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Our offer remains open ()3 days。

  • A、at
  • B、for
  • C、in
  • D、on


更多 “Our offer remains open ()3 days。A、atB、forC、inD、on” 相关考题
考题 Will you please quote us ( ) the following items? A.aboutB.forC.inD.with

考题 The pictures remind me () the trip to the West. A、atB、onC、inD、of

考题 --Whattimedoyouexpectmeback,Mum?--Say,______halfanhour.A.atB.beforeC.inD.for

考题 2. My mother likes eggs and salad _________ breakfast.A.atB.forC.toD.of

考题 A:()did they have()lunch? B: Soup & fish. A、What/onB、What/forC、Where/inD、Who/for

考题 The trouble () the car is that it has to be repaired every few days.A、A toB、B forC、C inD、D with

考题 We should do our best to prepare ________ the final exam. A.atB.forC.toD.of

考题 The trouble ____ the car is that it has to be repaired every few days. A.toB.forC.inD.with

考题 We()you for 500 sets Sewing Machines at£50onCIF Lagos basis() June/July shipment.A、offer,onB、quote,forC、offer,inD、offer,for

考题 We offer firm CIF, Lagos shipment()30 days, subject to your reply here ()10 a.m., our time.A、within,withinB、for,byC、during,byD、in,untill

考题 We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall() against reply by cableA、kept openB、keep validC、be kept firmD、be keeping open

考题 The above information is given confidentially and without responsibility () our part.A、atB、onC、inD、for

考题 This offer is made()the clear understanding that if they are not completely()your liking, you can return them to us without any obligation whatever and()our own expense. A、at⋯to⋯atB、in⋯for⋯forC、in⋯in⋯forD、on⋯to⋯at

考题 We deem it()your advantage ()avail yourself()our offer for 2,000tons Linseeds. A、in⋯to⋯ofB、in⋯as⋯forC、to⋯to⋯ofD、of⋯as⋯for

考题 In the event of our acceptance of your offer we shall open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable in China against shipping documents.(英译中)

考题 The girl()the green suit was walking quickly away. A、atB、onC、inD、for

考题 Wewerestruckbytheextent___________whichteachers’decisionsservedtheinterestsoftheschoolratherthanthoseofthestudents.A)toB)forC)inD)with

考题 请选择(17)处最佳答案( )。A.atB.forC.afterD.with

考题 25.A.OnB.ForC.InD.At

考题 __________all our kindness to help her,Sarah refused to listen to us.A.AtB.ForC.InD.On

考题 The certificate shall have effect ______ all Chinese ports.A.toB.forC.inD.on

考题 Please report your position 4 hours ______ advance.A.atB.forC.inD.to

考题 He suddenly returned__________a rainy night.A.at B.on C.in D.during

考题 __________A.at B.by C.in D.on

考题 He ran()the direction of the school.A、atB、forC、inD、on

考题 Little Tom is used to getting up()eight every morning.A、atB、onC、inD、of

考题 单选题Our offer remains open ()3 days。A atB forC inD on