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更多 “已知f=50Hz,Hz,d12=0.9m,Dg=500m,回路1,2的单位互阻抗为()。” 相关考题
考题 下面的子过程语句说明合法的是________。 A.Sub fib(ByRef i%())B.Sub fib(j%) As IntegerC.Functionf%(f%)D.Function f1!(ByValn%)

考题 已知有下面的过程Private Sub proc1(a As Integer,b As String,Optional x As Boolean)……End Sub正确调用此过程的语句是( )。A.Call procl(5)B.Call proc1 5,”abc”,FalseC.proc1(12,”abc”,True)D.proc1 5, “abc”

考题 设在工程中定义了下列类型: Type Stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 Strsex As String*1 Smark As Single End Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作 A. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname=smith .strsex=男 .smark=89 End With End Sub B. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End Sub C. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With Stutype .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End Sub D. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End student End Sub

考题 已知有下面过程: Private Sub proc1(a As Integer,b As String,Optional x As Boolean) ...... End Sub 正确调用此过程的语句是______。A.Call procl(5)B.Call procl 5,"abc",FalseC.procl(12,"abc",True)D.procl 5,"abc"

考题 ( 23 )已知有下面的过程( )Private Sub proc1 ( a As Integer,b As String,Optional x As Boolean )……End Sub正确调用此过程的语句是A ) Call procl ( 5 )B ) Call proc1 5, ” abc ” ,FalseC ) proc1 ( 12, ” abc ” ,True )D ) proc1 5, “ abc ”

考题 下面子过程语句说明合法的是( )。A.Function f1(By Valn%)B.Sub f1(n%)As IntegerC.Function f1%(f1%)D.Sub f1(ByValn%())

考题 下列子过程语句中正确的是 A.Sub f1(By Val()As Integer) B.Sub f1(n()As Integer)As Integer C.Function f1(f1 As Integer)As Integer D.Function f1(By Val f As Integer)

考题 (33)下列子过程语句的说明正确的是A.Sub f1(By Val x()As Integer) B.Sub f1(X%())As IntegerC.Function f1l%(f1%) D.Function f1%(x As Integer)

考题 以下程序的运行结果是sub(int x,int y,int *z){*z=y-x;}main(){ int a,b,c;sub(10,5,a);sub(7,a,b);sub(a,b,c);printf("M,M,M\n",a,b,c);}A.5,2,3B.-5,-12,-7C.-5,-12,-17D.5,-2,-7

考题 下面子过程说明合法的是( )。 A、Sub f1(ByVal n%())B、 Sub f1(%)As integerC、 Function f1%(f1%)D、 Function f1(ByVal n%)

考题 在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,并编写如下过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x AS Integer Static y As Integer x=10 y=5 Call f1(x, y) Print x,y End Sub Private Sub f1(ByRef x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer) x1=x1+2 y1=y1+2 End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,在窗体上显示的内容是______。A.10 5B.12 5C.10 7D.12 7

考题 下面程序的输出结果是。 Private Sub Commandl_Click ch$=“ABCDEF” proc ch:Print ch End Sub Private Sub proc(ch As Stnng) s=“” For k=Len(ch) TO 1 Step -1 s=sMid(ch,k,1) Next k ch=s End Sub A.ABCDEF B.FEDCBA C.A D.F

考题 下列子过程语句的说明正确的是( )。A.Sub f1(ByVal x()As Integer)B.Sub f1(x%())As IntegerC.Function f1%(f1%)D.Function f1%(x As Integer)

考题 在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,并编写如下程序: Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim x As integer Static y As integer x=10 y=5 Call f1(x,y) Print x,y End Sub Private Sub f1(ByRef xl As Integer,y1 As Integer) x1=x1+2 y1=y1+2 End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,在窗体上显示的内容是A.10 5B.12 5C.10 7D.12 7

考题 下列程序运行后的输出结果是______。Private Sub f(k,s)s=1For j=1 To ks=s*jNextEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Sum=0For i=1 To 3Call f(i,s)Sum=Sum+sNextPrint SumEnd Sub

考题 执行下面的一段C程序后,输出结果变量应为______。 sub (int x, int y, int *z) { *z=y-x; } main() { int a, b, c; sub (10, 5, sub(7, a, sub(a, b, printf ("%d, %d, %d\n", a, b, c); }A. 5, 2, 3 B. -5, -12, -7 C. -5, -12, -17 D. 5, -2, -7

考题 计算题:已知f1=50Hz,f2=1000Hz分别为两个正弦量的频率,分别求两个正弦量的角频率和周期。

考题 一台三相八极异步电动机的额定数据:PN=60kW,UN=380V,f1/sub1=50Hz,nN=727r/min,过载能力λm=2.13,问:产生最大转矩Tm时的转差率sm=()

考题 1. class Super {  2. private int a;  3. protected Super(int a) { this.a = a; }  4. }  .....  11. class Sub extends Super {  12. public Sub(int a) { super(a); }  13. public Sub() { this.a= 5; }  14. }  Which two, independently, will allow Sub to compile?()A、 Change line 2 to: public int a;B、 Change line 2 to: protected int a;C、 Change line 13 to: public Sub() { this(5); }D、 Change line 13 to: public Sub() { super(5); }E、 Change line 13 to: public Sub() { super(a); }

考题 设当前目录是根目录,使用第()组命令不能在一级子目录SUB1下建立二级子目录SUB11。A、CD SUB1(回车)MD SUB11B、MD SUB1/SUB11C、MD SUB11D、MD/SUB1/SUB11

考题 已知f=50Hz,Hz,d12=0.9m,Dg=900m,回路1,2的单位互阻抗为()。

考题 在RL串联电路中,已知R=40Ω,L=95.5mH,U=200∠0°V,f=50Hz,电路电流I=()A。

考题 计算题:已知f1=50HZ,f2=1000Hz分别为两个正弦量的频率,求两个正弦量的角频率和周期。

考题 单选题以下是子过程或函数过程定义中的开始语句,错误的为()。A Private Function f( x As String ) As SingleB Private Function f( x As String )C Private Sub f( x As String ) As SingleD Private Sub f( x As String )

考题 单选题已知某药口服肝脏首过效应很大,改用肌肉注射后( )。A ptsub1/2/sub减少,生物利用度也减少/pB ptsub1/2/sub不变,生物利用度增加/pC ptsub1/2/sub增加,生物利用度也增加/pD ptsub1/2/sub不变,生物利用度减少/pE ptsub1/2/sub和生物利用度皆不变化/p

考题 填空题已知f=50Hz,Hz,d12=0.9m,Dg=900m,回路1,2的单位互阻抗为()。

考题 单选题正态分布时,算术平均数、中位数、众数的关系为()A msub0/sub<msube/sub<(xB msub0/sub=msube/sub=(xC msub0/sub>msube/sub>(xD msube/sub<msub0/sub<(x

考题 多选题1. class Super {  2. private int a;  3. protected Super(int a) { this.a = a; }  4. }  .....  11. class Sub extends Super {  12. public Sub(int a) { super(a); }  13. public Sub() { this.a= 5; }  14. }  Which two, independently, will allow Sub to compile?()AChange line 2 to: public int a;BChange line 2 to: protected int a;CChange line 13 to: public Sub() { this(5); }DChange line 13 to: public Sub() { super(5); }EChange line 13 to: public Sub() { super(a); }