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请翻译下列句子Small Red Beans, 100MT Packed in single new gunny bags of about 100kgs each, gross for net.


更多 “请翻译下列句子Small Red Beans, 100MT Packed in single new gunny bags of about 100kgs each, gross for net.” 相关考题
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考题 请翻译下列句子Small Red Beans, 100MT Packed in single new gunny bags of about 100kgs each, gross for net.

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考题 问答题请翻译下列句子Small Red Beans, 100MT Packed in single new gunny bags of about 100kgs each, gross for net.

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考题 问答题请翻译下列句子 每只装入一个塑料袋,每10打装入一个纸盒中,每纸箱25个纸盒,共100箱。