's related to a worry about the changing demography (人口统计)of the US It's a worry about who will continue to have political and economic influence.”In fact,the notion of protecting the language has been kicked around almost since the nation's founding. John Adams lobbied(游说)in 1780 for the creation of a national academy to correct and improve the English language.But his proposal died,since lawmakers saw it as a roy-alist(保皇主义者)attempt to define personal behavior.Since then,the country hasn't had a national language,but the idea of recognizing the special status of English lived on.The emotions surrounding language resurface(再次浮现)not because people feel comfortable with English .It is more about the discomfort many Americans feel with the new languages,says Walt Wolfram,a professor at North Carolina State University.“Language is never about language,”he says.According to the 2000 US Census Bureau report,of 209 million Americans over 18 years old, 172 million speak only English at home.About 37 million speak languages other than English. Among them,6 .5 million speak poor English and 3 .1 million don't speak English at all. Which of the following is the current debate NOT related to?A: The immigration issues.B: The changing demography.C: The worry about the new languages.D: The US's military strength.

考题 共用题干 第三篇The State of Marriage TodayIs there something seriously wrong with marriage today?During the past 50 years,the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded:almost 50% of marriages end in divorce now,and the evidence suggests it is going to get worse.If this trend continues,it will lead to the breakup of the family,according to a spokesper- son for the National Family Association.Some futurists predict that in 100 years,the average American will marry at least four times ,and extramarital(婚外的)affairs will be even more common than they are now.But what are the reasons for this ,and is the picture really so gloomy(阴暗的)?The answer to the first question is really quite simple:marriage is no longer the necessity it once was.The institution of marriage has been based for years partly on economic need.Women used to be economically dependent on their husbands一as they usually didn't have jobs outside the home.But with the rising number of women in well- paying jobs,this is no longer the case,so they don't feel that they need to stay in a failing marriage.In answer to the second question , the outlook may not be as pessimistic(悲观的)as it seems. While the rate of divorce has risen;the rate of couples marrying has never actually fallen very much,so marriage is stillquite popular. In addition to this,many couples now simply live together and don't bother to marry. These couples are effectively married,but they do not appear in either the marriage or divorce statistics.In fact, more than 50%of first marriages survive.So is marriage really an outdated institution?The fact that most people still get married indicates that it isn't. And it is also true that married couples have a healthier life than single people:they suffer less from stress and its consequences,such as heart problems,and married men generally consider themselves more contented than their single counterparts. Perhaps the key is to find out what makes a successful marriage and apply it to all of our relationships!Why is the outlook of marriage not as hopeless as it appears?A:Many people still like to get married.B:The rate of divorce has actually decreased.C:Over 60%of the marriages continue to exist.D:The statistics of divorce is reliable.

考题 共用题干 第一篇Grown-ups are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced still swim as well as ever since.A man when he gets back who has not hada chance to go swimming for years can in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away.He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son.A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins"Twinkle,twinkle,little star",remember the story of Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.One explanation is the law of overlearning,which can be stated as follows:Once we have learned something,additional learning trials(尝试)increase the length of time we will remember it.In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming,bicycle riding,and playing baseball long after we have learned them.We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as"Twinkle,twinkle,little star"and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldi-- locks.We not only learn but overlearn.The multiplication tables(乘法口诀表)are an exception to the general rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school,because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood.The law of overlearning explains why cramming(突击学习)for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade,is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course.By cramming,a studentmay learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination,but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned.A little overlearning,on the other hand,is really necessary for one's future development.According to the author,being able to use multiplication tables is________.A:a result of overlearningB:a special case of crammingC:a skill to deal with math problemsD:a basic step towards advanced studies

考题 The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation.A:furnish B:copy C:publish D:summarize

考题 共用题干 第二篇Preserving Nature for FutureDemands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe.Studies by the Council of Europe,of which 21 counties are members,have shown that 45 percent of reptile(爬行类的)species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr. Peter Baum,an expert in the environment and natural resources division of the council,when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park.The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the council's diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality,and Dr. Peter Baum had come to present it to the park once again.He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks,and that those set up in the 1960s nd 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr. Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments' needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right."No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction,"he went on. The short-sighted(眼光短浅的)view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the fu- ture."We forget that they are the guarantee of life systems,on which any built-up area ultimately depends," Dr. Baum went on,"We could manage without most industrial products,but we could not manage without nature.However,our. natural environment areas,which are the original parts of our countryside,have shrunk to become mere(纯粹的)islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land mass."In Dr. Baum's opinion,the view that a nature reserve should serve as a tourist attraction is_________.A:idealisticB:revolutionaryC:short-sightedD:traditional

考题 共用题干 第三篇The World CupThis summer's World Cup competition will see teams competing to play the world's best football. But the football they play will not all be of the same kind.The fans expect different styles of play from Brazil,Germany,or Italy.What makes Brazilian football Brazilian?Our style of playing football contrasts with the Europeans because of a combination of qualities of surprise,accuracy and good judgment. This style has won Brazil five world cups.Yet many Brazilian fans only count four of these victories.In 1994,the team abandoned this style for modem,scientific training and tactics.The team won the cup,but in a boring way.The Italians think differently."To many Italians,the score 0:0 has a glorious quality,suggesting perfection,"says the British football writer Simon Kuper. In the Italian culture,the idea of face is very important.This is why Italian teams are traditionally built around strong defenses.The Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff once said that Italian teams never exactly beat you.It's just that you often lose to them.In Holland,there is a tradition of decision making through argument and discussion. It is a society where everybody is expected to have a point of view."Every Dutch player wants to control the game,"says Arnold Muhren."You play football with your brains and not your feet.""A Dutch player argues,"says Simon Kuper."An English player obeys his superior. He is a soldier."The qualities valued in English football are military-strength,aggression and courage.This can make for exciting football.But it also means that the English find it difficult to use skillful players.David Beckham is usually criticized for his failure to defend一despite the fact that he is an attacker.If the English like to fight,the Germans like to win.In recent years,Germany has tried to change its image as a country of ruthless efficiency and a desire for victory at all costs.But Germans are quite happy for these qualities to remain in their national football team."Football is a simple game,"Gary Lineker once said."You kick a ball about for ninety minutes and in the end the Germans win."It's difficult to predict who will win this year's World Cup.There is no strong favorite.But a look at the track record of previous winners shows that it is the nations with the strongest national characteristics in the football that perform best. It seems that you need to know where you come from if you want to get to the top.What is one expected to do in Holland?A:To play football.B:To express his or her opinion freely.C:To make a fuss about nothing.D:To beat his or her opponents ruthlessly.